Chapter 566

That night, Wang Teng and Tantaixuan lived in the Xiadu Military Region.

Wang Teng is now the rank of major general, and counting, he undoubtedly belongs to the military department. He lives in the military area, which makes sense.

The military area has accommodations specially provided for outsiders, and the treatment is not low.

Under the guidance of a sergeant, through a cobblestone path, a series of simple lofts appeared in front of them. They were so exquisite that people could not imagine that there were such residences in the military district, which has always been known for its simplicity.

Seeing Wang Teng’s surprise, Tantai Xuan said, “The main function of this place is to receive foreign guests. Naturally, it can’t be too shabby.”

Wang Teng suddenly nodded, and looked at Tantai Xuan’s familiarity with the road. Obviously, he was not here for the first time.

“The attics of 03, 05, and 08 are all empty, Major General Wang can choose one of his own.” said the sergeant who led the way.

“Let’s be 08, I’m here to make a fortune this summer, so I choose this number auspicious.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said with a certainty.

Pathfinder Sergeant: “…”

Tan Taixuan rolled her eyes silently.

“Well, you go and do your job, here we don’t have to worry about it.” Tan Taixuan said to the sergeant who led the way.


When the lead sergeant left, Wang Teng asked in surprise, “Teacher, where do you live?”

Tan Taixuan frowned and said, “Don’t call me a teacher. Your kid is no weaker than me now. In the world of martial arts, you can talk to my peers based on strength.”

Wang Teng did not expect that she would say this suddenly, and was a little surprised, and then said with a serious face: “Being a teacher for a day and a mother for the rest of my life…”

Tantai Xuan suddenly covered black lines.

Shentemo is a teacher for a day and a mother for life!

This kid really can’t spit out ivory from his mouth.

“Ahem, I was wrong, I was wrong. This is not the point. The point is that I always treat you as a teacher.” Wang Teng coughed and said, “You have taught me a lot of things before, even Red Tiger. The Legion did not hesitate to stand up for me that time. I remember all these things in my heart.”

Tan Taixuan glanced at Wang Teng and said in her heart that this kid is still a bit conscientious, but there is no change on her face, she stretched out, and said lazily: “Okay, don’t mention the past. , If you really remember me, call me sister later.”

“That’s OK, I’ll call you Sister Xuan from now on.” Wang Teng also knew that as his own strength changed, if he insisted on the name of master and apprentice, it would be embarrassing for Tantai Xuan, and fortunately he accepted it.

Tan Tai Xuan nodded, pointed to the attic next to it and said, “This is my residence. Call me something.”

Wang Teng then saw that there was a house number with the word “Xuan” on the attic, and he and Tantai Xuan had an exclusive attic here!

“Why don’t I have this treatment?” He was a little dissatisfied.

Anyway, he is now at the major general level, and he is about to play for the country, so he still doesn’t enjoy this treatment.


It seems that you have to talk to the three marshals next time.

“Wait until you reach the lieutenant general.” Tantai Xuan chuckled, and walked to the attic, leaving Wang Teng with a ruthless back.

Wang Teng was taken aback, and then reacted, he was ridiculed.

Tantai Xuan is indeed the bad character Tantai Xuan.

“Without the name of a master and apprentice in the future, I won’t let you anymore, hum!” Wang Teng glared at Tan Taixuan’s bumpy body and muttered.

Tan Taixuan seemed to feel the presumptuous gaze, her body stiffened, she turned her head abruptly, and a pair of murderous eyes fell on Wang Teng.

However, what greeted her was a pair of innocent and pure eyes.

“Use that look to see it again, and the eyes will be dug out for you.” Tan Taixuan put down a ruthless word, closed the door and disappeared in front of Wang Teng’s eyes.

“Ha, work hard outside!” Wang Teng seemed to have discovered something interesting, and shook his head with a smile.

Attic No. 08, Wang Teng sat on the bed, sinking into the property panel.

[Star Force (Fire)]: 22

His mind was fixed on the original force of the stars, and when he sensed it carefully, he found that the original fire force seemed to be mixed with a trace of a more peculiar fire force.

At the next moment, Wang Teng opened his eyes and stretched out his hand. The fire system force gushed out of his body, forming a ball of flame in his palm.

And at this moment, among the scarlet flames were strands of even hotter flames.

Wang Teng carefully peeled it off, and finally formed a small crimson flame. This flame was darker in color, higher in temperature, and obviously more lethal.

“According to the martial arts leader, this star force is transformed from ordinary force.”

Wang Teng stared at the crimson flame in his hand, all he thought.

“If this is the case, a medium is needed between the two, and this medium is likely to be a more advanced force technique.”

“The reason why the earth and planet humans stayed at the warlord level and did not advance any further is because of the lack of advanced cultivation methods.”

Wang Teng frowned and thought, suddenly his heart moved.

“[Ancient Divine Body] is obviously a stronger and more advanced technique, but this technique focuses on the physical body and does not cultivate the original power…”

“That’s not right, I remember that when I upgraded the ancient god body, there seemed to be some kind of energy in the body, which was somewhat similar to the force of the stars.”

“It’s just… that energy is more pure and does not belong to any attribute.”

While recalling his feelings at the time, Wang Teng opened the [Ancient God Body] and realized the mystery.


His heart was beating vigorously, and the blood rolled in his body, watering the flesh and bones, causing a powerful force to emerge in his body.

At the center of his eyebrows, a mysterious golden trace appeared!

Wang Teng operated according to the [Ancient God Body] cultivation method, and suddenly a loud bang came from his body, and a huge suction force gushed from his body.

It was night, and the stars were hanging high.

Suddenly, all the stars seemed to be shining together, and the force between the heavens and the earth crazily gathered towards him.

These original forces are not limited to one type. The original forces of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice… all attributes are gathered and transformed into a kind of extremely pure energy according to the operation route of the [Ancient God Body], and finally merged into it. In his physical body.

“Sure enough!” Wang Teng only circulated, feeling the drastic changes in the outside world, and immediately stopped the [Ancient God Body] cultivation.

A thick shock of shock could not help appearing in his eyes. This [Ancient God Body] was really overbearing and abnormal, and it was able to absorb the original power of all attributes and use it all for himself.

It’s no wonder that the ancient gods used to absorb thousands of stars to promote themselves, and the path they took was really too powerful.

“If I guessed correctly, the force just now was transformed into the force of the stars!” Wang Teng took a deep breath and calmed down, with guesswork in his heart.

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