Chapter 564 Alien creatures!

“I don’t know!” Wang Teng was a bachelor and responded directly.

After the initial shock, his mood has calmed down. Although the martial arts leader is worthy of respect, there is no need to be too awed.

If it were before, Wang Teng might not have been able to be so calm.

But now, his strength has reached the warlord level, and he is confident that he will soon reach the level of the three marshals and even the martial arts leader, so the awe in his heart is not so strong.

This may be the so-called heart of the strong!

The martial arts leader didn’t care about his tone, but there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and smiled: “Let’s go, take you to a place.”

After speaking, he walked out of the gate, the three marshals looked at each other, and then walked out of the hall.

“There are things that can’t be said clearly all at once, and they have to be circumscribed.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes, slandering in his heart.

Several people took the elevator down, but it was not the elevator that Wang Teng had just come up.

Soon, the elevator stopped, the door opened, and a bright underground space appeared in front of him.

There was a long corridor in front of them. The martial arts leaders stepped forward. There were many figures in white coats walking hurriedly around. They saw the martial arts leaders and the three marshals hurriedly saluting, until they walked away, they straightened up. .

Wang Teng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he saw these white coats.

Fogweed, shouldn’t they just want to slice him for research? ?

Then does he run or not?

The problem is that he still can’t beat the martial arts leaders and them!

Wang Teng struggled incomparably, and followed the martial arts leader and others to walk forward until he came to a huge room like a science fiction laboratory.

The door of this room is very thick, and through the window you can see that the staff inside are extremely tightly wrapped, the white overalls are like space suits.

The viewing angle of the window is limited, except for the staff, only some high-end advanced instruments can be seen, and the rest cannot be seen.

“Using the original force to form protection on the outside of the body,” the martial arts leader said.

Then opened the door.

There is a sterilization scanning area inside the door, and everyone can enter the room through a door inside after scanning and sterilization in all directions.

Wang Teng was secretly surprised, what on earth did this place do? Just enter the door, so strict.

He hesitated for a while, and finally, as the martial arts leader said, he covered his whole body with the original force and entered the room.

You can’t run away. Since you can’t resist, why don’t you see what they are going to do to bring him here?

These people are all commander-level powerhouses, so there is no need to wear rigorous protective clothing like the staff inside.

As soon as Wang Teng entered it, his eyes swept around.

His gaze quickly settled on a huge enclosed cabin in the front right, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Inside the closed cabin was a humanoid creature about three meters high with scales attached to its entire body. Even its face was covered with scales. There was a single horn on top of its head, glowing with metallic luster, which made it look like it. Somewhat ferocious.

“What is this?” Wang Teng was surprised.

He also noticed that the limbs of this creature were shackled by rune handcuffs, and thick iron chains were tied to the body. Some iron chains even penetrated directly through its body, completely locking it.

At the same time, there are still many tubes inserted into this creature’s body, seeming to be drawing something from its body.

“He is still alive!?”

This picture made Wang Teng agitated.

Sure enough, this place is a laboratory for studying biology, so terrifying!

But it’s very kind without slicing!

Suddenly, Wang Teng’s eyes moved, and he saw that as the tube was drawn, two attribute bubbles suddenly appeared in the creature’s body.

“Huh?” Wang Teng glanced at the martial arts leader and others without a trace. If he used his mental power at this time, he would definitely be noticed.

But if he doesn’t use mental power, he won’t even be able to touch it.

How to do?

Pick it up or not?

Wang Teng was entangled. If he was facing other people in other places, it would be fine. But this place is an extremely important research place, and in front of him are the martial arts leaders and the three marshals.

If he rashly uses his mental power, he is afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

Wang Teng hesitated for a moment, but gave it up temporarily, waiting for the opportunity to pick it up again.

Then he moved his heart, opened the eyes of spiritual vision, and looked at the creature.

“Huh?” Wang Teng’s heart was shocked. From the creature’s body, he saw an extremely unique force color, which was different from any force he had seen before.

“What kind of force is this?” Wang Teng’s heart was itchy, and his curiosity about the scale creatures continued to rise. When he looked at the two attribute bubbles, he couldn’t wait to pick them up immediately.

This kind of creature is obviously not a star beast, nor is it a dark species, otherwise it won’t be this kind of force.

He couldn’t help but look at the martial arts leader and others, presumably they brought him here to see this creature.

Sure enough, the martial arts leader said something to the person in charge of this research room, then turned his head and asked Wang Teng, “Do you know what this is?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Teng shook his head, waiting for the other party to answer.

“This is… an alien creature!” The martial arts leader was silent for a moment and said slowly.

“Alien creatures?!!!” Wang Teng was taken aback. He didn’t expect that the creature in front of him had come from outside the earth and stars.

“This world is vaster than we thought!” The martial arts leader said with emotion.

Wang Teng was silent for a while.

Another world, the dark world, the starry sky of the universe!

He felt that this world was really getting more and more incomprehensible, even if he had captured the corpse of the ancient gods from the stars in the space cracks, but he always thought that it was a creature in another world.

But now someone actually told him that in the world they were in, there were also some powerful species in the starry sky.

“How could this creature…” Wang Teng said, and he paused, wondering if he should ask.

“You want to ask how we got caught and study, right?” The martial arts leader laughed.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded.

“About eighteen years ago, an alien spacecraft crashed onto an island in the ocean of stars. At that time, the spacecraft had an accident. The movement caused by the falling star was not small. Various countries moved out and found it. , And arrested several extremely injured creatures in the spacecraft. After a lot of controversy at that time, some big countries have obtained the ownership of these creatures, and we Xia Guo is one of them.” Wu Daoling briefly explained a few things. sentence.

Wang Teng slapped his tongue, looked at the face of the martial arts leader, and hesitated to ask questions: “Then we will take them to study?”

“Ahem, I didn’t intend to study it originally, but these creatures don’t cooperate, and they are very powerful. If it weren’t for serious injuries at the time, it would be a disaster for the earth and stars.” The martial arts leader said with a dry cough.

Wang Teng glanced at him and said nothing. Is this really the case?

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