Chapter 478 The Thirteenth Lightning Pillar

When the Dark Nightmare Lord looked towards Wang Teng’s direction, Tan Taixuan and others also noticed Wang Teng.

“Good boy, I know you can’t die!” Tantai Xuan laughed, and the haze in his heart was swept away.

King Yang and the others looked a little embarrassed at the moment, obviously they had suffered serious injuries in the previous battle, but seeing Wang Teng’s return, their faces showed a hint of joy.

I’m fine if I don’t die!

They are all very optimistic about Wang Teng’s talents, and let him grow, and it won’t take long for him to be a supreme guardian of mankind.

They naturally don’t want Wang Teng to fall here.

Goring and other rune masters are desperately restoring the severely damaged mental power, wanting to open the formation again, but this injury will be difficult to recover for a while.

When they heard the movement, they opened their eyes and looked over, and they couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan, Xie Xueyan and others who knew Wang Teng were all overjoyed after a moment of shock.

“Not dead, he’s not dead!” Kong Li’s face was blood stained, she didn’t know if it was from the darkness or her own, but the blood stain couldn’t hide the smile on her face. She slashed the darkness seed in front of her. Shouting, looking extremely excited.

“It’s fine if you don’t die, otherwise I will lose an opponent.” Yu Wenxuan thought to himself.

“I knew that this scourge could not die so easily.” Xie Xueyan curled his lips.

But then everyone seemed to think of something, and was suddenly taken aback.

Wang Teng is back, what about the warlord-level dark species that chased Wang Teng?

Where did you go? ?

They looked behind Wang Teng, but did not see the dark figure of the werewolf tribe.

At the next moment, everyone couldn’t help but come up with an absurd idea… Wouldn’t they be killed by Wang Teng?

This thought just came up and everyone was taken aback by themselves.

That was a warlord-level powerhouse, how could Wang Teng, a 7-star warrior-level warrior, be able to kill.

Only the Dark Nightmare Lord knew that Wang Teng had indeed killed the werewolf warlord, and even punched its clone.

The strength of this human youth seems to have undergone some unknown change, suddenly skyrocketing.

The punch that blasted its clone before, only physical strength, had already reached the level of the warlord.

But what makes it strange is that the breath of this human being is obviously only 8-star warrior level, and at first it was only 7-star warrior level.

This human being is definitely not simple!

Moreover, his talent is really not low, and he has achieved a breakthrough in the battle.

How could such a human arrogant keep him alive.

The Dark Nightmare Lord had murderous intent towards Wang Teng in his heart.

But at this time, the violent shouts of Tantaixuan and others sounded in its ears.


Several human warlord-level powerhouses took advantage of its stunned moment, rushed up and launched a fierce attack.

“Humph!” Black Nightmare Lord frowned and snorted coldly, “Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!”

The dark force within it surged, and the large black feather cloak on its body slowly drifted away, revealing a perfect body with a jet black close-fitting armor under the cloak.

That armor completely fits its body, glowing with a cold and gloomy light, and sharp barbs on its shoulder armor, arm armor, and even leg armor, adding a fierce and wild temperament to its body!

Make it look like a dark goddess of war!

Those black feathers came together again, and finally condensed into a black feather war sword and a black feather war shield in her hands!


The Dark Nightmare Lord gave a cold shout, welcoming Tantaixuan and other human warlords.

The terrible battle broke out completely, and the sky was covered by various force rays, crimson, gold, blue, cyan, black… The explosion of the force seemed to collapse the sky, and the power was extremely terrifying.

Wang Teng looked solemn, looked at the battle in the sky, and then at the chaotic battlefield below.

Although the battle between the two sides was at a stalemate at this time, he could see that humans did not have much chance of winning.

Especially the Dark Nightmare Lord is powerful, even if Tantai Xuan and others have an advantage in numbers, Wang Teng doesn’t think they have much chance of winning.

Something must be done to reverse the situation, otherwise mankind will not escape the end of destruction!

His eyes flashed, seeing Goring and the others, he had a vague decision in his heart.

At this time, countless attribute bubbles have accumulated on the ground. Wang Teng swept away his mental power, and while quickly picking up the attribute bubbles, he came to Goring and the others and asked:

“Teacher, can you still lead the big formation?”

Several rune masters glanced at each other, shook their heads and sighed: “The mental strength is damaged and it is difficult to recover quickly. Even if we barely take action, I am afraid it will not last long, and the power will inevitably be greatly reduced.”

Wang Teng hesitated for a moment, and said: “If I are the core and several masters will assist me, is it feasible?”


The rune masters were taken aback.

Although they knew that Wang Teng’s rune attainments might have reached the master level, his mental power would certainly not be weakened, but taking him as the core meant that he had to bear a great part of the pressure.

