Chapter 479 I happen to take advantage of the power of thunder to practice!

“You come?!”

When all the rune masters heard Wang Teng’s words, they were once again taken aback.

They didn’t expect that Wang Teng would take the initiative to stand up. They were both gratified and helpless.

“No!” Goering didn’t even think about it, he shook his head and said: “I’m old, it’s not a pity to die, but you are different, you are still young, and you can’t take personal risks.”

“Yes, I’m waiting for half of the old bones to die, and you will die. You young people are the future of the entire world.” Master Kaier said bitterly.

Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry in his heart. These masters thought he was going to die in place of Goering, making life and death like a parting.

He opened his mouth and wanted to explain

At this time, Master Zha Shu patted him on the shoulder and smiled: “Don’t say anything, just give this opportunity to show off to us old guys. Your future shouldn’t stop here.”

“…” Wang Teng.

These rune master plays are so many!

Unexpectedly, one day, everyone rushed to die.

Master Kaier glanced at the battle in the sky and saw that the human warlord was retreating under the attack of the Dark Nightmare Lord. The situation was not optimistic. He immediately said: “It shouldn’t be too late. Don’t talk nonsense, do it quickly. .”


The rest of the rune masters knew that they could not tolerate any more hesitation at this time, and they all had their dignified faces and stood up one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Teng hurriedly said: “Teacher, I have a way to resist the power of thunder, so I will preside over the thirteenth lightning pole.”

“You have a way to resist the power of thunder!?” Goring couldn’t help showing a look of surprise, and said suspiciously: “Don’t use this reason to lie to me just because you want to die for me. In fact, don’t worry too much. With his cultivation base, there is still a high chance of surviving.”

Wang Teng shook his head, without talking nonsense, and directly said the reason: “I have a thunder attribute sky-level technique, which can use the power of thunder to temper the physical body, and it can match the operation of the Ten Thousand Thundering Nation Array.”

At the same time, he raised his palm, letting the purple thunder and lightning force condense on his palm, and the sound of thunder and lightning was faintly heard.

“Sure enough, it is a thunder martial artist!!!”

The rune masters such as Goring and Kai Er saw the thunder force in his hand, and their doubts were gone, but they couldn’t help but be surprised.

Goering took a deep breath.

During the Yangcheng battle, Wang Teng showed a lot of hole cards, so he had known that Wang Teng was a multi-attribute warrior, but he didn’t even think that Wang Teng was still carrying an extremely rare thunder attribute force.

He was shocked and looked at Wang Teng with complicated eyes.

Multi-attribute martial artist is already synonymous with genius, and with the lightning attribute, even he has to sigh, his apprentice is really a monster!

Master Kaier and others have the same idea. Wang Teng is not only extremely accomplished in runes, but even the martial arts talent is terrifying, which is really unbelievable.

“If Wang Teng really has such a unique thunder system heavenly rank technique, this matter will be safe.” Master Zha Shu stroked his beard and said.

“Naturally, I won’t make a joke about this.” Wang Teng said.

So everyone looked at Goring, this decision still had to be made by his teacher, Wang Teng.

“I happen to take advantage of the power of Thunder to practice, so the teacher shouldn’t take this opportunity with me.” Wang Teng said in a half-joking tone.

“…” The rune masters were suddenly speechless.

When they faced the power of thunder, they avoided it like a tiger, but Wang Teng said that they would use it for cultivation.

Are young people these days so scary? ?

“You!” Goring was also dumbfounded. After a moment of thought, he asked again: “Are you really sure that there is no problem?”

“Don’t worry, teacher, I have a sense of measure.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Okay, then it’s up to you to preside over it, but if you can’t do anything about it, don’t force it, give up in time, and save yourself.” Goring said earnestly.

Wang Teng felt Goring’s care, his heart was warm, and he nodded.

Goring took a deep look at him and stopped talking nonsense. He took out the last lightning pole from the space ring and handed it to Wang Teng.

The huge lightning pole fell on Wang Teng’s shoulders, and was carried by him, but it seemed extremely relaxed. To him today, this weight was nothing at all.

He nodded at Ge Lin and the others, and immediately flew towards the center of Xingfeng City.

And Goring and other rune masters glanced at each other, spread out, and rushed to the twelve lightning poles scattered around Xingfeng City.

They sat cross-legged on the twelve lightning poles, their spiritual power gushing out, spurring the rune formation…

On Wang Teng’s side, he had already reached the center of the city and inserted the lightning pole into the ground vertically.


Under a loud noise, that heavy, huge, and extremely hard lightning rod was like a pin of descent into the ground.

Wang Teng stood on the lightning pole, looking at Ge Lin and others.

If you want to activate this lightning pole, you must start with the twelve lightning poles where they are, and gather the scattered rune power to gather on the thunder pole under his feet.


In the sky, the Dark Nightmare Lord holds a war sword and a war shield like a dark warrior goddess, sweeping across all directions, and terrible fluctuations of the force radiate around her as the center.

Tan Taixuan and others were constantly repelled, blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, but they all carried a resolute color, and they rushed forward extremely stubbornly to fight the Black Nightmare Sovereign.

The Dark Nightmare Lord noticed the movement of Wang Teng and others, frowning slightly.

The rune formations presided over by these human rune masters have been seen before, and even their warlord-level dark species are difficult to deal with, and their power is quite impressive.

And now it was dragged by these human war-general-level powerhouses in front of it, and it was difficult to get out for a while.

These human beings really should not be underestimated. With the combined efforts of a group of generals, even she feels a bit tricky.

It would be no small trouble if humans were allowed to open the previous formation again.

So its eyes flashed, and a cold voice came out:

“Kill those human runes!”

Hearing the command, the high-ranking Dark Seed who was fighting everywhere immediately left the battlefield without hesitation, and rushed towards Goring and the others.

“Stop them!” Tan Taixuan and the others changed their complexion slightly and hurriedly shouted loudly.

Many human high-ranking warriors have taken action to intercept them, but these dark species are not entangled with them at all, and only have the command of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord.

Kill the human runemaster! ! !

“Damn it!” The human warrior was furious, desperately blocking it, but there was still a large part of the dark-species powerhouse who forcibly broke through the line of defense erected by the human warrior and rushed towards Goring and the others.

“Free up two generals, first solve those dark species.” In the sky, King Yang frowned, and while fighting with the Dark Nightmare Lord, he gritted his teeth.

“I thought about the past and asked if I have you.” Black Nightmare Demon Lord sneered, the offensive was more fierce, and the human warlord-level powerhouse was almost out of breath.

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