Chapter 541 Can the things of smart people be called yin people?

Hearing Tantai Xuan’s words, Wang Teng and Wang Dapao couldn’t help being stunned for a moment, and looked towards Tantai Xuan in amazement.

However, seeing that the other party was already far away, he accompanied Ye Jixing and the others to fight with the remaining lord-level sea beasts.

The two suddenly smiled tacitly.

“Brother Wang, can’t you do the first few heads?” Wang Da Pao still had a cigarette in his mouth, hehe said.

“Fuck!” Wang Teng glanced over and said, “Like that deep-sea python, it can be used for stewing soup, it should be very supplementary, brother Wang, people who are middle-aged, make more supplements, Sister Han is sure Will be happy.”

Wang Dapao was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, and his old face blushed immediately: “Keep rolling, I am young, what is in my mind, I am strong, he can lift a sword, and he can chop a sea beast, but still need to make up?”

He was serious and straightened his chest to prove that he was worthy, but his eyes, without a trace, glanced at the deep sea python in the distance, his eyes gleamed, and his throat rolled slightly.

“…” Wang Teng twitched his mouth, squinting at the duplicity middle-aged man.

Oh, hypocrisy!

He didn’t talk any more nonsense, his figure flashed, and he rushed forward.

“Hey, wait for me!” Wang Dapao shouted, carrying a big knife, and chasing him.

Boom boom boom!

Ahead, the battle between the human warlord-level powerhouse and the lord-level sea beast is extremely fierce, especially among them is a 12-star middle lord-level sea beast, whose strength is really terrifying.

On the human side, Ye Jixing, the main hall of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, is a legendary figure. He grasped the context of the times at the beginning of the Force’s invasion and rose to the present. It is also the Pole Star, one of the three major martial arts halls of Xia State. Martial arts hall, suppress one side.

And his strength also reached the 12-star warlord level!

If it hadn’t been for him to hold it, the human side might not be able to block the deep-sea giant python so easily.


He was holding a silver long spear, which shot out like a dragon, and between the silver light flashes, the cold light was like a star, and with an unstoppable momentum, it stabbed the deep-sea giant python entrenched in the sky.


The deep sea python roared, a pair of dark blue icy vertical pupils reflected the light of the gun, and the snake tail swept across.

A burst of spear lights bombarded the snake’s tail, and suddenly there was a clinking metal crash on the palm-sized scale armor.

The scales of this deep-sea giant python were so hard that Ye Jixing’s attack could hardly break its defenses.

Although star beasts have always been known for their physical strength, especially some star beasts with scales, their defenses are even more amazing.

But the defense of this deep-sea giant python is really terrifying!

Ye Jixing’s face was solemn, and he was a little helpless by this deep-sea giant python.

This deep-sea giant python is extremely cunning, guarding every vital point on his body tightly, except that the hardest scales are exposed, making him somewhat unable to start.

At this moment, there was a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the deep sea giant python, and suddenly opened its mouth, and a burst of ice blue cold light shot out from it, like a dense drizzle, shrouded towards Ye Jixing.

Ye Jixing’s complexion changed, and his figure immediately retreated.


Dense icy blue awns bombarded the surface of the sea, immediately condensing a thick layer of ice on it.

Although Ye Jixing evaded this attack dangerously and dangerously, a few cold lights hit his arm, and a layer of ice spread away, wrapping his arm at a very fast speed.

Ye Jixing shook his whole body, and the force in his body shook, trying to shake the ice away.

But he found that the ice was extremely difficult, like a bone gangrene, that it could attach to his original force, invade his body, and the chill penetrated into his bone marrow, making him shiver.

“I’ve been recruited!” Ye Jixing looked ugly, tried various methods, but only temporarily slowed the spread of the chill, but his hand was useless, and it was impossible to move at all.

“Hahaha!” The deep sea python’s laughter rolled over: “Human, see how long you can stop it!”

As soon as the voice fell, killing intent burst out in its eyes, and its huge body suddenly moved, bursting out like lightning, and entwined towards Ye Jixing.

With that terrifying power, I am afraid that even if the warlord-level powerhouse is entangled, it will be more fortunate than fortune.

Ye Jixing’s heart vibrated, and his body suddenly rushed towards the sky.


The deep sea giant python roared, hovering around, following Ye Jixing’s back, rushing upwards.


However, at this moment, a huge net of Force suddenly shrouded from the sky.

The deep-sea giant python’s gaze was shocked, unable to dodge, and plunged directly into the net.


This is surprisingly the web of force woven by Wang Teng with the spider silk skills he obtained from the six-eyed poisonous spider!

What is the best way to catch a snake?

Of course it’s the net!

When Wang Teng saw this deep-sea giant python, he had this idea in his mind, so before he joined the battlefield, he sent a voice message to Ye Jixing, told him about the plan, and asked him to cooperate.

However, Wang Teng and Wang Dapao took advantage of the deep-sea giant python to inadvertently came to the sky, concealed their figures, and silently weaved the net of the Force.

With his mental power, controlling the original force to accurately weave into a big net is simply easy, it doesn’t take much time!


The deep-sea giant roared frantically. It originally thought it was a must-win situation. It could immediately kill a human strong, but unexpectedly, it fell into a human trap.

It twisted its body frantically and hit the net of the Force, struggling to get out of it.

However, this large net of force is extremely tough, and there are wisps of cyan flame on it. As soon as its body touches the cyan flame, there will be a burst of sneer, making it painful all over, and the cold eyes can’t help it. Showing the color of horror.

“Damn, what kind of flame is this?”

“Used to bake your fire.” A chuckle came.

The deep-sea giant python swiftly turned the giant python head along with the sound, and a pair of vertical pupils stared at Wang Teng with murderous intent, and the roaring roar spread: “It’s you!”

“Hahaha, how about this trick to lure snakes into the net? Letting you be as cunning as a fox, it’s not that you can’t beat my brother Wang slightly!” Wang Dapao laughed triumphantly.

Wang Teng nodded and could speak!

“… On Yin Ren’s methods, he is professional.” Wang Da Pao said again.

Wang Teng: “…”

MMP, break up!

What is a yin person?

Is he Wang Teng that kind of person?

This is called a good strategy, what is a shame, and can things of a smart person be a shame?

Simply unreasonable!

Wang Teng squinted Wang Dapao, his gaze suddenly became dangerous.

Wang Dapao didn’t notice anything, but suddenly he had a cold war all over his body, feeling a malicious envelopment. When he turned his head to look, Wang Teng had already withdrawn his gaze as if nothing had happened.

Ye Jixing looked weird, feeling that what Wang Dapao said was actually quite reasonable.

This kid is pretty overcast!

“Despicable!” The deep sea python roared, unwilling to admit its fate, endured the severe pain and hit the big net in an attempt to break the shackles.

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