Chapter 567 King? Encyclopedia? Teng!

While Wang Teng was practicing [Ancient God Body], the three marshals walked out of the residence at the same time and looked up at the sky.

“Do you feel it?” Long Shuai, who was burly in shape, said in a narrow voice.

“Very violent fluctuations, but unfortunately they disappeared too fast to find a place.” Hong Shuai said with a thin body but extremely bright eyes.

The remaining elegant old man is Yong Shuai. His eyes flickered and said, “I don’t know who can cause such a big movement?”

“You said, could it be Old Wu…” Long Shuai was interrupted before he finished speaking.

“Old dragon, be careful!” Yong Shuai and Hong Shuai said in unison.

“Got it! Got it!” Long Shuai muttered with a dull expression on his face: “If you study it, you can study it. If you don’t study it, you can’t study it. It’s boring to hide and hide.”

Yong Shuai and Hong Shuai ignored him directly.

The three of them searched again, but found nothing in the end, they could only return to their respective residences angrily.

Wang Teng didn’t know that the movement caused by the practice of [Ancient Divine Body] attracted the attention of the three marshals. To be honest, the scene was really beyond his surprise.

Previously, the [Ancient God Body] was upgraded with a blank attribute. Naturally, no external force was needed, and others would not be able to detect any abnormalities.

But now he is practicing [Ancient God Body] with the Eight Classics, and he takes a formal cultivation path. It requires too much force, and it will inevitably attract the attention of others, and find that his cultivation method is different.

When the right time comes, he doesn’t mind exposing higher-level cultivation techniques to the public, but now is obviously not the time.

He hasn’t walked the road himself, so why let others go.

What’s more, he also has selfish motives, how can he tell others about such a powerful technique of [Ancient God Body].

When you really get the ordinary Star Force cultivation technique in the future, even if you tell others, Wang Teng will not feel distressed.

“It seems that the direction of the martial arts leaders is not wrong.” Wang Teng secretly said in his heart.

The force of the stars is indeed transformed from the ordinary force, and the next stage of the human cultivation system must be to transform the force into the force of the stars, so as to advance to a higher domain.

Wang Teng thought silently, and various thoughts flashed in his mind.

He had already touched the transformation process of the Star Force, and he felt somewhat inwardly.

If he can integrate that transformation method into the several heavenly-level cultivation techniques he currently masters, can he create a new cultivation method for the Star Force?

Wang Teng thought of this, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Just do it if he thinks it. He not only mastered a lot of high-level exercises, but also many low-level exercises, ranging from the yellow rank to the sky rank.

If you talk about the reserve of exercises, I’m afraid no one can compare to him.

You can call him later-Wang·Encyclopedia·Teng!

A curve of Wang Teng’s mouth appeared, closed his eyes, immersed in his mind, and deduced the Star Force technique in his mind.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Tan Taixuan came to tell Wang Teng to go out for dinner.

Wang Teng opened the door with two panda eyes. He underestimated the difficulty of creating exercises. It was not a human task at all.

After tossing all night, he felt that his head was about to explode.

However, there is no ghost use. Although it does have some experience, it is still a thousand miles away from creating a real Star Force technique.

“What’s wrong with you…?” Tantai Xuan asked in surprise.

“It’s nothing, I didn’t sleep well last night.” Wang Teng said casually.

“I didn’t sleep well?” Tan Taixuan glanced at him suspiciously, as if thinking of something, her complexion suddenly became a little weird: “Young man, be restrained!”


Wang Teng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: “Take control of your big-headed ghost, where are you thinking about it.”

“Isn’t it?” Tan Taixuan squinted at him.

“It’s definitely not good, I’m so handsome, so I can do that kind of thing?” Wang Teng said silently.

“I don’t understand what that kind of thing is, I just told you not to stay up late.” Tan Taixuan said.

“…” Wang Teng.

Tan Taixuan smiled triumphantly when he saw his aggrieved look: “Sample, dare to play with me!”

Obviously, she was taking revenge on what happened last night.

The two had breakfast and were ready to go back.

“What are your plans these days?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“No plan, go back to practice.” Wang Teng actually didn’t give up, and decided to go back and work on the exercises.

“It’s all here, I’ll take you to a good place.” Tantai Xuan smiled mysteriously and said.

“Oh, where?” Wang Teng showed a hint of interest when he saw her.

“I’ll know when I go.” Tan Taixuan said: “But that place needs to spend some contribution points.”

“Contribution points!” Wang Teng naturally knows what contribution points are.

Generally, people who perform tasks or make great contributions will receive contribution points awarded by the military, and these contribution points can be exchanged for various resources in the military or official departments.

Speaking of which, he has made a lot of contributions.

Before he knew it, he had already made a lot of contributions to mankind, arresting dark spies, the Battle of Star Maple City, the East China Sea Beast Riot… all of these he had done a lot, and all of them had accumulated contribution points for him.

It’s just that Wang Teng has never lacked any resources, so he didn’t use it.

The two walked all the way to the depths of the military zone and stopped in front of a heavily guarded building.

“Two, please show your identification.” The guard at the door stepped forward and stopped them.

Wang Teng and Tantaixuan showed their identity certificates, and the three guards saluted, and said without arrogance or humbleness: “Lieutenant General Tantai, Major General Wang, please come in!”

The two of them walked into the building and took the elevator straight to the basement.

Very similar to the underground space seen yesterday, a silver-white corridor appeared before the eyes, and the two walked forward.

Tan Taixuan said: “The place I want to take you is called virtual reality!”

“Virtual reality!” Wang Teng’s heart moved: “Isn’t this the same thing as the virtual reality cabin in our school?”

“If it is the same, why should I bring you here.” Tantai Xuan said with a smile.

“Oh?” Wang Teng looked at her curiously.

“This virtual reality is more advanced than the virtual reality combat cabin. You will know the details later.” Tan Taixuan said with a mysterious face.

The two said that they came to a huge underground hall. There were closed cabins like coffins around the hall, and many people were lying in them at the moment.

“Swipe the contribution points, and then lie down.” Tan Taixuan said, brushing the contribution points on her own, and lay down in an empty closed cabin.

Wang Teng looked around and couldn’t help shook his head. What a big deal must be kept secret.

He followed the steps of Tantaixuan and brushed the contribution points, and suddenly an ethereal voice sounded in the enclosed cabin:

“Dear Major General Wang Teng, hello, and welcome to use the virtual reality system. Ten hours into the virtual reality system requires 1,000 contribution points. Do you want to enter?”

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