Chapter 520

The space storm is still raging, and everything it passes is plunged into chaos.

Wang Teng felt the harvest just now.

Space storm!

The process of the formation of a space storm emerged in his mind. By chance, the space energy riot formed a rapid scrolling trend. As it became more and more violent, it condensed into the eye of the storm, and finally gradually evolved into a storm.

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly became hot, this spatial skill is too powerful!

In particular, there is a naturally formed space storm in front of you. Look at its appearance, and then think about how to display a space storm in the future. Even if its power is only one-thousandth of its power, it is an extremely remarkable method.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, feeling that the mental power in his mind was exhausted.

The tug-of-war just now seemed simple, but in fact it was not easy. If he hadn’t reached the imperial realm with his mental power, he would never even think about pulling out attribute bubbles from the space storm.

At this time, he looked at the other attribute bubbles in the space storm, and naturally he did not want to give up easily, so he immediately took out the Shen Shenmu to restore his mental power.

In the next time, he followed closely behind the space storm’s ass, and after waiting for his mental power to recover, he shot and pulled out the attribute bubbles in it.

With the first experience, the subsequent process is naturally much smoother.

Basically, as soon as one draws a certain standard, there is no failure.

Although only a few attribute bubbles can be pulled out each time, it is already very good, at least not empty-handed.

The attribute bubbles that are pulled out are all spatial attributes, or spatial storm attributes, and nothing else.

On this day, Wang Teng suddenly felt that the energy in the space storm suddenly became extremely violent, and the space storm became more chaotic.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

He made a decisive decision, gave up continuing to pick up attribute bubbles, and quickly fleeed towards the distance.

When Wang Teng could no longer see the space storm behind, a loud noise suddenly came from behind.

The roar kept coming, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept across, blowing Wang Teng’s clothes and hair into hunting noises.

Wang Teng’s pupils shrank, his expression extremely shocked.

Isn’t the space storm exploded? !

This power is also terrible.

He had escaped so far, and he could still feel the fluctuation, it was incredible.

Suddenly he was a little lucky.

Fortunately, he got away early, otherwise, given the distance between him and the space storm, he still doesn’t know what will happen.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but exhaled a suffocating breath, sat down in the void, and began to count the harvest.

After a few days, his spatial attributes have skyrocketed.

[Space]: 712010000

I remember that during the last Star Maple War, the Demon God of the Dark World stabbed five spatial vortices with one hand. The attribute bubbles dropped at that time caused his spatial attributes to skyrocket to more than 4,000 points, but now they have increased again, directly soaring. More than 7,000, not far from 10,000 points of consummation.

I don’t know what will happen after reaching ten thousand points.

In addition, the skill attributes of [Space Storm] have also been improved a lot.

[Space Storm]: 76100 (Introduction)

This spatial skill is extremely difficult, and Wang Teng is just an entry point now, and it is not easy to display it smoothly.

However, Wang Teng didn’t worry, he could use blank attributes to add points to improve his proficiency.

About half an hour later, Wang Teng got up and looked for the place where the space storm exploded before.

There are a lot of objects and corpses in the space storm. If one or two remains in the explosion, it will be cheaper for him.

It was a pity that when Wang Teng approached, there was only a silent void around him. Whether it was the gravel or the remains of the objects seen in the space storm before, they were all gone, as if they had never appeared before.

Wang Teng sighed, he really thought too much.

How can there be such good things in the world.

He turned around and followed the Void Mayfly away.

Time passed for a long time. Since encountering the space storm, Wang Teng has had no other gains, and can only find a way to return aimlessly in the void.

However, nothing happened!

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged on a boulder, floating quietly in the void.

The huge boulder under him was discovered not long ago. It looks like a small island, and it is not too big, only half the size of a basketball court.

Wang Teng temporarily rested on it. To be honest, it is a luxury to have a place to sit in this void.

At this moment, he was eating barbecue with the same jubilee wax, thinking about other ways to leave.

These days, he found a huge area, but he really didn’t encounter any opportunity to leave.

The result is desperate.

Had it not been for Wang Teng’s good psychological quality, he would have been crazy long ago.

He frowned and contemplated, carefully scanning all his methods, the entire attribute panel, back and forth, repeatedly checking.

It’s a pity that apart from the ability of spatial talent to play a role, other methods can’t be counted on at all.

Wang Teng scratched his hair.

too difficult!

It’s really hard!

Could it be that he can only stay in this void for the rest of his life?

No, he is still young and still has a lot of happy things to do. It would be too wrong to die here in obscurity!

The surrounding Void Mayfly seemed to feel Wang Teng’s mood, and flew over, circling and flying around him, as if comforting him.

“You little things are human.” Wang Teng shook his head, thinking of Xiao Bai.

I think that when he first entered the martial arts, it was a group of martial artists who lost both in order to compete for Xiaobai, which allowed him to obtain the martial arts bubble and step into the ranks of martial artists.

Thinking about it now, it really feels like yesterday!

Although the road to martial arts is difficult and dangerous, he has no regrets.

Born in this era, it is so humble not to practice martial arts!

In an instant, Wang Teng’s eyes became sharp and firm.

Parents, Lin Chuhan, Tantaixuan, Ge Lin… Wang Teng knows that everyone must be waiting for him to return!

He must live!

Suddenly, a white light flashed across his mind.


“By the way, Xiaobai!” Wang Teng suddenly thought of something.

There is the power of a contract between him and Xiaobai. If he relies on that little connection, can he perceive the coordinates of Xingwu Continent?

This idea just surfaced, and it was out of control.

Wang Teng immediately closed his eyes, looking for the connection in the dark…

“It’s too weak, but I can feel it faintly. It seems to be in that direction!” Wang Teng opened his eyes, frowned, and then pushed the huge boulder under him, galloping in the direction he sensed.

As he moved forward, the senses gradually became clear. Although still faint, Wang Teng saw hope.

Star Wu Continent, in a mountain range.

In the sky, a huge crow with red and black feathers suddenly cried like gold and cracked rocks.

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