Chapter 516: Corpses in the Void…

“How could this happen…”

Wang Teng’s heartbreaking dry howl sounded in the deadly void.

Smell of sadness, and tears when you see it!

It’s a pity that no one exists here except himself.

Wang Teng forced himself to calm down quickly. This is the end of the matter. It is useless to struggle any more. Why don’t you think about how to get out?

With a solemn expression, he simply sat down in the same place first, and then sat in the void quietly, floating like a ghost.

The entrance to the previous space has long been blown up.

When I thought that I had done it with Thunder Clone, I suddenly felt a pain in the liver!

Slowly, Wang Teng closed his eyes and combed all the knowledge of spatial runes in his mind, looking for a way to return.

In this void, the concept of time was completely lost. I don’t know how long it took, Wang Teng felt hungry, so he had to take out some food from the space ring.

Fortunately, a large amount of star beast meat and various other foods are stored in his space ring.

Well, what a good habit!

The sapphire glazed flame burned in the void, and Wang Teng used it to roast the meat.

He sighed and sighed while resting his chin with his hands on the barbecue.



“Oh~ I’m so miserable!”

“First, I was dragged into the abyss world by the fellow Black Nightmare Demon, and finally escaped easily, and finally fell into the void again. I was so miserable!”

Wang Teng complained of the roasted meat, put it in his mouth and ate it, turning his grief and anger into his appetite.


After eating, he couldn’t help but belch.

Then I was shocked, my complexion changed slightly…

It’s over, eat too much!

You should eat less, I don’t know how long to stay in this void, food can’t be wasted!

Wang Teng secretly made up his mind to eat less at the next meal!

After eating, he flashed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and took out the space equipment left by the three dark-type spiritual masters from the space ring.

Spiritual power swept away.

“Found it!” After a while, Wang Teng couldn’t help showing joy, and three leather books like notebooks appeared in his hands.

When I opened it, it really recorded ancient knowledge related to space runes, and Wang Teng immediately read it eagerly.

Check the gaps and make up for the leaks, and deepen the space rune attainments.

The clock is ticking.

Suddenly, not far from Wang Teng’s side, a burst of extremely violent spatial fluctuations spread, venting the tyrannical energy.

Wang Teng immediately turned his head and looked around, only to see small white marks appearing out of nowhere in the void not far away.

Suddenly, waves of attraction came.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed, he felt the huge crisis, and immediately moved away quickly, escaping from the shroud of the suction force.

“so close!”

At this moment, he deeply realized the danger in this void.

After a while, the pulling force disappeared, and the thin white scars healed again. Wang Teng frowned slightly, hesitated, and finally continued to sit down and flip through three notebooks quickly.

At a certain moment, Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and he saw some records about the void.

It turns out that there are many unknowable dangers in this void, and the just kind of space cracks formed due to various reasons. This kind of space cracks are very unstable and very destructive. If they are sucked away, even if it is A warrior with a strong physical body will also be torn to pieces instantly, which is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, ordinary people can’t walk through the void, and only the strong with a certain level of strength can barely cross the void.

But even if it is an extremely powerful existence, they don’t dare to wander around in the void. Once they stray into the space crack, they will leave immediately, provided that they don’t encounter the energy explosion in the void, or the sudden occurrence of cracks and other unexpected situations.

The other is that the existence of Wang Teng, who possesses the talent of space, can not be repelled by the space, and can also keenly perceive the hidden danger in it.

Obviously, such an existence is even rarer than the strong who can cross the void!

Wang Teng was fortunate again, if he didn’t have the talent for space, and simply rely on the strength of the newcomer level, I am afraid that he would really die forever!

Wang Teng spent a lot of time and finally read all three notes.

His spirit and understanding are extremely strong, and his memory and comprehension are amazing, so he can remember this knowledge in a short period of time.

But after reading it, his face was not so good.

“You must leave the space coordinates in the original world to locate, and then it is possible to find a way to leave. Then I am not dead?”

Wang Teng did not leave any spatial coordinates on Earth Star or Xingwu Continent, so naturally he could not lock the two worlds.

He couldn’t help sighing.

Too cheating!

In addition, another way is to force a collision to expand its range when a space crack appears, and then leave along the space crack.

But this method has too many drawbacks!

If you are not careful, you will be torn apart by space cracks, and even if you get out by chance, you don’t know what will be behind.

What if it is inside the sun?

What if it is some unknown world?

What if you fall into a cesspool?

In short, everything is possible!

