Chapter 493 A real wave of fat! (Two in one)

The next moment, the little thing suddenly jumped up and stared at the golden roasted meat in Wang Teng’s hand.


A very clear sound of swallowing saliva came from its throat.


delicious food!

It stared at the barbecue in Wang Teng’s hand, with longing in its eyes. It hadn’t eaten anything for a day and night, and its already hungry chest was on its back.

But out of fear of Wang Teng, it didn’t dare to step forward and could only look at it from a distance.

Wang Teng frowned slightly. He didn’t have any good feelings for the Dark Seed, but the little thing in front of him was different from the Dark Seed he had seen, and looked very similar to humans.

Even he didn’t feel the evil and dark aura resembling the kind of darkness in it.

Suspicious in his heart, he tore a piece of barbecue and threw it to the little thing.

In any case, the time he was in a coma was really ‘boarding’ at the other party’s house, giving him some food, which was considered a good rent.

The little thing saw the barbecue that was thrown over, and his skills were quite agile. A vicious dog threw on his food and caught it, and then his whole body fell on the ground.

It didn’t seem to feel any pain at all, and just stuffed the barbecue into its mouth.


As soon as the barbecue entered its mouth, it was stunned.

The throat rolled unconsciously, and the barbecue slipped into the stomach along the throat.

It was so annoyed that he swallowed it without tasting it.

It feels that this may be the best food it has eaten in its life, even though its life is only six or seven years.

It looked at the roasted meat that had already taken a large bite in its hand, suddenly became cautious, and then ate it bite by bite, with a particularly sacred expression and narrowed eyes, which seemed to enjoy it very much.

Wang Teng was eating the barbecue, his eyes glanced over, and he wanted to curse ‘good luck’, but when he saw it, he didn’t know why he couldn’t scold him again.

In the human world, children of this age are still growing up happily in the greenhouse, while the little thing in front of him has already sought survival in the jungle.

If it weren’t for its identity, Wang Teng might help it.

After all, no matter how you say it, he has accepted its love.

After eating the barbecue, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he counted the goods received for the war.

He suffered a lot of losses in this battle, and was extremely injured. If the goods received are not as good as the losses, then there is really no place to cry.

Pull out the attribute panel, a row of data expands in front of him.

The first is the attributes of spirit and understanding.

[Savvy]: Emperor Realm (213000)

[Spirit]: Emperor Realm (533000)

Not only the spiritual attributes, even the savvy attributes have reached the level of the emperor realm.

The leap of a great realm greatly improved Wang Teng’s comprehension ability, truly reaching an extremely terrifying level.

Few people have this kind of savvy.

At least when Wang Teng picked up attributes on the battlefield, he only picked up a few of the enlightenment attribute bubbles of the king realm, which meant that even the enlightenment of the king realm was very scarce, let alone the emperor realm perception.

And comprehension is basically an innate talent, what kind of talent is at birth, what kind of talent is in this life.

Treasures that can improve your understanding may exist, but they are absolutely rare. It’s like Wang Teng’s all the way from the ordinary savvy talent to the emperor realm savvy talent, this is simply unimaginable.

The spiritual attribute reached the imperial realm, Wang Teng had known for a long time, but originally there were only a few imperial spiritual attributes, but now it has reached 53 points.

It shows that he still picked up a lot of spiritual attributes in the last wave, otherwise he would definitely not reach so many.

Don’t underestimate 53 points. You must know that the conversion ratio between the spiritual attributes of the Emperor Realm and the spiritual attributes of the King Realm is 1:10, which means that only 10 points of the King Realm spirit can increase the Emperor Realm spirit by 1 point.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile. It was not easy to improve the spirit of the king realm, but now it is even more difficult when it comes to the realm of the king.

After all, too few people have reached the imperial state in their spiritual realm.

He shook his head and continued to look under the attribute panel.

[Battlefield awareness]: 12309000 (9 stars)

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stunned, his battlefield awareness reached 9 stars.

Before he joined the war, his battlefield awareness was only 4 stars, spanning five levels, which is a bit exaggerated.

I am afraid that the veterans of the Hundred Wars will not reach the 9-star level of battlefield awareness.

Only those fighters who have been active on the battlefield for decades and can survive can reach this level.

Of course, the existence of generals like Tan Taixuan is another matter. After all, they have high strength, good talents, and have experienced a lot of battles. Naturally, their battlefield awareness will not be low.

Wang Teng closed his eyes and realized it carefully, and found that deep in his mind there was a complex memory of combat experience, including various efficient killing methods, lore skills, etc., which made his combat ability become Extremely powerful.

