Chapter 563 Martial Arts Leader (2 in 1 4000+)

Old Han appeared in front of everyone, obviously his injury had improved.

At this time, let alone Chen Ruifan’s unbelief, even the two alchemy masters Ji Xinshui and Xu Heyu felt a little weird.

Wang Teng actually healed the injuries that the three of them couldn’t solve.

This Wang Teng is truly extraordinary!

The so-called master’s name, they have believed in seven or eight points at the moment.

With this method, it can be regarded as a master.

Cui Heng believed it too, feeling a little embarrassed. He had persuaded Wang Teng so hard before, but in the end he was passionate. Wang Teng is already a master of alchemy, and his attainments may still be higher than him. What needs him to worry about.

However, it is a great thing to think that Wang Teng is still a student of the Yellow Navy Academy.

With him, Huang Haijun Academy now has two alchemy masters.

“Wang Teng, thank you very much this time!” Old Han put a smile away and said to Wang Teng solemnly.

He really thought that his life should be dead, but he didn’t expect that Wang Teng would pull him back from the ghost gate again. This was the grace of life.

“You always want to thank me, so let’s wait until I completely heal your injury. Now it’s only under control.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s good to live for two more years.” Old Han smiled indifferently.

Wang Teng smiled and didn’t say a word. Old Han probably knew that only the Grandmaster Realm could save him, but Wang Teng wanted to reach the Grandmaster Realm in two years. He felt it was nothing short of a fantasy.

He knew very well that even in the other world, there were not many alchemists in the Grandmaster Realm, and they were all hundreds of years old. It was not easy for Wang Teng to reach the master realm at this age.

One step further, he felt that Wang Teng could reach it, but it was definitely not two years later.

Chen Ruifan stayed without face anymore, turned around with his apprentice, and left. Even from the conversation between Wang Teng and Han Lao just now, he had already heard that Wang Teng had not completely cured Han Lao, but Wang Teng gave Han Lao two. Years of life.

You know, they had no way before. In that case, it would be good for Mr. Han to live for five days.

If he said anything at this time, he would be condemning himself for being boring. Ji Xinshui and Xu and Yu noticed Chen Ruifan’s departure, but didn’t care. Seeing him deflated, they felt a little gloating in their hearts.

At this time they came up and talked with Wang Teng.

At such a young age, he has reached the realm of a master. If such a person does not make friends, he is not a fool.

And this Wang Teng obviously has a method they don’t know, just can communicate and make progress together.

The two came forward, one by one, Master Wang, as if putting Wang Teng in an equal position, they were extremely enthusiastic.

“By the way, what Master Cai Wang used is the fire of heaven and earth?” Ji Xinshui couldn’t help being curious, hesitated, and asked.

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, “Yes, it’s a kind of fire of heaven and earth called Qingyu Liuliyan!”

As he said, he raised his hand, and a cluster of cyan flames rose up like a magnificent cyan flower, and the scorching temperature instantly diffused.

With his current strength, naturally he is not worried about someone peeping at his things.

Tan Taixuan and Han Laoben communicated with each other, and felt the heat emanating from the sapphire glaze flame, and they couldn’t help but walk over.

“When the sea beast rioted before, I felt that you seemed to have used a certain flame supernatural power, which turned out to be it.” Old Han looked at the blue flame in Wang Teng’s hand strangely, and said thoughtfully.

“It’s just good luck, I got it by fluke.” Wang Teng said.

“You luck, we want it too!” Ji Xinshui and Xu Heyu sighed with envy.

“It’s not easy to see the fire of heaven and earth, let alone to subdue it.” Ji Xinshui shook his head immediately.

Xu Heyu nodded in agreement.

Envy belongs to envy, but the two are masters after all, and their temperaments are fair, so they won’t lose their minds.

Several people talked a few more words. After the two masters invited Wang Teng to share his alchemy experience more freely, they said goodbye and left.

The next day, Wang Teng confessed to his family, and together with Tan Taixuan, he embarked on a military fighter plane heading to Xiadu.

Nowadays, the sky domain is becoming more and more dangerous, especially after the sea beast riots in the East China Sea, all parts of the country have increased their vigilance.

At this time, the military fighters they were riding in were equipped with extremely powerful rune weapons, even if they encountered flying star beasts, they could also be shot down.

Of course, ordinary people are not eligible to ride this military fighter.

The military fighters were extremely fast, and within half an hour they had already leaped over most of Xia’s territory and reached the sky above a mountain range.


