Chapter 540


The lord-level sea beast roared, its huge body hit the sea, rolled up the wolf, and rushed forward.


Ye Jixing and the others condensed their eyes, and they were also unwilling to show weakness, welcoming several lord-level sea beasts.

“You take a rest first!” Tan Taixuan said to Wang Teng, and rushed out without waiting for him to respond.

At this time, as the three large mountains blocked the coastline, the situation in Donghai City was greatly slowed down, and the human warriors only needed to clean up the remaining sea beasts.

Afterwards, some ordinary sergeants flew directly up the mountain in an aircraft, and many armed with heavy guns, mounted on the top of the mountain, and bombarded under the sea.

As early as when the three big mountains were up, the staff at the rear of the East China Sea immediately made arrangements to cover them with heavy guns to prevent sea beasts from landing.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of artillery fire suddenly sounded, and the rain-like bullets engraved runes, which had a strong armor-breaking effect, and immediately killed a large number of sea beasts.

Not only rune bullets, but also large rune cannonballs, which are as powerful as an ordinary high-level warrior. Some sea beasts with 5 stars and above are hit by rune cannonballs, and their bodies burst on the spot, and those who die can no longer die. .


Some flying high-level sea beasts want to fly over the mountain and destroy the firepower covering group on the mountain.

However, high-ranking warriors of human beings are not waiting for a while, intercepting directly outside the mountain, and instantly fighting with them.

Wang Teng looked at the sea beasts crowded in black like a tide, and couldn’t help frowning. Although he had built three mountains for everyone in the East China Sea, there were still a large number of sea beasts, and there was no intention to retreat. I am afraid that there will be a hard battle for a while. beat.

“Hey, that shrimp, don’t run!”

Suddenly, a loud shout came, and Wang Teng’s complexion suddenly became weird.

In the distance, Wang Dapao was chasing the lord-class lobster, and it scurried around like a goose.

That lord-level lobster has long lost its power and power.

“Too much deception!”

“Too much deception!”

It yelled and wanted to turn around to fight back, but it couldn’t beat the human behind.

If you don’t run away, it will be made into a full shrimp feast.

horrible! horrible!

too frightening!

Suddenly, the lord-level lobster saw Wang Teng who was laughing jokingly in the distance, and his small eyes suddenly lit up.

This human being looks weak, and it seems that he has just consumed a lot, and it must be the end of the battle!

If you catch it, not only is it a great achievement, but with this hostage in hand, the human beings behind him naturally don’t dare to chase it anymore.

Its heart gradually became hideous, and its eyes became fierce!

“Be careful!” Wang Dapao immediately noticed the purpose of the lord-level lobster and couldn’t help shouting.

“It’s late!” The lord-level lobster laughed, very proud, and instantly appeared on top of Wang Teng’s head, and two long whiskers entangled him.

The weird color in Wang Teng’s eyes became stronger and stronger, and there was no movement. He just looked at the big lobster with admiration.

Such a big head, it must be delicious… right!

He feels a little hungry!

“I caught you, hahaha… Ga!”

The lord-level lobster pounced straight down, and its long beard curled up on Wang Teng’s body, but its laughter stopped abruptly in the next moment.

Because the long beard passed straight through Wang Teng’s body, that body was not a physical body at all, but just a phantom.

“It’s not you who caught me, I caught you!” A quiet voice suddenly rang in the ears of the lord class lobster.

It was horrified at once, and just about to turn around and escape, it felt a huge force coming from its body.


This lord-level lobster had violent eyes and suddenly fell towards the ground.

It finally knew why this young man was able to move two mountains. Who could stop such a terrifying power!

This thought passed through its mind, making it extremely regretful. It shouldn’t provoke this human being.

What the end of the crossbow is fake, fake!


The huge body of the lord-level lobster fell on the mountain, and the surrounding human warriors dodged one after another.

“Hahaha, you still have a way, Brother Wang, this lobster is so cunning, I couldn’t catch it for a long time after I chased it, you took it down as soon as you shot it.” Wang Dapao laughed.

“Brother Wang, this lobster looks very plump!” Wang Teng smiled.

“No, I can tell at a glance that this lobster is absolutely delicious!” Wang Da Pao sucked his saliva and said loudly.

Everyone around: “…”

How big are the hearts of these two people, they are even here to discuss whether the lord-level lobster is delicious!

In other words, it is a lord-level lobster. If you can taste it, you will have the capital to brag in this life!

Sucking…Many people couldn’t help but swallow!

“Ah!” the lord-level lobster yelled, shaking with anger when he heard the conversation between the two.

It struggled desperately, and two huge tongs smashed all over the ground, but it couldn’t turn away the huge power on its body.

“Be honest!” Wang Teng stood on the back of the big lobster and stomped down fiercely.


The huge body of the lord-level lobster suddenly sank into the rock, and a series of cracks like spider webs appeared under it, spreading to the surroundings.

