Chapter 54: Family Circumstances

The black suit and bald head left, with a swollen nose and swollen nose, full of grievances and fear, and went back to the boss.

He knew that the interest on this account might not be returned.

The other party is a ruthless character, the kind of ruthlessness that smashes his head when angry, and can’t be offended.

The boss shouldn’t be willing to provoke such a person, right?

Fortunately, the capital is collected, and it is not without gain.

With this face, Bai suffered a brick…his! pain! ! !


After dismissing the loan shark, Lin Chuhan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wang Teng: “Wang Teng, just now…thank you.”

“Nothing!” Wang Teng shook his head and lit a cigarette when he put the lighter away.

“Stop smoking!” Lin Chuhan said suddenly.


“Smoking is harmful to health.” Lin Chuhan said.

“I was so scared that I quickly smoked a cigarette to suppress my shock!” Wang Teng said.

“…” Lin Chuhan.

“It’s funny!” Wang Teng threw the cigarette on the ground and trampled it out.

It’s really not good to smoke in front of a girl.

“By the way, why are you here?” Lin Chuhan asked suddenly in confusion.

“I said I came here to see you, do you believe it?” Wang Teng smiled.

Lin Chuhan’s heart jumped, and he turned his face quickly, feeling a little warm in his ears, and pulled his hair to hide it.

“I won’t tell you anymore, I’ll go and see my mother.”

Lin Chuhan ran back to the grocery store and explained to Ms. Lin that the person who told her the usury had been dismissed, and the IOU had been burned.

Mother Lin hugged Lin Chuhan and wept with joy. She is really going crazy by those people these days.

“By the way, Xiaohan, who did you borrow the money from? You tell him that although we don’t have that much money now, we will definitely return it to him as soon as possible.” Mother Lin wiped her tears.

“I borrowed it from him.” Lin Chuhan looked at Wang Teng.

“Ah, where did he get so much money for a young man?” Mother Lin was a little surprised.

“His family started a company.” Lin Chuhan said.

Mom Lin suddenly thought of something, and said suspiciously: “Xiaohan, you guys…?”

Lin Chuhan saw Mama Lin’s expression, immediately knew what she was thinking, stomped her feet, and groaned: “Mom~what do you think, he is my deskmate.”

“Well, Mom didn’t think much, Mom didn’t think much.” Mother Lin said quickly.

“You girl, why don’t you invite him to the house? He has helped our family so much, so my mom will personally express her gratitude to him.”

Lin Chuhan was about to call Wang Teng in the past, but saw that he had come slowly. .

“My mother said I would like to thank you personally.” She said to Wang Teng.

“Yeah, Xiao Teng, don’t you mind if I call you that way, thank you so much this time, otherwise we really don’t know what to do.” Mother Lin gratefully said.

“Don’t mind, Auntie, Chu Han is at the same table as me. She also helped me a lot. I should help if she has difficulties,” Wang Teng said.

“Well, Xiaohan is really lucky to have you at the same table.”

The more Lin Mama looked at Wang Teng, the more pleasing she felt, what a wonderful child, although she was a bit skinny…

But at first glance, he is a responsible person, able to do things, speak politely, and take care of Xiaohan. If there is such a son-in-law… it seems not bad.

In the martial arts era, you can get married at the age of eighteen. Ms. Lin feels that she can consider her daughter’s lifelong events!

“I will have dinner at Auntie’s tonight.” Mother Lin suddenly became enthusiastic: “Auntie will go shopping immediately, Xiaohan, greet Xiaoteng at home.”

Without giving Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan any time to react, they rushed out the door.

Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan were left looking at each other, and the atmosphere was suddenly a little strange.

“Why… I go first?” Wang Teng said.

“Whether to go, my mother is going to buy groceries. If you leave, how will I explain when she comes back.” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes and said.

“Just find a reason, for example, I’m in a hurry or something.” Wang Teng gave some suggestions.

Lin Chuhan looked at Wang Teng.

Is this guy so unhappy?

Although she felt embarrassed, Wang Teng’s reluctance made her feel uncomfortable.

“You have to explain yourself to explain, anyway, I won’t explain.” Lin Chuhan glared at Wang Teng.

“Okay, okay, it’s just a meal, Wang Teng, I am not afraid of it!” Although Wang Teng said so, it was like going to the execution ground.

Lin Chuhan realized that he was like this, so he realized that this guy was not unhappy, but a little bit embarrassed. Normally he was not afraid of him, but he had forgotten that he was just a normal person.

Can’t help but chuckle secretly behind him.

Wang Teng was standing in the shop, some of whom didn’t know what to do. When he saw the candies scattered on the floor, he went to help pick them up.

Lin Chuhan also reacted, looking at Wang Teng’s back, his eyes softened, and he knelt down and picked it up.

“I will transfer the remaining money to you later.” She said, remembering the money.

“Good!” Wang Teng nodded.

“As for the 100,000 yuan, I will go to work in the summer to make money and pay you back.” Lin Chuhan said.

“No, it’s one hundred and one hundred.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Yes, yes, one hundred and one hundred, you iron cock.” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng laughed indifferently.

Lin Chuhan didn’t realize that it was this kind of respect hidden in the words that allowed the two to get along as usual, instead of creating a barrier because of this incident.

Before long, Mother Lin came back from buying vegetables, and bought a lot of fish in big and small bags in her hand.

“Xiao Teng, you and Chu Han will sit upstairs for a while, and I will cook.” Mother Lin greeted her and plunged into the kitchen to get busy.

“Let’s go, go upstairs.” Lin Chuhan led Wang Teng upstairs.

“Is Uncle not at home?” Wang Teng asked.

Lin Chuhan bit her lower lip and said, “He is here, I’ll take you to have a look.”

Wang Teng saw Lin Chuhan’s father, a drunk man, who was thin and lost his legs.

“Your dad… how did it become like this?” Wang Teng was really surprised.

“My dad used to be a warrior. Once he came back from another world, he became like this. His team was friendly and it was not easy to save him. But he not only lost his legs, but even the pronucleus was smashed. Waste.” Lin Chuhan explained sadly.

“This…” Although Wang Teng knew that the world of warriors was not as beautiful as it was said outside, he really didn’t expect to be cruel to such a degree.

The shocking scars on Father Lin made him feel a little frightened.

Moreover, he did not expect Lin Chuhan’s father to be a warrior.

“Since you know the cruelty of the martial arts world, why do you still practice martial arts? Do you want to participate in the martial arts test?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking her.

“I want revenge!” Lin Chuhan closed the door and gritted his teeth.

“Man-made?” Wang Teng was surprised again.

“My dad’s teammates said that their opponent set a trap that caused all this.” Lin Chuhan said.

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