Chapter 464 The Black Nightmare Sovereign Comes Out of Moths Again!

The members of the Black Sparrow Legion had studied the battle formation that cooperated with the Storm Wolf before the start of this battle. At this moment, they heard Wang Teng’s words and they reacted immediately.

A huge sharp blade formed by the human warrior and the hurricane wolf appeared on the battlefield.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see the whole picture of this sharp blade.

“rush ahead!”

Wang Teng’s voice came up from the sky again.

Kong Li and the others drove the hurricane wolf and followed behind him, as if it really turned into a sharp blade, and plunged into the enemy’s vitals.

The blade swept across, and all the dark seeds were wiped out wherever it went.

With Wang Teng’s ability to control, it can be said to be unprofitable, and the human side unexpectedly has a faint reversal.

“Good boy!”

Wang Yang and the others were surprised and delighted, but they did not expect that a team of one hundred people would show such a powerful force in Wang Teng’s hands.

What a surprise!

“Where are you looking!” The Sheephead Demon Race Dark Seed Sabadon grinned grimly, and grabbed King Xiangyang by the neck with one claw.


King Yang shouted angrily, greeted him, and the two sides fought together again.

On the other side, the eight-armed demon general Zulzi who was at war with Tantai Xuan saw Wang Teng, and a strong resentment broke out in his eyes.

“It’s him!”

It has never resented a person weaker than its own, but when it saw Wang Teng’s face, it could not suppress the anger and hatred in its heart anyway.

The pain that Wang Teng gave to it is not small, and the two are unshakable feuds.

It was holding a battle knife and slashed Tantai Xuan with a single knife, and wanted to rush down to kill Wang Teng.

“Want to kill my apprentice, have you asked me?”

Tantai Xuan discovered its intention, furious, slammed to stand in front of it, and slammed into the eight-armed magic commander.

“Then kill you first, then kill him!”

Zulzi’s murderous intent was boiling in his heart. Although he had broken three arms, there were five left. Some of the arms were holding a war knife to cut out the blades of the sword, and some of them directly swung their fists to meet Tantai.

A person has five arms and has a great advantage. However, Tantai Xuan is very strong, has a terrifying fighting consciousness, alternating fists and palms, and can block the attacks of the eight-armed magic general with only his hands, and can even counterattack and hit eight arms. The Demon General couldn’t help retreating, his complexion was extremely ugly.

Wang Teng didn’t know that the Eight-armed Demon General had discovered him. He led the battle formation composed of Kong Li and Han Feng and others on the battlefield, rushing from left to right and at an extremely fast speed. Killing the dark species was like cutting meat on the board. .

The Black Nightmare leaned against the Black Feather Throne, with one hand supporting his head, and the other lightly tapping the throne’s armrest. He suddenly yawned and said lazily: “This little thing is cheating, this It’s not fun!”

It thought for a while, its dark eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed:

“Well, it’s better to make him a little more difficult!”

As soon as this thought came up, it faintly said to the warlord-level darkness in the sky: “Whoever of you kills that kid, I will leave it alone and spare your previous sins of unfavorable warfare.”

Hearing the words of the warlord-level darkness, their hearts suddenly shook, and they attacked frantically, wanting to get away and kill Wang Teng.

As soon as they arrived in Xingwu Continent, they accidentally fell into the human rune formation because of their carelessness, so that the Dark Species suffered heavy casualties. They must recite this sin, and no one can escape.

As the commander-in-chief of this battle, the Black Nightmare Lord has the right to determine their guilt, and even life and death.

Think of the terrible Black Nightmare Demon Lord, even if they are the commander-level powerhouses, they can’t help but feel chills in their hearts.

But at this moment, the Black Nightmare Lord actually gave them a chance to redeem their merits, how could they not hold onto it tightly.

Tantaixuan, King Yang and the others’ complexions changed, but the Dark Night Demon Lord unexpectedly appeared again.

What kind of hatred is it against Wang Teng, and it must be killed?

However, it is naturally impossible for them to let the warlord-level dark species go to kill Wang Teng, not to mention that Wang Teng is a human arrogant, and he may be the strongest man in the future. Only at this moment his important role in the battle situation, they cannot. Let Wang make trouble.

So everyone desperately intercepted the warlord-level dark species and fought with them.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

I saw a Werewolf clan warlord-level powerhouse suddenly ejected a black round ball of light from his mouth.

The human warrior was unprepared and hit his shoulder, and one arm and half of his shoulder were blasted to pieces.

However, a general-level powerhouse has strong vitality and strong body recovery ability, so even if he is seriously injured, he will not die for a while.

It’s just that his combat power is damaged, and he is definitely not the opponent of the werewolf war generals.

If you continue to fight, the werewolf war will most likely punish this human warrior.

Then the next moment, the werewolf warlord Xile directly left him, and then turned and rushed towards Wang Teng.

“Stop it!”

Yang Wang, Tan Taixuan and others changed their faces and shouted.

If he was rushed by this werewolf warlord, Wang Teng would be more ill-fated.

Tantaixuan, Yangwang and others wanted to catch up, but they were all stopped by other warlord-level dark species.

“Siller, you come to entangle this human being, and I will kill that kid.” Zulzi called out loudly, with a strong hatred for Wang Teng in its heart, and it just wanted to solve him with its own hands.

“Zulz, this is a good opportunity for me to atone for my sins, how can I give it to you.” Siller laughed, completely ignoring the yelling of the eight-armed magic general.

“Damn it!”

Zulzi’s face was pale, and he saw that Tantai Xuan wanted to catch up again, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he stopped to intercept, and directly let Tantai Xuan go over.

“The kid must be killed by me. Roll as far as you can.” Zulzi sneered in his heart.

Tantai Xuan was taken aback for a moment, but at this time it was not the time to think too much, Siller was fast, and he was approaching Wang Teng in a blink of an eye.

Wang Teng suddenly felt his heart palpitations, as if a huge danger was imminent.

“Quickly get out of the way!” At this moment, Tan Taixuan’s voice came down from high above, she was still a step slower and could only remind her with her voice.

Wang Teng almost used his spatial talent out of instinct, and his body disappeared in place.


At this moment, a claw blade slashed from where Wang Teng was standing just now, grabbing the afterimage left by him into fragments.

Immediately, Siller’s figure appeared there. It looked around and said softly: “It was actually run away!”


Suddenly, a sword light slashed from the void, approaching the dark-species powerhouse of the werewolf clan.

Xile frowned and swung out a claw, tearing the sword light directly into pieces.

Wang Teng appeared in the distance, his face solemn, but he was carrying the Vulcan Cannon on his shoulders, and he was quickly gathering energy, the red light was extremely dazzling and dazzling.

Xiller’s heart jumped, and he felt a slight threat from the Vulcan Cannon.

Before it could move, a hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and the Vulcan Cannon fired straight…Boom!

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