Chapter 55 Demon Lotus Poison Body

Wang Teng suddenly remembered that in his previous life, he seemed to have heard of Lin Chuhan’s father who was paralyzed in bed, but he didn’t expect it to be the same in this life.

It’s just that in this life, Lin Chuhan’s father is a warrior.

“By the way, what about your father’s teammates, don’t they know the situation of your family?” Wang Teng asked.

“They have helped a lot in the past, but they spend most of their time in another world. Sometimes they may not be able to come back for several months. This time, they have not come back for half a year.”

“And half a month ago, my sister’s illness suddenly broke out. My mother had no choice but to borrow the money through someone else’s introduction to treat my sister’s illness.” Lin Chuhan said.

“You still have a younger sister? What kind of illness did you have?” Wang Teng found out that he really didn’t know anything about Lin Chuhan’s family.

“I have always had a younger sister, but you don’t know about it. Her illness… Well, if you know what illness is, it won’t make us all helpless.” Lin Chuhan sighed.

She said that she brought Wang Teng to a room and knocked on the door: “Early summer, my sister brought a friend, can I come in?”

“Come in~ Come on~”

There was a faint young girl’s voice. She spoke very strangely, word by word, but it was not spaced apart, and she seemed weak.

If it was at night, such a sound suddenly appeared in a dark environment, it might scare people to pee.

Wang Teng felt a layer of goose bumps on his body.

Lin Chuhan smiled dryly: “Don’t mind, my sister has always been like this.”

open the door–


There was a harsh rubbing sound from the wooden door, the room was dark, the curtains were all tightened, and there was no light coming in.

Wang Teng’s gaze swept across the room, but he didn’t see a half figure.


But I saw…bubbles all over the place!

“This is?”

Wang Teng was stunned for an instant.

The whole room is full of attribute bubbles, on the ground, on the table, on the chair, on the bed, in front of the cabinet…

Everywhere, large and small, densely packed.

Wang Teng swallowed and couldn’t help walking into the room.

“Don’t!” Lin Chuhan hurriedly stopped him, and then reminded: “You should follow me behind, remember not to get too close when you wait.”

“Why?” Wang Teng was a little puzzled.

“I’ll tell you later.” Lin Chuhan whispered.

Then he stepped into the room first, pointed at the corner of the bed and the wall, and said: “Early summer, sister come in!”

Wang Teng followed her gaze, and saw a young girl with her head buried in her knees in the blind corner of the bed corner, her long dark hair, softly falling down——

Black is long and straight!

Looked at Lin Chuhan, um~ the same!

Immediately his attention fell on the surrounding attribute bubbles, and he couldn’t wait.

What kind of air bubbles are these?

It was the first time that he saw an ordinary person drop so many attribute bubbles, and they all drop naturally, which is really not martial arts!

Could it be related to Lin Chuhan’s strange illness?

Wang Teng secretly guessed, and then lightly touched the bubbles around him——

Pick it up!

【Poison Force*2】

【Poison Force*1】

【Demon Lotus Poison*1】

For an instant, Wang Teng felt that his body had undergone a certain change, and he could sense a very strange and rare force between heaven and earth.

Poison Force! !

“There is actually such a force?” Wang Teng was surprised.

Then the Poison Elemental Force entered Wang Teng’s body, but he had not practiced the Poison Elemental Force technique, the Poison Elemental Force instantly rioted and ran around in his body.

“That’s it!” Wang Teng was shocked.

At this time, if someone observes his body skin and face, he will find that it is showing a purple-red color.

It’s exactly like being poisoned.

But a peculiar force instantly soothed the force of the poison system, and then all fell into the pronucleus, forming a balance with the other three types of force.

The abnormality on the surface of Wang Teng’s body suddenly receded like a tide.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lin Chuhan asked, turning his head.

“Oh, it’s okay!” Wang Teng returned to his senses and smiled.

At the same time, the girl squatting in the corner seemed to sense something and suddenly raised her head to look at Wang Teng in confusion.

Wang Teng also saw the girl’s appearance, and his heart jumped slightly.

Her facial contour was seven to eight points similar to Lin Chuhan, and she should have been a very beautiful girl.

But her cheeks were covered with purple-red poison spots, almost covering most of her face.

The poisonous spots are pitted, looking extremely disgusting, destroying all the beauty of the entire face, and it looks a bit hideous and terrifying, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Wang Teng’s gaze and the girl looked at each other, although he was shocked in his heart, but there was no disgust.

It just feels that this girl is a bit pitiful, at her age, but she can only hide in this dark room and cannot live like a normal person.

She didn’t even dare to take a half step out of the door. Wang Teng could fully imagine how much she had been scorned and ridiculed.

And the strange disease Lin Chuhan said should be the only one.

Demon lotus poison!

It may be a very rare physique, otherwise Lin Chuhan’s father, as a warrior, would have solved it a long time ago, and it is impossible to stay at a loss until now.

This kind of physique can’t even help a martial artist, let alone modern medicine.

After all, the age of martial arts and the age of science and technology are two systems. Before the emergence of martial arts, this kind of physique had never appeared.

There is no case of successful treatment in medicine.

The solution that can be solved may have to be found from another world.

“Sister~Sister~, who is he?” The girl took a look at Wang Teng, but she didn’t have the feeling she had just now, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, and she asked slowly.

“His name is Wang Teng and he is my sister’s friend.” Lin Chuhan squatted down in front of the girl, but didn’t get too close, at least one meter away.

Wang Teng somewhat understood why Lin Chuhan didn’t let himself approach.

Because he could feel the toxic element force oozing out of the girl’s body now, permeating her.

If ordinary people are too close, they will be affected. Once they are in contact for a long time, they will definitely be poisoned, and in severe cases, they will die directly.

The Demon Lotus Poison Body is so terrifying!

“Is he my sister~husband~?” the girl suddenly asked Lin Chuhan.


“Sister, brother-in-law!!” Lin Chuhan was dumbfounded, and his entire face suddenly turned red: “Bad girl, what are you talking about! He is not your brother-in-law!”

Wang Teng almost laughed, this girl assisted!

“Oh~” The girl tilted her head and responded noncommitantly, without any change in the expression on her face.

Helpless, Lin Chuhan stood up and said to Wang Teng: “This is my sister Lin Chuxia, don’t take her words to heart.”

“What are you doing so nervously?” Wang Tengnao joked.

“Who, who is nervous!” Lin Chuhan was frustrated by him.

Wang Teng smiled, and suddenly passed Lin Chuhan and walked towards Lin Chuxia.

“Don’t go there!” Lin Chuhan quickly wanted to stop.

“Don’t get in the way!”

Wang Teng waved his hand, and before Lin Chuhan stopped him, he squatted down in front of Lin Chuxia and stretched out his hand: “Hello!”

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