Especially when their mental strength was injured, the pressure on them would naturally be transferred to Wang Teng.

“Difficult, difficult!” Goring shook his head.

“Teacher, what if my mental power reaches the peak of the king realm?” Wang Teng said.

Just when he absorbed the attribute bubble, his mental power rapidly increased, quietly reaching the peak of the king’s realm.

[Spirit]: 9621000 (Wang Jing)

This shows how huge the number of attribute bubbles on the battlefield has reached!

“The Peak of King Realm!??”

Goring, including several rune masters, looked at Wang Teng in shock.

In this situation, they don’t believe that Wang Teng will make a joke about this kind of thing, so it can only be true!

But this… how is it possible!

The spiritual power of Wang Jing’s peak hasn’t even reached them, and Wang Teng is so great that he has already surpassed them!

Everyone felt incredible.

When Wang Teng saw their faces, he knew what they were thinking, and suddenly a ray of mental energy spread from the center of his eyebrows.

“This!” Goring and the others were shocked.

From their experience, it was natural to feel that this mental power had indeed reached the peak of the King Realm.

“Okay!” Goring smiled with joy: “In this way, it’s not impossible to try!”

The other rune masters were also overjoyed, looking at Wang Teng’s gaze, they wanted to see a big baby, that look…

Wang Teng couldn’t help taking a step back!

But at this time, Master Kaier showed hesitation, and said: “Even so, the power of the two large formations is at least as powerful as our previous level, and it can deal with the general warlord-level dark species. I want to deal with the black nightmare. Demon Lord, I’m afraid it’s not enough!”

The rune masters suddenly stopped breathing, and they obviously understood this.

No one knows the power of the two rune formations better than them.

To deal with the Black Nightmare Lord, it can only be trapped for a moment at most, and it will break through the big formation in a short while, and the person who presides the big formation will surely suffer backlash.

In this way, isn’t everything in vain.

Everyone fell silent.

“There is another way to increase the power of the big formation!” Goring suddenly said slowly.

“What’s the solution?” Master Kaier and the others were shocked and couldn’t help but urged.

“As you all know, there are twelve lightning bolts in the Ten Thousand Thundering Netherworld Array…” Golin said.

“Nonsense, of course we know that there are twelve lightning pillars in the Ten Thousand Thunders Annihilation Array.” Master Kai Er couldn’t help but explode in a hurry.

“Kay, don’t talk, Master Goring hasn’t finished talking about what you are anxious about.” Master Zha Shu frowned.

Goering smiled bitterly, and immediately said: “I used to be bored for a while, did an in-depth study of the Ten Thousand Thunders Annihilation Array, and then discovered an extremely old improved method of the Ten Thousand Thunders Annihilation Array. That method needs to be used. Thirteen lightning pillars, and this thirteenth lightning pillar will be located at the core of the big formation. At least one rune master must support the operation of this lightning pillar, withstand the power of thousands of thunderbolts, concentrate a little, and finally send out a terrifying thunder attack!”

After listening to Goring’s description and detailed explanation later, the rune masters were silent for a moment.

“This method…it’s crazy!”

“Yes, the strength of hitting thousands of thunderbolts is one point, even if we can’t bear it, whoever goes up will die!”

“Maybe before that blow, the host will be blown up by the power of thunder.”

What kind of insights the masters of runes, they said in a few words the shortcomings of this improved array, and they all shook their heads, feeling very unreliable.

It’s not that they are afraid of death, but that the implementation of this method is too low and it is almost impossible to succeed.

“It’s better to let the old man have a try.” Goring said with a trace of determination.


The rune masters hurriedly shook their heads.

“Master Goring, you are making a senseless sacrifice, it’s not worth it!” Master Zha Shu said.

“Moreover, we don’t have the thirteenth lightning bolt, we only forged twelve from beginning to end.” Kai Er said.

“I’m just worried about this happening. I asked the masters of forging to help build an additional lightning pole.” Goering said firmly and sadly: “You should stop persuading me. The situation is critical now. If I don’t try it. Try, mankind may be in danger of overthrowing!”

“This!” The rune masters were speechless.

Under the covering of the nest, there are finished eggs!

How could they not understand this truth, but the success rate is really too low, too low for them to accept.

But after a moment of silence, everyone nodded.

“Now that you have reached this point, you are desperate and give it a try.” Master Kaier first began to speak.

“Yes, it’s a big deal. The old man has lived enough for his age!” Master Zha Shu smiled boldly.

“Hahaha, fight for mankind, die for mankind, the old man’s name will be remembered by future generations after thousands of years…”

Other rune masters stroked their gray beards and nodded in agreement, without the slightest fear of death on their faces.

“Ahem, what? Masters, why not let me preside over the thirteenth pillar of thunder.” At this moment, Wang Teng had the opportunity to interrupt.

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