Chapter 517: The Profound Meaning of Power!

In the gloomy void, a huge corpse tens of meters high floated quietly, and a figure sat cross-legged on the forehead of this corpse.

And around the figure, one by one, starlight-like spots of light danced around him, appearing extremely dazzling and mysterious.

Wang Teng is getting acquainted with these void mayfly. At this moment, he feels that these void mayfly have become an extension of his mental power. They are his ears, his eyes, and even his third hand.

In this void, the extension of mental power is extremely limited, but these void mayflies can fly far away, and he can still feel their existence.

Before that, he had made dozens of Void Mayfly fly a great distance around, and through Void Mayfly, he could perceive the situation beyond that distance.

“Unexpectedly, there will be such unexpected joy in this void.”

A trace of self-deprecating appeared on Wang Teng’s face, but he didn’t know why this wonderful change occurred.

Is it just because they swallowed his mental power?

Wang Teng couldn’t understand it for a while, so he left it behind, and then his eyes flashed, letting the Void Mayfly explore the void in the distance.

Seeing the void mayfly go away until he can’t see it, he lowered his head and looked at the huge corpse below, lost in thought.

Suddenly, Wang Teng took out the magic weapon and Demon Que, a little bit under his feet, and his body was suddenly raised, and he slashed towards the huge corpse.


The Force screamed, bombarding the body of the huge corpse, but it made waves of metal crashing sounds.

And only a white mark was left on the skin of the huge corpse!

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes, looked at the huge corpse in surprise, and gritted his teeth severely: “I don’t believe it anymore, I can’t help you with a corpse!”

He mobilized the force of his whole body, gathered on the magic fault, and cut it down again.

The meaning of killing broke out!

Wang Teng used the Dark Force as his main force and delivered the strongest blow.


A small wound finally appeared on the arm of the huge corpse, as if it had been cut by a knife.


Wang Teng stared at the wound in a daze, and even leaned closer to look at it. It turned out to be just a small wound.

He couldn’t help taking a breath.

His dark force has reached the warlord level, and his attack power is not weak, but as a result, he can only leave such a small wound on the corpse.

So, how strong was this corpse in his lifetime? ?

Wang Teng could hardly imagine.

But the more terrifying the corpse, the more it aroused his interest.

Wang Teng frowned for a moment in thought, took out the meteor cone, spurred it with mental power, and stab at the wound fiercely.


The wound was finally enlarged a bit, and a drop of golden blood flowed down the wound and dripped down.

“Huh? Golden blood!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but was shocked, and he didn’t dare to take it. He pondered for a moment, and his mental power surged, rolled the golden blood over, and then put it into a small jade bottle.

Although there was only one drop, in terms of the size of the huge corpse, this drop of golden blood was enough to fill the jade bottle.

Wang Teng put the small jade bottle back into the space ring, planning to go back and study it, and then he continued to manipulate the meteor cone to attack the wound.

Half an hour later, the wound on the corpse had expanded to several inches, and more golden blood was flowing out.

At the same time, an attribute bubble fell out!

“Sure enough!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he picked it up immediately.

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

Wang Teng was shocked, his eyes widened.


He unexpectedly exploded the profound meaning attribute from the body of this corpse!

What is Profound meaning?

That is the realm above the artistic conception, and its power is many times stronger than the artistic conception.

If the artistic conception is the exclusive of genius, then this profound meaning is the supernatural power that only a small part of countless geniuses can comprehend.

At this time, in his mind, a huge mountain-like figure emerged, he was comprehending the profound meaning of power, walking among the mountains, raising his hands, destroying the mountains and breaking the mountains, with infinite power.

A hint of profound meaning has been incorporated into his mind, mysterious and strange!

Wang Teng was shocked, only 1 point of attribute value, but it made him realize a hint of profound meaning, really incredible.

Mastering the profound meaning, Wang Teng can exert extremely terrifying power with a wave of his hand.

This is definitely a big deal!

Wang Teng clenched his fists, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the huge corpse in front of him, as if he had seen a huge treasure.


The meteor cone flashed a cold light in the void, and Wang Teng urged his mental power with all his strength to stab towards the huge corpse.

Under Wang Teng’s unremitting efforts, small wounds finally appeared on the body of the huge corpse.

A drop of golden blood leaked from the wound, and Wang Teng collected a lot of golden blood based on the principle of not wasting.

After putting them into the jade bottle, they all threw them to the corner of the space ring.

At the same time, attribute bubbles also fell out, floating around.

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

【The Profound Meaning of Power*1】

Wang Teng was overjoyed and picked it up quickly.

After some tossing down, Wang Teng gained a total of 12 power points.

The profound understanding of that period was integrated into his body and memory, and Wang Teng had a new understanding of power.

It turns out that this is power!

This kind of enlightenment was born in his heart inexplicably!

Unexplainable, unclear!

He really asked him to explain what power is, but he couldn’t say it clearly, but there was indeed a kind of understanding in his heart that this was power.

Wang Teng stopped his attack.

He is too tired.

In order to leave a wound on the huge corpse, he can be said to have exhausted all his strength, whether it is the original force or the mental power, it was all exhausted.

This huge corpse was really terrifying, and his powerful body almost made him helpless.

Fortunately, after some tossing, I finally got a little gain.

Wang Teng decided to rest for a while, anyway, he couldn’t live without it for a while. It’s better to clean up the corpse of the treasure first.

Otherwise, if you can leave this emptiness, but give up such a treasure for nothing, then you will have no place to cry in regret.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he took out the source stone to restore his original power.

Fortunately, in the underground space of the Black Rook City Castle, all the treasures of the dark species were scoured, and now it just came in handy.

It’s just that the original force can be recovered well, but the recovery of mental power is a big problem.

Treasures that can restore mental power are extremely rare. Without such treasures, his mental power would certainly not recover quickly.

I think I used to rely on picking attributes to make up for the consumption of mental power, but I have never considered this kind of problem, and now I am facing a difficult situation, I know how happy I was before.

Alas, how can I fall to this point!

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