Chapter 471 It’s worthy of being a warlord-level existence!

Wang Teng used the methods of assassination techniques to disturb the mind of the werewolf warlords in this way, causing it to fall into madness.

Originally, the mental quality of the warlord-level powerhouse was not so good, but how could the werewolf warlord in front of him maintain his rationality after repeated blows and severe injuries before.

Wang Teng’s voice at the moment sounded to Xile, as if a magical sound ran through his ears, causing it to have a splitting headache, and it was completely attacking indiscriminately.




Wang Teng kept making moves, leaving a series of hideous wounds on the werewolf warlord.

After a while, it was already dripping with blood and looked extremely miserable.

All this is a long story, but in fact it is only a moment.

The assassination method emphasizes the three key points of ‘fast, accurate and ruthless’. If too much time is lost, the werewolf warlord will also realize the problem, and then regain his sanity from the madness on his own.

But now it’s basically a foregone conclusion!

“It’s almost there!” Wang Teng muttered to himself as he looked at the wound on the werewolf tribe’s body.

As soon as the voice fell, the frantically raging werewolf warlord suddenly stagnated, and then burst out a burst of black blood with his mouth open.

It looked shocked, this sudden upheaval made its sanity return instantly, and shouted: “What did you do?”

Wang Teng didn’t say a word, and waited quietly for the force of the poison system produced by the demon lotus venom to erupt in his body.

“You are a poisonous warrior!!!” Siller felt his own situation, and his face was unbelievable.

Because it soon discovered that an extremely difficult and highly toxic force appeared in its body, and it did not know when it had spread throughout its body, and even its dark force had been eroded.

“What a terrible poison force!”

Xile wanted to get rid of this poisonous force, but found that this poisonous force was firmly attached to its body and force.

What can be said to be the most invasive dark force in front of this poisonous force?

“Bastard, you come out for me, I’m going to kill…puff!” Xile screamed as he resisted the force of the poison in his body.

As a result, the words were not finished yet, and another mouthful of black poisonous blood spurted out.

Wang Teng squinted his eyes and crossed the space distance. He appeared behind the werewolf warlord, and the magic weapon demon queer cut out…


Siller felt the death crisis, his body turned around abruptly, opened his mouth, and a black ball of force quickly condensed!

“You have been guarded against this trick long ago!” Wang Teng sneered, his eyes flashed with a weird red light, piercing the eyes of the werewolf warlord.


He used the spiritual confusing combat skills obtained from the Dark Species of the Blood Clan at this moment on the Dark Species of the Werewolf Race.

It was caught off guard, and was hit instantly!

“Kill!” Wang Teng took advantage of its loss of consciousness at this moment, and the devil was cut down.


Blood spurted out, and the head of the werewolf war general flew up.


The severe pain caused the werewolf warlord to regain his sanity, and his consciousness was still there when his head was cut.

Obviously, it recognized the essence of this confusing combat skill in an instant, which is exactly the same as the talented skill “Confusing Heart” of the Blood Race Dark Species!

It would actually die under the talent skills of the dark species! !

And the person who killed it was a soldier-level human! ! !

This werewolf warlord was deeply unwilling, his eyes widened, and finally his consciousness plunged into darkness.

A wolf’s head fell from mid-air, hit the ground, rolled a few times, and landed not far in front of him.

Its body also crashed down!

Wang Teng took a breath, looked at the dead wolf head in front of him, with emotion in his heart.

It is really too difficult for MMP to kill a warlord-level existence!

He almost didn’t get him in.

Fortunately, there is no danger at all.

Don’t look at him as if he didn’t have much effort, only using tactics and assassination methods to kill him.

In fact, the middle process is extremely labor-intensive, but if something goes wrong, he might be the one who was killed.

After all, it was a warlord-level dark species.

Fortunately, his life was struggling, and the Warlord-level Dark Seed was also dried to death!

He didn’t have time to inflate, because there is still a more powerful Dark Seed that has not been resolved, and that is the real trouble!

Wang Teng collected the corpse of the werewolf warlord into the space ring, and then his eyes fell on several attribute bubbles on the ground.

【Dark Force*1200】

【Advanced Dark Talent*300】

【Spirit of Spirit*220】

【Spiritual Comprehension*280】

【Dark Wind Bullet*420】

These hundreds of attribute points almost didn’t brighten Wang Teng’s eyes.

It was the first time that he obtained so many attribute points from an individual alone, and he didn’t even dare to think about it before.

It’s worthy of being a warlord-level existence!

It is simply a humanoid self-propelled attribute generating machine.

Of course, this attribute generation machine is a bit too strong.

At this moment, he stared at the attribute bubble in front of him, but hesitated.

His dark attribute has reached the peak of the 9-star warrior level, and he is almost 440 points to break through to the warlord level!

But there is a full 1200 dark force in front of you!

Warlord level is at your fingertips!

That’s the general level, countless warriors have fought and struggled for it, and countless warriors have fallen on the way, even geniuses are no exception.

In the end, only a small part of Tianjiao will be able to reach the top, cross this dragon gate, and ride on the weathered dragon!

Now the opportunity is in sight, but Wang Teng hesitates!

Speaking out, I am afraid that a bunch of people want to kill him!

The reason why Wang Teng hesitated was only because it was the Dark Force. If it were the Force of other schools, he would have been happily unable to find North!

Not long ago, the Dark Force just had something abnormal. He hadn’t figured out what was going on, and he was still a little bit jealous. If he was assimilated, wouldn’t it be that he couldn’t be saved from crying and fainting in the toilet.

The only thing that comforted him was that the dark force in his body didn’t seem to have any bad effect on him.

“It doesn’t matter, the opportunity is right in front of you, and an abnormality counts as a ball!” After a brief hesitation, Wang Teng immediately made a decision.

Seeking wealth and insurance!

The system has minimized the risk. If this is the case, he still has concerns, then he can go home and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes.

And now that powerful enemies are standing by, naturally the stronger the strength, the greater the chance of fighting for life!

Isn’t it a 10-star warlord? When he breaks through, he will kill the female Dark Seed!

Wang Teng picked up the spiritual attributes first, and he was very exhausted in chasing and fleeing, so he naturally had to replenish it immediately.

Then there are savvy and advanced dark talent attributes.

These two attributes are related to his ability to control the dark force. Now he is not at ease with the dark force, and hopes to strengthen his control of the dark force by improving his understanding and talent.

As the attribute bubbles immediately melted into the body, Wang Teng’s understanding improved a lot, making his head more clear.

The 300-point advanced dark talent attribute made his dark talent suddenly increase.

[Advanced Dark Talent]: 3301000

Wang Teng instantly felt that his perception and control of the dark talent became more acute and easier.

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