Chapter 581 What Are You!

On the open space under the stone steps, with different skin colors and different features, these geniuses from all over the world gathered here at this moment.

Compete against each other!

Tensions! !

Wang Teng’s eyes were calm, standing beside Tantai Xuan, chatting casually with Parrick on the side.

After the white man’s beard was limped by him, he thought that Xia Guo’s beauty might be really good-looking, so he kept beating next to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was full of black lines, feeling that he had taken himself into the pit.

He wants to throw his two big mouths very much now, why is it all right to brag about the beauty of Xia Guo!

No, you can’t let this old boy harm the beauty of Xia Guo.

“Are you beautiful Xia Guo as beautiful as you want Tantai Xuan?”

Parik clearly asked Wang Teng about this sentence through voice transmission, and he did not dare to ask it in front of Tan Taixuan.

Wang Teng’s eyes were weird. This old boy dared to hit Tantai Xuan’s idea. He asked via voice transmission: “You…interested in Tantai Xuan?”

“No, no, I don’t dare to be interesting to her.” Parrick shook his head repeatedly, denying in horror.

Wang Teng’s expression became more and more weird, what has this guy experienced? I was so afraid of it!

Seeing this scene on the side, Tantai Xuan couldn’t help but frown slightly, and glanced at the two suspiciously, always feeling that someone was talking about her.

Wang Teng and Parrick fell silent immediately, even if they were just talking through voice transmission, they couldn’t help but stop, watching their noses and noses, until Tan Taixuan turned his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Parrick, I treat you as a friend.” Wang Teng didn’t have a voice transmission this time. He grabbed Parrick’s shoulders and said with a heart-to-hearted expression: “There is something I don’t know if it is inappropriate to say it.”

“Since you treat me as a friend, just tell me if you have anything to say.” Parrick said straightforwardly.

“Actually, you don’t know that there is a country where women are better than Xia Guo.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh? Where?” Parrick’s eyes lit up and the chicken quickly asked.

“That’s a small country called Siam!” After Wang Teng finished speaking, he observed Parrick’s face and he was relieved when he saw that he was not very clear.

This world is a little different from his previous life. Due to the existence of star beasts, the barriers between countries in the world are much more severe than those in the previous life. Although there are still exchanges between big countries, it is not as convenient as the previous life.

Even if the big country is like this, the connection between the small countries is naturally even more blocked.

Parrick may have heard of Siam, but he may not know the situation there.

“Are the women over there more beautiful?” Parrick asked.

“It can be said that they have a very unique beauty with their own stories behind them. When you spend a good night with them, you will surely be surprised when you get up the next day.” Wang Teng said with a mysterious face.

“Really? I like girls with stories best.” Parrick felt even more chilled when he heard the words.

“Well, you can go and see if you have time.” Wang Teng nodded.

Having said that, the country of Siam (tai) is indeed a very magical place, and he feels that he has not lied to Parik.

As for whether he likes it or not, who knows, I haven’t tried it, and no one can guarantee it.

Maybe he will fall in love there.

“Well, I have a chance, I will definitely go there for a walk.” Parrick made a decision and said vowedly.


Wang Teng felt that the country of Siam should be grateful to him, after all, he has contributed to the country’s GDP growth.

Tantaixuan and others were confused when they heard it, and they didn’t know why Wang Teng introduced the kingdom of Siam to Parrick.

During the small talk, a group of people came over.

“Tan Tai Xuan!” The head was a white man with brown hair, tall and strong, walking in a swift step, walked closer, and his eyes swept over everyone.

“Ute!” Tan Taixuan’s eyes flashed, and she spoke lightly.

“Bald Eagle Country!” Wang Teng’s heart moved.

“Are these the warriors you played this time? They don’t seem to be very strong! Look at these young people, they are really tender.” The white man named Ute laughed.

Tantaixuan’s gaze swept across the young warriors behind Ute, and said in a calm tone: “If you are strong or not, you will know if you are strong or not.”

“You really haven’t changed at all, you’ve always looked like this self-esteem.” Ute seemed to be stimulated by her appearance, and said with an ugly face.

“So what?” Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up, and it seems that Ute and Tantaixuan have a grudge!

“Don’t think it was great to defeat me at the beginning. You didn’t win the championship at the exchange meeting at the same time. In the end, it was not the warrior who lost to our Bald Eagle country.” Ute said with a gloomy expression.

“Let him come now, believe it or not, I will slap him to death with a palm.” Tantai Xuan suddenly exploded. The defeat at the beginning was simply her shame, and Ute actually dared to mention it.

Wang Teng felt the evil spirit and resentment radiating from Tantai Xuan, and quickly avoided a few steps.

The grumpy woman is terrible!

Ute also couldn’t help but stepped back, looking at Tantai Xuan in front of him, as if recalling something bad, his eyes showed a trace of horror.