Suddenly the sound of birds and birds screamed in the sky, piercing through the golden cracked rocks, forming sound waves, and rolling in.

The military fighter suddenly trembled and seemed to suddenly change its direction.

The two felt abnormal, Tantaixuan’s expression remained unchanged, and she asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Report, it’s an ice feather eagle!” the sergeant in front responded.

“Shoot it down!” Tantai Xuan’s expression was slightly cold, and he ordered.


In the sky, a white-feathered vulture spread its wings. Its body was one-third the size of a military fighter plane. It was extremely majestic. Its mouth was hook-shaped and extremely sharp, and its eyes shot out cold light.

Wang Teng’s mental power protruded from the center of his eyebrows, hovering in the sky, perceiving the situation of the outside world.

“6 stars!”

He immediately sensed the level of this ‘ice feather buzzard’, his expression remained unchanged.

It’s only 6 stars, you can kill it at your fingertips!

However, the attributes of this ice feather vulture aroused his interest.

Ice department!

His ice force is now only 7-star warrior level. If a large number of ice-based star beasts give him a wave of wool, it will be easy to upgrade to the warlord level.

I wonder if there are many ice feather vultures?

Wang Teng touched his chin and thought.

The ice feather vulture outside shuddered suddenly and inexplicably, feeling a strong malice enveloping it.

A trace of doubt flashed in its eyes: “What’s the matter?”

But the malice came quickly and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant. The ice feather eagle’s eyes became cold again, looking at the military fighter in front of him.

Military fighter planes hovered in the sky, and a rune light appeared on the outer shell, condensing a golden light, which suddenly shot out.


The ice feather vulture was taken aback, and drew sideways, with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

that’s all?

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, several golden rays of light suddenly shot out, piercing the wings and body of the ice feather eagle.

The ice feather vulture let out a painful cry, and its body plunged to the ground.

In front of military fighter planes, this ice feather eagle was so vulnerable.

Several attribute bubbles fell out, and were swept back by Wang Teng with mental power.

【Ice Force*50】

【Ice Force*65】

【Ice Force*48】

“Sure enough!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and then he said: “Can you open the cargo compartment door?”

The sergeant in front looked at Tantaixuan, who nodded.

The cargo compartment door at the back of the fighter opened slowly, and the wind entered. Fortunately, there were no other items inside, otherwise it would be swept away by the wind.

Under the control of an invisible force, the undead ice feather eagle flew from a distance and entered the cargo hold.

The hatch is closed!

Wang Teng walked into the cargo hold and looked at the front of him being constrained by mental power, his eyes were no longer cold, only the frightened ice feathered eagle was left, touching his chin and thinking.

“What are you doing with this ice feather eagle?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“My ice elemental force level is a bit too low, this ice feather vulture’s ice element pronuclear should help me a little.” Wang Teng said casually.

“How many Stars is your Ice Force Force now?” Tan Taixuan asked curiously.

Wang Teng’s Five Elements Force is so dazzling that she has long overlooked the ice force that Wang Teng first demonstrated.

“7-star warrior level!” Wang Teng said.

“…” Tan Taixuan.

Is this still human?

No one knows how long it will take to reach the 7-star warrior level. Wang Teng actually thinks it is too low.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking when seeing her look weird.

“Nothing.” Tantai Xuan coughed dryly and said: “If you want the ice pronucleus, you can go to northern Xinjiang. There are many ice star beasts on the snowy mountains over there, and this ice feather vulture might also come from there. Yes, I just don’t know how to come here?”

“Beijing!” Wang Teng thoughtfully, suddenly remembering something, and asked: “I heard that there was a space crack over there, what’s the situation now?”

“The situation…not very good!” Tan Taixuan shook her head, her expression a little dignified.

Seeing that she didn’t say much, Wang Teng didn’t ask any more, his eyes flashed, his mental power penetrated into the ice feather vulture, and an ice blue pronucleus broke out.

The ice feather eagle died instantly!

Wang Teng held this 6-star ice pronucleus and his eyes swept away.

【Ice Force*120】

【Advanced Ice Force*45】

【Ice Force*105】

Wang Teng is already a high-level ice talent, but at the moment it is just the icing on the cake, allowing the high-level ice talent to be slightly improved.

However, the force of the ice system has improved a little.

[Ice Force]: 7084000 (7 stars)

Wang Teng looked at the changes in the force of the ice element and nodded slightly. Although not much, it was improved anyway.

