Chapter 521 Emergency Calling Order

In the forest, a giant scorpion star beast was fighting with a red lion star beast. Hearing the sound of crying suddenly from the sky, a trace of surprise flashed in his heart. Guys, don’t come to help me. What is the name of the ghost there?”

“Hey!” The crow in the sky called again.

“Huh, you said you sensed his existence?” Giant Scorpion Star Beast was taken aback.

This giant scorpion is impressively an armored fire scorpion, and the crow in the sky is undoubtedly Xiao Bai.

Its appearance has changed greatly from before. Not only has its body size become very huge, even its feathers have changed from pure black to red and black, which looks quite strange.

At the same time, the aura on his body was much stronger than before Wang Teng left.

Obviously, Xiao Bai’s growth was terrifying after swallowing the split flames of the sapphire glaze flame.

It’s just that Wang Teng might not have thought that he just left Xiao Bai to look at the Ironclad Scorpion, but the two guys actually got together.

“Roar!” The scarlet lion saw that the Ironclad Flame Scorpion was ignoring its existence, and was still free to talk over there, and suddenly roared and rushed towards the Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

“Okay, you big lion, I was not prepared to attack.” The armored flame scorpion was startled, its huge body flashed aside, and at the same time the scorpion’s tail swept away, and the cyan flame broke out and attacked the flame lion.


The huge crow in the sky also launched an attack, with black flames rising from all over, like a terrorist fighter with extreme arms, pounced down.

After a while, a lord-level flame giant lion fell unwillingly under their joint hands.

The armored flame scorpion laughed: “I have seen this lion not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago. It always came to trouble me before. This time I finally killed it. How about it? Let me talk about it. The mountains are definitely going sideways!”

Xiaobai fell from the sky and cast a contemptuous look at the Ironclad Scorpion.

“Damn, little guy, what is your look!” The Iron Armored Scorpion was furious.

“Gah!” Xiaobai sprayed a black flame from his mouth, staring at the Iron Armor Scorpion coldly.

The armored flame scorpion seemed extremely afraid of the black flames, and could not help but stepped back a few steps, and said: “Just kidding! Just kidding!”

Then he quickly turned the topic away.

“By the way, you just said that you sensed that evil star?”

Xiao Bai’s eyes widened, and a black flame sprayed at the Iron Armor Scorpion.

As soon as the iron armored fire scorpion was stained with the black flame, it screamed in pain, rolling all over the floor, but could not extinguish the black flame.

This black flame seemed more terrifying than the split flame it absorbed from the sapphire glaze flame.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, it’s the master, master.” The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion shouted.

Xiao Bai opened his mouth wide, and sucked the black flame back.

The iron armored flame scorpion was scorched black and looked extremely embarrassed. A cold air invaded its body, causing it to continue to breathe in air-conditioning. Fortunately, Xiao Bai didn’t move true, otherwise it would be more than that.

Ironclad Flame Scorpion glanced at Xiao Bai and muttered: “He’s not here again, as for?”


“Well, I won’t say it, I won’t say it, I don’t want to say it, can’t it?” The armored flame scorpion is also a real skin, and it will be alive and kicking in a while, leaning in front of Xiaobai and saying: “Our master didn’t fall into a space crack. Alright, I heard that the place is very dangerous, and it cuts off all force, spiritual power, etc., so you can still sense each other?”

Xiao Bai: “Quack!”

“It turned out to be a spiritual pet contract!” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion said with a flickering look: “So, he is about to return!”

“Gah!” Xiaobai exclaimed joyously in his eyes.

“Okay, okay, we can’t help much, just don’t go anywhere, just wait here, let’s talk about the distribution of this big lion now.” Iron Armored Scorpion said.

Xiao Bai; “Quack.”

“What, no, no, no, you ate that star core last time, this time it’s my turn.” Ironclad Flame Scorpion seemed to hear something unacceptable, and shook his head again and again.


“I don’t care, if that’s the case, I won’t join hands with you next time, it’s bullying me too much.”

As the saying goes, crows have crow words, scorpions have scorpion words, and these two star beasts can actually communicate well, if Wang Teng sees it, he is afraid that even his jaw will fall to the ground.

At this time, in the void.

Wang Teng sat on the boulder with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Induced it!

He really sensed it.

Through the contact of the spirit pet contract, he seemed to be following an extremely slender thread, and he sensed the weak consciousness on the other end.

Wang Teng, a jealous spirit, almost instantly captured the coordinates of the location in the dark.

He almost cried

Great, I can finally leave this ghost place!

Wang Teng jumped up and circulated a few times around the boulder under his feet. He didn’t want to wait for a moment, so he immediately set about arranging the space formation.

The mental power stretched out and was carved on the boulders under his feet, and he buried pieces of rough stones.

The complexity of the space formation was beyond Wang Teng’s imagination, even if it was just a small formation, the difficulty was not inferior to the large formations he had arranged before.

However, Wang Teng’s mental power had reached the emperor realm after all, and his rune attainments were really not low, so this spatial formation couldn’t hold him back.

Time flows slowly, and runes are portrayed, and the space formation is gradually taking shape.

On this day, the space formation method was shining brightly, and a space crack slowly emerged.

Behind the crack, a passage leads to an unknown place.

Standing in the formation, Wang Teng looked at the spatial passage formed in front of him, and couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

go home!

The next moment, he didn’t hesitate to get in.

Xingwu Continent, in the dark mist forest near Yongcheng corresponding to the space crack in the East China Sea.

The Flying Eagle Squad is a high-level warrior squad in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. The six members of the team are all strong at the 5-star warrior level and above. They are not only powerful, but also extremely rich in actual combat experience.

There are not many such teams in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!

This time they came to the Xingwu Continent for more than ten days, hunting down many high-level star beasts and gaining a lot.

At this moment, several people were facing a 7-star earth-type giant python star beast, and after a fight, they had suffered serious injuries, and they could be killed by working harder.

This giant python star beast was a Saturn star beast they found after looking for a long time, and there is a high probability that the star core and star bones exist.

If it can be killed, it may be two or three billion in revenue.

However, at this moment, the watches in the hands of a few people suddenly received an emergency summoning order!

The complexion of several people changed slightly, and they noticed the message on the watch one after another.

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