This method is obviously more cheating, and Wang Teng doesn’t want to do it as a last resort.

Then he ate something more, stood up, and decided to fumble around, maybe he could find other ways in this void.

Wang Teng moved forward in the direction pointed by the previous spatial channel. Although I don’t know if it is right, at least there is a direction, which is better than wandering aimlessly. If he walks, he will go out.

He comforted himself and walked silently.

Soon he discovered that while walking forward in the void, although the original force in his body could still be used, it was extremely stagnant. Fortunately, his mental power seemed to have no such obstacles, otherwise his speed would become extremely slow.

I don’t know how long it has been floating. During this period, Wang Teng encountered many space cracks and energy explosions, each of which was extremely thrilling. Fortunately, with his spatial talent, he could always avoid it in time.

It’s just that in this silence, Wang Teng gradually became silent, no one communicated, only aimless search…

Accompanying him is the unchanging icy void.

Gradually, a wave of fatigue emerged in his heart.

At this time, Wang Teng raised his head, and there was even a slight numbness on his face. He didn’t know the time. He only knew that if he eats once a day, he has already spent more than three months.

For more than three months, he had not found anything, and his heart had already planned to give up.

“Maybe I can only throw it all!” Wang Teng sighed in his heart.

At this moment, the corner of his eye seemed to catch a glimpse of something, and his eyes moved suddenly.

A huge shadow floated in the void, some distance away from Wang Teng, if it weren’t really too abrupt in this void, Wang Teng would definitely not have noticed it.

Wang Teng’s numb face couldn’t help but a wave of fluctuations appeared, and his mental power surged, pushing him to rush towards the shadow.

As he approached, Wang Teng’s pupils shrank.

This turned out to be a huge corpse. If you stood up visually, it might be dozens of meters tall.

It was floating in the void, the corpse remained intact, not decayed, and its appearance could be clearly seen.

Its body shape is very similar to human beings, but its head is extremely weird, its forehead is wide, showing a kind of blue and white color, but the overall image is still similar to human beings.

The other most conspicuous place is that it has a rather mysterious and strange symbol on its forehead!

“What species is this?”

Wang Teng took a deep breath, shocked in his eyes, flew over the corpse and looked down, muttering to himself, “It should be dead!”

As soon as the voice fell, the eyelids of this corpse suddenly squirmed.


Wang Teng was really taken aback, and he was on guard in an instant, staring at the corpse.

Its eyelids were indeed moving, and even its fingers moved along with it.

This creature is not dead! ! !

Wang Teng was shocked, what kind of existence could sleep in the void without dying, he could hardly imagine.

But at this moment, light spots suddenly appeared under the skin of the corpse, densely clustered, flying around the corpse.

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and when he took a closer look, he found that within the light spot were slender and beautiful creatures.

Short tentacles, colorful wings, long tails…

“This is… a mayfly? Void mayfly?” Wang Teng frowned, thinking in his heart.

At the same time, he found that after these creatures called the Void Mayfly flew out, the corpse completely lost its movement.

It is not a living thing!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at the Void Mayfly in front of him again.

They seemed to have discovered the existence of Wang Teng and swarmed at him.

Wang Teng’s heart jumped, and his mental power swept out and swept toward these emptiness mayfly.

But the next situation caused him to fall into a short period of sluggishness.

These Void Mayflies seemed to have discovered some extremely delicious food, and instantly swallowed Wang Teng’s mental power.

Wang Teng’s face was shocked, and the situation in front of him was really beyond his expectation and beyond his cognition.

The Void Mayfly swallowed the mental power that Wang Teng had released before, and pounced on him again.

Wang Teng once again released a ray of mental power, and quickly backed away, but the speed of the void mayfly was too fast, they were so large that they extremely quickly ate away the mental power he released, and surrounded him.

Wang Teng was about to make a counterattack when he suddenly noticed that these Void Mayfly did not attack him, but circled and danced around him extremely affectionately.

And just at this moment, bursts of joyful and cheerful emotions flooded into his mind through some kind of peculiar connection.


This situation reminded Wang Teng of Xiao Bai who was thrown by him on Xingwu Continent. The situation at this time was very similar to a spiritual pet contract.

However, there are still some differences. This connection seems to be more free and more peculiar, as if these void mayfly and his mental power are connected as one.

When Wang Teng moved his mind, he stretched out his hand, and the empty mayfly stopped on his palm.

“Really!” Wang Teng was amazed, feeling that he had picked up a group of children somehow.

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