Chapter 472 Don’t panic, I’ll help you!

Then there is the special combat technique-Dark Wind Bullet!

This combat skill, Wang Teng, was once acquired from a Werewolf Dark Species transformed from humans, but at that time there were only a dozen corresponding attributes. Wang Teng didn’t want to spend too much blank attributes on this, so he put it aside.

Now he has gained a full 420 points of the Dark Wind Bullet attribute from this werewolf warlord. It can be seen that the werewolf warlord has much more mastery of this combat technique than the previous one, and it is enough for him to improve this combat skill. To the level of Xiaocheng.

【Dark Wind Bullet】: 321500 (Xiaocheng)

Wang Teng glanced at it and passed it directly. Although this dark wind bullet was good, the most important thing now was the improvement of the dark force realm.

The last and largest attribute bubble is jet black with a strong color, like a deep black hole.

Pick it up!

This dark force attribute bubble immediately merged into Wang Teng’s body.


Wang Teng was shocked. With the injection of this dark force attribute, the dark force within the ninth pronucleus in his body reached a critical state.

This time Wang Teng’s mind sank into his body, carefully observing the changes in the Dark Force.

He found that those dark forces were indeed integrated into the pronuclear body, and then the black lines on the ninth pronucleus gradually became the same as the other eight.

This means that as far as the Dark Force is concerned, the nine pronuclei are completely completed.

There are a total of nine pronuclei in the human body, distributed on the human spine, from the tail bone up to the skull at the back of the head.

When the 9 pronuclei are consummated, there will be a phenomenon of water overflowing, so that the force penetrates the entire spine of the human body.

As a result, the strength of the warrior has undergone earth-shaking changes, this is the warlord level!

Wang Teng knew that the dark force was going through the spine very soon. He was a little nervous and prepared to follow the cultivation method. When the dark force overflowed, it would penetrate the spine and break through the warlord level.

However, he waited for a while, after the nine pronuclei were consummated, they fell silent, and there was no more movement.


Wang Teng looked dumbfounded.

what’s the situation?

what happened?

What am i doing? ?

He immediately greeted him with his head full, and said he was promoted to the general rank? As a result, nothing happened?

MMP system boss, you fool me!

Wang Teng felt a wave of extreme malice enveloping him.

“Fuck you!” He pointed his middle finger towards the sky, then took a deep breath, no longer entangled, turned and rushed towards the area where the ‘Black Nightmare’ was fighting with the Iron Armor Scorpion.

It didn’t take long to see from a distance that the Ironclad Scorpion seemed to be cold.

Sure enough, that female dark species is not a good role to deal with!

Under the fierce offensive of the clone of Black Nightmare Demon King, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was very miserable. When Wang Teng came close, he saw that the cyan flame on the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was already very weak, and it was about to extinguish.

And the shell on its body was broken in many places, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the turquoise blood flowed all over the body.

However, the avatar of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord is not unscathed. It has a few inconspicuous burn marks on its body, which are obviously caused by being burned by the blue flame. Its hands are shaking slightly, in order to crush the hard shell of the Ironclad Scorpion. It really paid a lot of money.

The black nightmare demon avatar floated ten meters away in the air, staring at the iron armored flame scorpion.

It frowned slightly, and secretly sighed that the deity only gave it a 10-star warlord-level strength, otherwise a star beast could be destroyed with a backhand, so where would it be so troublesome.

Now the dark force in its body is almost exhausted. It is just a clone formed by the force. Although it also has the ability to absorb the dark force, it is obviously not efficient.

Once the dark force in its body is completely consumed, it will automatically dissipate.

“That idiot, I haven’t come back from catching human beings. What the hell.” The Black Nightmare demon was extremely annoyed, and looked towards the place where Wang Teng and Wang Teng were fighting just now.

It’s a pity that its strength is limited now, and it can’t perceive the situation there anymore.

I’m afraid it’s even harder to think that Xile, who is the dignified general class, will be killed by Wang Teng’s warrior class.

The unknown situation makes it feel like it cannot be controlled.

“If the deity is here, how can it be so troublesome!” The Black Nightmare avatar couldn’t help sighing, then looked at the armored flame scorpion in front of him, and said coldly: “surrender, or die!”

The Ironclad Flame Scorpion hesitated, not as hard as it was at the beginning, it already felt the threat of death.

When Wang Teng came to the neighborhood, he saw this scene.

Numerous grass mud horses in my heart happily collapsed past.

What about your dignity, big ironclad scorpion? Where is your backbone? How was your prestige at the beginning?

Don’t be persuaded, keep doing it!

Seeing the iron armored flame scorpion’s hesitation, the black nightmare demon avatar couldn’t help but show a smile, even if it is a lord-level star beast, once a heart of fear is born, the rest is not far from surrender.

“My Lord only gives you ten seconds to hand over the cyan flame, and spare you for not dying!” The Black Nightmare avatar faintly spoke, as if he was holding the winning ticket, but it put great pressure on the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion.

Wang Teng secretly scolded the’Black Nightmare Demon Lord’ as insidious, and he wanted to defeat the enemy without fighting.

He felt that something must be done so that the Ironclad Flame Scorpion could not hand over the cyan flame so easily.

After all, it was also a treasure that he peeped extremely.

So he turned on Lingshi, wanting to see the current situation of both sides.

“Huh!” Suddenly, he couldn’t help but murmured in his heart, and then a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Almost even I was deceived. There must be something wrong with this’Black Night Demon Lord’, the light of the original force in its body. It has been reduced a lot, but now it’s just a foreigner who is doing it in the middle!”

“Ten, nine, eight…” The black nightmare demon clone began the countdown.

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore, he jumped out and yelled: “Don’t panic, Ironclad Scorpion, I’ll help you!”

Black Nightmare Demon Clone: ​​”…”

Ironclad Scorpion: “???”

They turned their heads to look at Wang Teng who suddenly rushed out, their eyes were a little dazed.

The ironclad scorpion was confused.

Who is this guy? Does Ben Scorpion know him? Why did you suddenly come out to help Ben Xie? ?

“Iron Armored Fire Scorpion, this dark species has invaded our world. It is unforgivable. We belong to the same camp. Now we should work together to kill it!” Wang Teng shouted awe-inspiringly, rushing to the Black Night Demon Clone: ​​” To show my sincerity, I will respect you first!”

Since he had already seen that the force within the body of the Black Nightmare Demon was very limited, he was not afraid at all at this moment.

Of course, for the existence of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, he still remained jealous, and if the situation was wrong, he would definitely use his spatial talent to flash people.


At this time, he blasted out a punch, and the terrifying punch was vented toward the black nightmare avatar.

“Boy, I remembered you!” The black nightmare demon clone looked ugly, and the next moment he collapsed completely in front of Wang Teng’s fist, and finally turned into a cloud of dark force and dissipated invisible.

Wang Teng: “…”

Ironclad Scorpion: “…”

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