Chapter 463 One person inspires the whole army!

In the sky, the warlords on both sides fell into a melee.

They were too fast. Looking from a distance, they could only see the light clusters wrapped by the Force constantly colliding, making a huge roar.

The force of horror swept all directions and destroyed everything.

Even if the battle is high in the sky, this area has completely become a forbidden zone, even on the ground, it will be affected.

This is the power of the warlord-level powerhouse!

The attacks they made between their gestures would have terrible consequences, let alone a battle of life and death with every possible means.

The buildings in Xingfeng City collapsed one after another, leaving pieces of ruined walls.

Now the formation was broken, and the remaining dark species rushed out of Xingfeng City madly.

Previously, Goring and other rune masters worked together to open the Ten Thousand Thundering Nation Array and the Yimu Melting Fire Array, besieging countless dark species, and under the thunder and fire, killed a large number of dark species.

However, some dark species survived by chance.

At this moment, they rushed out of Xingfeng City frantically, for fear that the big formation would open again and besieged them inside.

These dark species have experienced the devastation of the two great formations, leaving an indelible shadow in their hearts, shuddering when they think of the fear of being dominated by the rune formations.

In the sky, the Black Nightmare Lord frowned when he saw this scene.

“A bunch of trash!”

Its cold voice spread slowly, falling into the ears of the dark species below, making them stiff and a look of fear on their faces.

No one knows the horror and cruelty of the Black Nightmare Demon King better than them. If this adult is angered, even if they are the Dark Species, they will die miserably.

“Fleeing the battle, kill without mercy!” Black Nightmare Demon Lord’s voice was indifferent, as if he did not have any emotions.

All the dark species shuddered one after another, feeling their scalp numb, and then looked fiercely at the surrounding human beings, and rushed towards it with a roar.

When the Black Nightmare Lord appeared, the human side could not help but plunge into an atmosphere of despair.

The Black Nightmare Lord is too powerful!

The two large rune formations carefully arranged by the human rune master were easily broken by the Black Nightmare Lord.

However, Tantai Xuan and other general-level powerhouses looked a little weak in front of Black Night Demon Lord, and everyone saw the brief encounter between Tan Tai Xuan and Black Night Demon Lord.

Tantai Xuan’s strength is extremely strong, and the general warlord level is not her opponent, but when she faces the Black Night Demon Lord, she also has no chance of winning.

So, who else on the human side can stop the Black Nightmare Lord? ?

What’s more, now that the warlord-level existence among those dark species has been released, it would be good if the warlord-level powerhouses of human beings can hold them.

This is destined to be an invincible battle!

It was in this thought that the Dark Seed aroused its fierceness because of the fear of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, and pounced on the human warrior.

Many people were caught off guard, and were bitten into pieces by the dark species on the spot, and the scene was extremely bloody and tragic.

When Wang Teng saw this scene in the sky, his expression was extremely heavy, but he was really afraid of the existence of the Dark Night Demon Lord.

Who knows, if he uses his mental power to control the battlefield again, will the Black Nightmare Lord attack him?

The Black Nightmare Monarch noticed Wang Teng’s gaze, and suddenly turned his head to look at him.

Wang Teng was shocked immediately!

The feeling of being stared at by a big guy is really painful! ! !

Fortunately, the Black Nightmare Demon Lord just showed him a tragic smile, but didn’t do anything to him.

Wang Teng quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the fierce battlefield below, and a firm light flashed in his eyes.

Come, come, who is afraid of whom!

In this case, he must take action. If he is afraid of the head and tail, because he is afraid of the Black Nightmare Lord and dare not to do it, he will inevitably bury a flaw in his heart, and then he will cultivate a fart martial art.

His complexion condensed, and he rushed into the battlefield instantly, his mental power swept out.

The previous scene once again appeared on the battlefield, and the dark seeds in the entire area instantly solidified for a moment.

The human warrior was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted.

“Wang Teng!”

“It’s Wang Teng!”

Everyone saw Wang Teng, and no one thought that after being focused on by the Black Nightmare Lord, Wang Teng would even dare to make a move.

Suddenly, a wave of shame flooded their hearts.

Compared with Wang Teng, the despair they felt was nothing.

Under the gaze of the Black Nightmare Monarch, Wang Teng was truly desperate, but he still didn’t give up any hope. What qualifications did they have to give up?

“What are you doing in a daze, rush to kill!” At this moment, a cold shout came from Wang Teng’s mouth.

The people were very angry, and they brazenly rushed to the Dark Seed, held high the butcher knife, and once again demonstrated the human spirit of fearless sacrifice!




The human warriors roared, at this moment they were like beasts, even with their teeth, they would bite the dark seed alive.

The Tantai Xuan who was at war in the sky, Wang Yang and the others couldn’t help yelling “Okay” in their hearts when they saw this scene!

One person inspires the whole army!

Wang Teng did very well, unexpectedly well!

The military spirit is available, and humans can still fight! !

On the other end, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Demon Lord Black Nightmare, and he immediately looked at Wang Teng with interest.

This young human warrior is really interesting!

Wang Teng is always paying attention to the movements of the Black Nightmare Lord. He will not sit and wait for death. If the Black Nightmare Lord shoots at him, he will definitely escape immediately.

But what made him wonder is that the Black Nightmare Lord did not intend to attack him.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, whether it was because of the arrogant forehead of the Black Nightmare as a strong man, or he was too lazy to do it at all, or for other reasons, as long as the Black Nightmare did not do it, he would have ample opportunity to kill the dark species. .

At the same time, he was also frantically picking up attribute bubbles. The strength of the Black Nightmare made him realize his weakness, and now he urgently needs to improve his strength.

Every time you improve your strength, you have a little more chance of winning.

Now his Five Elements Force attribute is gradually approaching the 8-star warrior level, and he is almost able to break through.

After completing the cleaning of a battlefield, he immediately moved to another densely dark battlefield.

In a certain area, Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan and others led their respective teams to rush from side to side. Cold Wind and Black Widow and others were also among them. They drove the wind wolves at extremely fast speeds and hunted the dark species everywhere.

However, there were a lot of darkness around them, which made them exhausted and even suffered a lot of casualties.

When Wang Teng came to the sky above the crowd, his mental power swept out, entangled a large number of dark seeds.

Kong Li and the others were taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed and excited.

“Captain, the captain made the shot!” Cold Wind and Black Widow glanced at each other, with surprise in their eyes.


Taking advantage of the darkness, the crowd was unable to move and charged and killed.

“End the battle!” Wang Teng shouted at Kong Li, Black Widow and others.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately reacted and gathered towards the center one after another, and then faintly formed the shape of a sharp blade…

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