He opened his eyes and his gaze flickered. This improvement in combat experience is just right for him. With his current strength, if the combat experience is too low, it will not play any role at all. With great war skills, his strength will be doubled up.

Below is the talent column.

Basically all is a slip of advanced talent.

The talents of the Five Elements Force have been improved, and the advanced talents are about to be full.

In addition, there are advanced weapon talents such as advanced swordsmanship, advanced swordsmanship, advanced arrow skills, advanced marksmanship, and advanced stick skills, which have also been greatly improved.

Among them, the talents of advanced marksmanship and advanced stickmanship were just obtained this time.

There is also a high-level power talent, which was originally only an intermediate level, but now it has become a high-level talent. Obviously, during the war, someone dropped the high-level power talent and was acquired by him.

In addition to these, there are two most important talents left.

One is spatial talent, and the other is an eight-armed monster!

[Space]: 412510000

【Eight Armed Demon Body】: 306000

The space talent has been greatly improved, almost by more than a thousand points. This is naturally due to the many space attribute bubbles that were dropped when the dark species opened the space cracks.

Now Wang Teng’s spatial talent is not weak, and he can easily use some spatial methods.

As for the eight-armed demon body, it came from the eight-armed demon general Zulzi, this was the second general-level existence that Wang Teng killed, and the receipt was not small.

However, the eight-armed monster is still a lot worse than the demon lotus poison, and the upper limit of the two is a full 4000 points of attribute value.

Of course, for Wang Teng, the eight-armed monster is also a rare institutional talent, which can enhance his physical strength, vitality and resilience.

It is a pity that his wind, thunder, and ice talents have not improved.

There are not many people with these three kinds of mutation talents, and Wang Teng’s wind system talents are even at an intermediate level.

Wang Teng shook his head with some regret, and looked at the [The Force] column.

[Golden Force]: 81009000 (9 stars)

[Wood Force]: 79509000 (9 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 76309000 (9 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 82309000 (9 stars)

[Earth Forces]: 77109000 (9 stars)

Wang Teng was stunned to discover that his Five Elements Force had reached 9 stars, and he was very close to the general level, but it was just over a thousand points away.

The attribute value of more than a thousand points was a huge gap for him before, but now it is just a matter of killing a few high-level star beasts.

With his five-element 9-star warrior-level strength, it is still not between the palms of the hand.

Wang Teng didn’t entangle either, looking at the other Force attributes.

[The Force of Wind System]: 21503000 (5 stars)

[Dark Force]: 696010000 (10 stars)

[Thunder Force]: 13509000 (9 stars)

The force of the wind system has increased a bit, but it has not broken through the realm, and it is still a 5-star warrior level.

For the current Wang Teng, this level of strength is obviously low.

However, it has been improved anyway, unlike the ice force, the poison force, there is no change at all, it is extremely helpless.

Wang Teng frowned, and secretly decided that if he had a chance, he must increase the force of these elements. After all, whether it is the wind element, the ice element, or the poison element, they are all extremely powerful elements of the original force. .

What surprised Wang Teng the most was the enhancement of the Dark Force and Thunder Force.

The span of these two Force Attributes is really too big.

The Dark Force originally entered the 10-star warlord level after picking up the attribute bubble of the werewolf warlord. Then he returned to the battlefield and picked up a few waves of attributes. Unexpectedly, there were more than 6,000 points. Reached the advanced stage of 10-star warlord level.

Wang Teng couldn’t help taking a deep breath. Although the Dark Force did not penetrate the entire human spine like a normal promotion to the Warlord level, the force level did indeed reach the 10-star warrior level.

Moreover, he also felt the combat power of the general level in the battle, which shows that there is no water in the realm of the dark force general level.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The other forces are still at the 9-star warrior level, but the Dark Force has reached the warlord level, which is really ironic.

But just so, if he is really in the dark world now, this warlord-level dark force realm is the most important means for him to protect himself.

Then Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the Thunder Elemental Force, and the realm above surprised and delighted him.

The improvement of the Thunder Force Force is also extremely terrifying, from the 2-star warrior level to the 9-star warrior level, and it surpasses 7 levels at once, which is hard to imagine.

Unexpectedly, with the help of Ten Thousand Thunders and Death Array cultivation, there would be such a huge receipt.

Will it be easy to reach the warlord level after coming a few more times? The 13-star upper warlord level is not a dream!

Of course, he only dared to think about it. He already had a deep understanding of the pain that thunder had poured into his flesh, and it would really be deadly!

What’s more, this time I used the enhanced version of the thirteen thunder-inducing pillars, and finally desperately used the power of thunder to have this effect.