“Let go of me, and have the courage to fight with me upright. Sneak attack is nothing, I don’t accept it!” Lord-level lobster’s eyes rolled wildly and kept yelling.

“This lobster doesn’t seem to be very clever, so let’s cook it and eat it.” Wang Teng said.

“Well, that’s right!” Wang Da Pao touched his chin and looked at him with deep conviction.

The face of this lord class lobster was green.

Are these two humans demons?

Apart from eating, can you talk about other meaningful things.

Eat it at every turn, what did it do wrong.


Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense with it anymore, slapped the lobster on the head, slapped it faint, and said to the sergeant next to him: “Tie it up, help me watch it, don’t kill it, it’s not fresh!”

The few sergeants nearby were very speechless, but they knew that the young man in front of him was a powerful warrior who could move mountains and reclaim the sea, and made a great contribution to the East China Sea. This small requirement still needs to be met.

So the two sergeants responded, swarmed up, and tied up the big lobster!

Wang Teng nodded, flew into the air, glanced away, and picked up the attribute bubble to restore his own consumption.

Wang Dapao tutted: “Brother Wang, your strength is not only strong, but also very durable!”

Wang Teng: “…”

It seems to be a good thing, but why do you always feel a little weird?

“Brother Wang, I think that octopus is also good. Such a big octopus leg is already delicious when grilled.” He gave a dry cough, and screamed at the giant octopus who was fighting against Tantai Xuan in the distance.

“Yeah, really!” Wang Da Pao couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva, his eyes gleamed: “Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get it down, let’s not have a full shrimp banquet, we will have a seafood banquet, and some Little wine, delicious!”

“You go first, and I’ll come right away!” Wang Teng said.

“Hao Le, you hurry up!” Wang Da Pao didn’t ask much, and immediately rushed towards the giant octopus excitedly.

Wang Teng shook his head funny, why didn’t he find out before, this old man Wang is also a very interesting person!

Immediately he converged his mind, his mental power swept out, and the attribute bubbles flew from a distance and merged into his body.

【Blank attribute*210】

【Water Force *150】


【Fire Force*120】

【Golden Force*80】

【Blank attribute*145】

After a while, Wang Teng stood up and stretched.


A large number of attribute bubbles melted into his body, swept away the feeling of exhaustion and emptiness, and the body was filled with the original force again.

Suddenly it was another handsome young man full of vitality!

Wang Teng looked into the distance, and as Wang Dapao joined, the pressure on Tantai Xuan suddenly decreased, and the two of them worked together to completely suppress the giant octopus.

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate, stepped on his feet and turned into an afterimage.

He is absolutely serious about food!

This giant octopus must not be let go, after all, it looks delicious.

The next moment, he came to the giant octopus.

The other party also noticed the arrival of Wang Teng, his pupils shrank, and an octopus claw swept over.


Wang Teng didn’t evade, he reached out his hand to grab it, and then suddenly exerted his force to shake it.

“Let’s go!” Wang Teng shouted violently, smashing the huge body of the giant octopus towards the sea below.

Boom boom boom!

This giant octopus seemed to have become a weapon in Wang Teng’s hands, smashing all the sea beasts under the sea into meatloaf, while some did not know where they were flying, turning into black spots and disappearing into the distant sea. Above.

The giant octopus itself was even more dizzy from being smashed, and his eyes turned black.

Both Tantaixuan and Wang Dapao’s eyes were straight.

This guy is too violent!

It was the first time they saw such a simple and rude way. I don’t know why it feels inexplicable… It’s cool!

“Human…” The giant octopus was very angry and roared wildly.

“What is it called!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, and the terrifying power contained in the ancient divine body suddenly exploded.


The giant octopus was heavily smashed and landed on the sea, stirring up large waves and making a terrifying sound.

Suddenly, the giant octopus fainted completely.

It was stunned alive!

The remaining lord-level sea beasts couldn’t help but look here, suddenly unable to control their expressions, and their eyes were about to stick out.

A lord-level sea beast was stunned by Shengsheng in this way, this human being is indeed a change!

Tantai Xuan came up and wanted to make up the knife, but it turned out that this lord-level giant octopus.

“Teacher, please don’t.” But Wang Teng stopped it.

Tan Taixuan looked at him suspiciously.

“Ahem, this seafood is really fresh and delicious!” Wang Teng said under her eyes, feeling a surge of pressure, and coughing dryly.

“That’s right, that’s right, sister, this seafood won’t taste good when it’s dead.” Wang Da Pao also helped out, echoing.

“…” Tantai Xuan’s eyebrows were pounding, and her mentality almost exploded.

My old lady is struggling to fight and fight here, and you two are still thinking about eating seafood, which is simply not human.

Tantai Xuan took a deep breath and said: “Remember to add me!”

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