“Hmph, if you want to fight him, go find him yourself.” Ute snorted coldly, looked at Wang Teng and others, and sneered: “This time it is a new generation confrontation. I hope that you, Xia Guo, will not be defeated. It’s too miserable.”

Tan Taixuan ignored him, her eyes glowed dangerously, and she turned her head and said to Wang Teng and the others: “When you see him so arrogant, don’t you have anything to say?”

“…” Everyone was speechless, it was obvious that you were upset with others, but now you are pulling them all in.

But these people from the Bald Eagle Country really didn’t listen to what they said. When the time comes, they will be in the ring.

“I went to the ring and encountered these sand sculptures of the Bald Eagle Country, and beat me to death. Did you hear that?” Tan Taixuan snorted coldly.

“I heard it!” Wang Teng grinned and responded loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Ji Xiuming and the others had already seen each other upset, and they responded one after another.

Ute’s face turned black. These Xia people didn’t put them in their eyes at all, and they beat them to death. Why are you so big-faced?

The bald eagle national warriors behind him were furious, staring coldly at Wang Teng and others.

“Just by you? One by one, like little chickens, I can squeeze to death with one hand.” A handsome blond man behind Ute said contemptuously.

“There are also these few children who have not even reached the rank of quasi-war generals, are you here to play?” Another tall brown-haired man sneered.

“Foster, Quincy, don’t say that, don’t be so harsh with the children, they are already very good, and you should start with a lighter when the time comes.” A curly-haired woman with a fiery figure and a charming face giggled. : “Especially these little handsome guys, don’t break their handsome faces.”

While talking at Wang Teng, Ji Xiuming and others blinked.

Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng and the others have the same expressions. How can they be seduced by a mere crooked nut because they are such a arrogant who see so many beauties in China.

Moreover, what these people said made Ji Xiuming and others’ hearts rise in anger. How could they ever receive such contempt and treat them like children?

Qu Fei, Zhu Yunshao and the others immediately put their hands on the shoulders of Ji Xiuming, and they were really afraid that they would start their hands on the spot on an impulse.

“This young lady, my face is so thick that I can’t beat it badly.” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ji Xiuming and others: “…”

Zhu Yunshao and others: “…”

Tan Tai Xuan: “…”

God can’t be beaten, this bitch!

When is it all, there is still time to slap your mouth.

The curly-haired woman was stunned. Obviously, she didn’t expect that Wang Teng would not play the cards according to common sense. He could not bear the provocation by other young people. As a result, the young man in front of him could still look grinning. , As if not angry at all.

“Miss Sister, I’m so handsome, do you want to make an appointment? I don’t mind the older one.” Wang Teng said again.

“…” Martha!

So cheap!

At this time she believed that the young man in front of her might have a really thick face, the kind that can’t be beaten.

Tan Taixuan and others are even more speechless, does this guy still have a bit of discipline?

“Boy, take back what you said just now.” The blond man Fords suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked at Wang Teng coldly, and said.

“If I don’t.” Wang Teng put away the smile on his face and said lightly.

“Then I will let you know what regret is in the ring.” Ford said coldly with a cold face on his handsome face.

“Fuck!” Wang Teng opened his eyes, and a bright light shot out and pierced his opponent’s eyes. At this time, he no longer had a hippie smile, but was like a terrifying behemoth awakening from a deep sleep, exuding a breathtaking breath, contemptuously. He said coldly: “What are you.”

Fords looked shocked, his mind was shaken, and he couldn’t help taking a step back.


“No matter how nonsense, you beat your parents to the point that they don’t even know you.” Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and he scanned the rest of the Bald Eagle Country: “The same for you!”

The expressions of the people in the Bald Eagle Country changed drastically, looking at the youth who had suddenly become tyrannical together, they were really unbelievable.

Obviously, just now he was so awkward, how come he suddenly changed himself, isn’t this guy a lunatic?

However, the momentum of this guy…

They were terrified.

“What a big tone!” Ute looked at Wang Teng deeply and snorted coldly.

“My Xia Guo’s younger generation is so hard-spirited, you are not convinced.” Tan Taixuan said with a smile.

The atmosphere on both sides instantly solidified, and the warriors from other countries all looked over with a lively expression.

These two great powers representing the world’s top strength have always been dissatisfied with each other. The collision at the exchange meeting is also expected. I don’t know who will win this time?

At this moment, a figure in a white robe walked down from the stone steps.

“The priest of the temple!”

Someone exclaimed.

Parrick on the side suddenly looked solemn and stood respectfully with his head down.

Tantai Xuan also became serious, staring at the white robe figure who walked down the stone steps.

Everyone in the Bald Eagle Country stopped talking, looking at the figure in the white robe.

(Seeing a reply from a book friend, saying that the warlord level is a bit confused, the author will explain here, 10 star warlord, 11 star low warrior, 12 star middle warrior, 13 star high warrior Level! The author counts the quasi-combatant level as the warlord level. You may not figure it out, which caused you inconvenience. The author apologizes for the inconvenience!)

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