Chapter 492: The Dark World?

“who am I?”

“Where am I?”

“Where am I going?”

When Wang Teng woke up, there was confusion in his mind, and he couldn’t remember anything for a while.

He subconsciously looked around and found that it was a dark, damp, narrow cave, but the ground was covered with dry grass so that it was not so humid.

When he wanted to get up, he reluctantly gave up.

Because the space here is too small to accommodate his standing body.

He could only bend his body slightly, and then leaned against the cave wall, but this posture made him very uncomfortable.

And this movement caused countless wounds on his body to be affected.

“Hiss!” He took a breath in pain.

What a pain!

The bursts of pain made Wang Teng finally remember what happened before the coma.

The monster lady of the Dark Nightmare Lord is not dead!

And dragged him to this horrible place!

MMP, he spared his life to reverse the situation. He originally thought he had won, and everyone was chanting his name.

It is conceivable that the next moment must be his highlight.

He must be greeted by all kinds of praise, admiration, respect… Just think about it!

As a result, all this is gone!

He was pushed into the space crack and came to this unknown place.

When Wang Teng thought of this, he couldn’t help sighing.

The Black Nightmare Demon Lord is really too difficult, even if he is driven to a desperate situation, he can still escape everyone’s perception and launch a surprise attack at the last moment.

But having said that, if he hadn’t consumed too much mental power and original power at that time, he wouldn’t have been defenseless and caught the dark nightmare demon’s insidious trick.

It’s useless to think about it now. The most important thing now is to figure out the situation in front of you.

He looked around, his eyes fixed on the other life form in the cave.

As early as when he woke up, he noticed this little thing, but it was too weak, even if he was seriously injured, he could still crush it to death with one finger, so he didn’t care about it.

At this moment, his gaze fell on the little thing, and he looked at it.

When he saw it clearly, Wang Teng was slightly surprised.

At first glance, this looks like a human child, about six or seven years old, thin and small, covered in mud all over, his face is black and gray, his hair is dry and yellow, and it is stuck together. I don’t know how long I haven’t bathed. NS.

A sour smell wafted in the cave, causing him to frown involuntarily.

When the little thing saw Wang Teng looking at it, his heart jumped. He regretted not leaving early, so that he fell into the other side’s “tiger’s mouth” now.

But the long jungle life made it never give up hope of survival until the last moment. It made an attack gesture, grinning at Wang Teng, showing two tiger teeth, and a low roar came from its throat.

When Wang Teng saw it look like a beast, his brow furrowed deeper, and he said coldly, “Come here!”

“Roar!” The fear in the little thing’s eyes was even greater, but it still snarled at Wang Teng, but he tarriedly refused to come forward.

Feeling helpless, Wang Teng checked his physical condition and found that the only thing he could use was the Dark Force. He didn’t think much about it. He immediately used a trace of Dark Force to wrap the little things and roll them in front of him.

“Let go of me, let me go!” The little thing struggled in horror, but couldn’t move.

“Dark language!” Wang Teng’s heart moved.

He suddenly remembered that when he was finally pushed into the space crack by the Dark Nightmare Lord, it said it would wait for him in the ‘dark world’.

So, this place is a dark world? ? !

There was a trace of disbelief in Wang Teng’s heart. He immediately turned on “Lingsight”, looked around, and his eyes were full of dark force. Although the little things in front of him had no traces of cultivation in their bodies, they were filled with extremely thin bodies. The dark force.

This is obviously a feature that only appears in a world where the Dark Force is extremely rich.

Therefore, the place he is now, even if it is not the dark world, is definitely inseparable from it.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he spoke lightly and said in dark words: “Don’t panic, answer my questions, I won’t hurt you.”

The little thing understood the words, it hesitated for a moment, and the survival instinct made it nod without hesitation.

Seeing its cooperation, Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction and asked, “Where is this?”

“Forest!” The little thing said without hesitation.

“…” Wang Teng choked, “What forest?”

“The forest is the forest!” The little thing looked at him suspiciously and said.

“Damn, it’s not a mentally retarded person!” Wang Teng was speechless.

Then he asked a few simple questions to determine if this was the world where the Dark Seed was located, but the results were obvious.

The little thing in front of him is simply a hillbilly, and its scope of activity is only in a small area of ​​this forest.

It is better to find a sow who can climb the tree if you want to know the world from her mouth.

So he threw the little thing aside, ignored it, closed his eyes, and silently recovered from his injury.

The little thing didn’t dare to leave, so he could only curl up in the corner, looking at Wang Teng with fear and curiosity.

Wang Teng found that the battle left him extremely badly injured. There is almost no good place on the whole body. Except for the Dark Force, the other Forces are exhausted, and there is very little mental power left, which makes his brain groggy and very dizzy. Uncomfortable.

He couldn’t help smiling bitterly, and then pierced a trace of mental energy into the space ring, and found the only two bottles of healing medicine left. After taking it out, he poured it into his mouth.

The little thing was stunned, looking at Wang Teng’s hand, and then at his own.

It has a very serious question-how can you make things out of thin air?

It followed Wang Teng’s movements, stretched out its hand, and stared at its palm…

What a pity there is nothing!

It was too hungry. It hadn’t eaten for a day. When Wang Teng swallowed two bottles of healing medicine, he thought it was delicious, especially the faint fragrance of the pill, which made it drool.

Wang Teng sat for several hours.

The night has passed, and after a night of recovery, Wang Teng’s injuries have recovered a lot, so that his whole body will not hurt even with a slight movement.

At the same time, the mental power in his mind has also recovered a little, and he can simply use some mental power methods.

For him, at any rate, there is a trace of self-protection power.

It will take at least some time to fully recover.

Thinking about this, Wang Teng’s stomach suddenly screamed.

He took out a piece of star beast meat from the space ring and roasted it with the meager fire force. After a while, wisps of fragrance floated away.

The little thing shrugged his nose in his sleep, and a trace of saliva fell from the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

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