Northern Xinjiang!

He looked to the northwest, and he seemed to have taken a trip there.

There was no further accident on the subsequent journey, and the two soon arrived at a military airport on the outskirts of Xiadu.

“Lieutenant General Tantai, Major General Wang! It’s been a long time!”

They were greeted by a middle-aged man in military uniform with two red stars on his shoulders.

“Lieutenant General Tang!” Tan Taixuan nodded at the opponent, and then said to Wang Teng: “This is Lieutenant General Tang Qilue of the Xiadu Military Headquarters!”

“Hello, Lieutenant General Tang!” Wang Teng said.

“Sure enough, young and promising!” Tang Qilue took a look at Wang Teng and said with emotion.

“Tang Lieutenant praised!” Wang Teng said modestly.

“Let’s go, the three marshals are waiting for you.” Tang Qileo didn’t say much, and led them onto a military pickup truck and drove towards the military area.

There was a sergeant driving in the car, and Tang Qilue took care of Wang Teng’s feelings. Knowing that he had come for the first time, he gave him a rough introduction to the Xiadu Military Headquarters along the way.

While listening to his introduction, Wang Teng looked around. The Xiadu Military Headquarters occupies a large area. Various buildings and heavy thermal weapons can be seen everywhere. A large number of sergeants are patrolling the surrounding area, which can be said to be heavily guarded.

Wang Teng had been to the military area several times, but it was the first time I saw him on the scale of the Xiadu Military Area.

The military truck passed through layers of guard posts and finally came to the center of the military area and stopped in front of a building.

“Two of you, go in, I’ll be here.” Tang Qi smiled slightly and turned to leave.

The two watched this Lieutenant General Tang go away.

“Let’s go.” Tan Taixuan is no stranger to this place and led Wang Teng into the building.

Inside the building, there was another sergeant on duty leading the way, and they took the elevator to the top of the building.

Wang Teng was full of emotion. It was really not easy to come to this place once. If Tang Qilue didn’t lead the way, it would be several times more troublesome than this.

That is to say, they know the bottom line. If other people come here, they don’t even want to come to this most central military building without going through layers of investigation.

“The three marshals are inside, two please.” The voice of the sergeant pulled Wang Teng’s thoughts back.

A door appeared in front of him, and the sergeant who led the way had already left without any stay.

Tantai Xuan was about to knock on the door, and an old faint voice came from the door: “Come in!”

Tan Taixuan was not surprised either. With those three realms, I’m afraid they would have noticed it when they came under the building, so she pushed open the door directly.

Wang Teng looked inside the gate, and three old men with different shapes appeared in his eyes.

The three marshals!

These three have different temperaments, but they all have an extremely powerful aura hidden in them. Wang Teng looked at it with the eyes of spiritual vision, and his eyes were almost blinded.

The rays of light blooming from the three elders are extremely dazzling, although not as good as the Great Storm Ape in the East China Sea, they should have reached the upper rank of the warlord.

When Wang Teng looked at the three elders, the other party was also looking at Wang Teng.

Although they were not unfamiliar with Wang Teng, it was the first time they saw him as a real person. At this moment, their eyes flickered, and they were surprised when they realized that they couldn’t see through Wang Teng’s details.

“Come in!” The three of them exchanged a vague look, and the thin old man said.

Tan Taixuan and Wang Teng walked into the hall.

“Wang Teng!”

Suddenly a voice came from the side, and Wang Teng was startled and looked to the side.

I saw a man with a stalwart figure and short gray hair standing in front of the French window not far from the three marshals, facing him with his back and holding his hands.

“How is it possible?” Wang Teng was inconceivable, he didn’t realize that there was still a person in this hall.

“Budo leader!!!” Tan Taixuan was shocked when he saw this person.

She thought that they only came to meet the three marshals first, and finally went to the Summer Palace to see this existence, who knew that he actually appeared here.

Did he come to see Wang Teng in person? ?

Tan Taixuan felt incredible in her heart, and bowed slightly to salute.

This existence, but the strongest martial arts in the entire Xia Kingdom, even in the world, the strength is among the top.

Had it not been for him, Xia Guo would definitely not have the peaceful and peaceful situation it is now.

His existence is Xia Guo’s Dinghai Shenzhen!

When Wang Teng saw this scene, he immediately realized the identity of the person in front of him, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

“Do you know what I am looking for you for?” The martial arts leader turned around, looked at Wang Teng, and said with a slight smile.

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