If it’s an ordinary Ten Thousand Thundering Nation Array, it would be good if he could reach the 7-star warrior level.

The latter realm is getting harder and harder to improve, and more and more force attribute points are needed. If you really need to use the power of the formation to practice, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But in general, Wang Teng’s strength has improved a lot this time, and the five elements alone have reached the 9-star warrior level, and Wang Teng is confident that he can be a hard-steel warlord-level powerhouse.

In fact, he did it. After all, the eight-armed demon general was beheaded at his 9-star warrior-level realm, although it had already suffered serious injuries at that time.

Next comes the exercises and combat skills.

Among the fighting techniques, the most precious is the “Dark Clone Technique”, a special kind of exercise from the Dark Nightmare Lord.

Being able to create clones is definitely an extremely practical technique!

Then there is the water system heavenly combat skill “Seven Stars Lishui Sword Art” from a human warlord-level powerhouse, which also comes with Lishui sword intent, which is surprisingly powerful.

[Seven Stars Lishui Sword Art]: 1001000 (10%)

In addition, there are several extremely powerful and rare exercises and combat techniques:

“Huang Tianhao Earth Skills”-Earth System Heavenly Skills!

“The Fiery Sun Burning Heaven Kungfu”-the fire system of the heavenly power!

“Bihai Chaosheng Jue”-Water System Heavenly Rank Technique!

“Qinglong Lingmu Jue”-the wood system of heavenly ranks!

“Golden Gang Boxing”-the golden style of heavenly boxing!

“Black Wing Demon Slash”-Dark Sky Blade Technique!

“Netherclaw Soul Claw”-Dark Sky Claw Skill!

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed continuously, and he couldn’t help showing his joy. Without exception, all of these techniques and combat skills were of the Celestial rank.

He suddenly remembered that on the battlefield there had been several warlord-level existences, not only human powers, but also powerful existences among the dark species.

These celestial exercises and combat skills can only be left over by them.

Up to now, among Wang Teng’s Five Element Cultivation Techniques, except for the Golden Cultivation Techniques, the others are all Heaven-Rank Cultivation Techniques. This is naturally a great thing for him in his usual practice.

The higher the skill level, the faster the practice speed!

The remaining combat skills, “Golden Gang Boxing” is a gold-based combat skill, “Black Wing Demon Slash” and “Nether Claws” are both dark-based combat skills, one is a sword and the other is a claw.

The most important thing is that these three combat skills are all with artistic conception!

[Jin Gang Boxing]: 6501000 (10%)

[Black Wing Demon Slash]: 5801000 (10%)

【Netherclaw Soul Claw】: 8001000 (10%)

The artistic conception of the three combat skills is in the tenth stage, which is not very high, but the artistic conception is the artistic conception, which is very different from the combat skills without the artistic conception.

Having obtained so many heavenly-ranking exercises and combat skills at once, Wang Teng is already somewhat inferior to the heavenly-ranking exercises and combat skills.

He is swollen!

A real wave of fat!

But for him, those cultivation techniques and tactics below the heavenly rank are not useless. They are analogous and may be useful in the future.

In the end is the only windfall-Sapphire Liuliyan!

He had a deep understanding of the power of this kind of fire of heaven and earth during the war, and even the Dark Nightmare Lord was extremely afraid of the sapphire and glazed flames, and suffered all the hardships surrounded by it.

Wang Teng’s attention to the fire of heaven and earth has increased several levels.

It is completely possible to add the sapphire glaze flame to the fire system combat skills. This will not only surprise you, but also increase the power of the combat skills by several levels, killing two birds with one stone.

Wang Teng touched his chin and thought to himself.

He likes surprises most, and the dead do not pay for their lives.

Thinking of Qingyu Liuliyan, Wang Teng couldn’t help thinking of the Iron Armor Flame Scorpion and Xiao Bai. When he left, he left them in the birthplace of Qingyu Liuliyan. He thought he could go back to pick them up after the war was over, but this happened. Stall things.

Now that he wanders in a foreign land, he still doesn’t know when he can go back, and he can’t take care of those two guys for the time being.

Fortunately, the Ironclad Flame Scorpion had already handed over the core of its soul, and Wang Teng was not worried about what moths would emerge from it.

As for Tan Taixuan and others, he has nothing to do. I hope they can believe that he can survive. Don’t set up a burial mound or seal him a martyr. Otherwise, what should his parents and family be sad?

Wang Teng sighed and shook his head helplessly.

After going through all the things in his mind, Wang Teng finally let out a long sigh of breath. He is not a sentimental person, so he no longer thinks about it now, but closes his eyes and continues to recover from his injuries… …

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