Chapter 461 Black Nightmare Lord!

Feeling the touch from his back, Wang Teng’s body stiffened, his eyes drifting slowly down as he breathed like nothing in his ears.

I saw a Qianqianyu hand stretched out from behind him and stroked his face.

But at this moment, Wang Teng didn’t feel any seductiveness in his heart. Instead, he felt his scalp numb, his heart felt bitter, and tears were about to come out.

Damn it’s terrible!

Although I haven’t seen anyone yet, I can’t even feel the slightest breath behind him, but this is definitely an extremely powerful dark species.

But the human warrior below saw the appearance behind Wang Teng, a deep horror appeared in his eyes, and he cried out, “Black Nightmare Lord!”

As a 9-star warrior-level powerhouse, he is already close to the warlord level, so he knows a lot of hidden things.

Among them is the relevant information of this ‘Black Nightmare Lord’.

This being is one of the few dark species who have descended into this world, so the human side has a record of its appearance.

So the moment he saw the other party, he recognized him.

There is absolutely nothing wrong, it must be the one who exists! ! !

This human 9-star warrior was shocked, thinking of the various rumors of the’Black Demon Lord’, a sense of fear could not help but emerge from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, Kong Li and others also noticed the situation here, and when they heard the words’Black Nightmare Demon Lord’ shouted out by the human warrior, they were all shocked, as if they had heard something extremely terrifying. An expression of astonishment appeared uncontrollably on his face.

Although they haven’t seen the true face of “Black Nightmare Lord”, they have also heard of some words about that person’s existence.

And now Wang Teng is being watched by this existence, and he falls into its hands at this moment.

What is the difference between this and the Monkey King falling into the hands of the Wutian Buddha!

Wang Teng pills!

At this moment, no one dared to come forward to rescue, not that they did not want to save, but that they could not be saved at all!

Whoever goes up and dies, there is definitely no second possibility.

And anyway, the existence didn’t intend to kill Wang Teng immediately. He was still safe for the time being, so they didn’t want to go up to deliver food.

This is not counseling!

This is to judge the situation!

“Black Nightmare Demon Lord!” Wang Teng’s heart was shocked, and a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

Although he has never heard of this name, he thinks it looks very awesome from the name alone!

Confirmed the name, he can’t afford to provoke him!

Look at the expressions of everyone around him, his face is full of bitterness, it’s too difficult!

Why would such a kind person be targeted by such a terrible existence?

Wang Teng screamed in his heart, can’t think of his sister!

“Are you afraid of me?” Suddenly, a soft and majestic voice rang in his ears.

“Heh, hehe!” Wang Teng swallowed, then gave a dry smile, and said, “This beauty, I’m not afraid, I’m just a little nervous, you are too close!”

“Gluck…As a man, I’m afraid of women getting too close!” The existence behind him seemed to hear something funny and couldn’t help but giggled.

“You are the first mother of darkness, and you are still a woman!” Wang Teng complained in his heart, but said embarrassedly on the surface: “After all, I am still a pure and innocent virgin!”

The Dark Nightmare Lord looked weird, and no one had ever dared to be so ‘presumptuous’ in front of him.

It clearly felt that the young human being in front of him was very nervous, but his mouth was so owed.

This kid is really interesting!

Kong Li and others almost fainted on the spot when they heard Wang Teng’s words.

What a pure and innocent virgin!

Would you like to point your face!

And now it’s important to save your life, bastard, who cares if you are a pure and innocent virgin!

“Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you now?” Black Nightmare Lord asked.

“I’m scared, I’m scared to death, I feel like I’m going to be scared to pee!” Wang Teng nodded repeatedly, for fear that he would be pinched to death by the other party if he spoke slowly. In order to highlight his fear, his face became pale and trembling. , It’s just a matter of peeing your pants.

“…” The Dark Nightmare Lord.

A sense of powerlessness suddenly appeared in its heart, and looked at the young man in front of him speechlessly. This guy had no consciousness of being a Tianjiao at all.

If you say you don’t want to face it, you don’t want it.

Are you afraid of being a fake human arrogant?

“Actually, I think there may be a bit of misunderstanding between us. Why don’t you let me go, and we will discuss this matter when we have time.” Wang Teng said when he saw that the other party suddenly fell silent, his heart slammed.

“You killed my person, the fact is there, what can be the misunderstanding?” Black Nightmare Lord said with a smile.

“Ahem, this…” Wang Teng gave a dry cough, his thoughts turned sharply, and the cold sweat slipped down again.

MMP help!

No matter how clever his tongue is, he can’t think of any sophistication at this time.

What’s more, the Dark Nightmare Lord wants to kill him, where does he need any reason.

All kinds of self-help methods flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, but unfortunately they were all useless, and even the spatial talent could not be used.

He tried secretly, and then he found that the space around his body was completely imprisoned, and the strength of the Black Nightmare Lord surpassed him by a lot. In the face of the huge gap, all means were useless.


At this moment, the Dark Nightmare Lord suddenly let out a cold snort.


Immediately, Wang Teng heard a huge roar from behind, and then his body was pushed out by a huge force.

“Hurry up!” At the same time, Tantai Xuan’s voice sounded in his ears.


Wang Teng was so touched. At the critical moment, his dear teacher was reliable, and he came to rescue him without fear of the power of the Dark Nightmare Lord.

Wang Teng didn’t have time to think about it. This idea just flashed through his mind. He instinctively used his spatial talent, and his whole person immediately disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was completely far away from the control of the Dark Nightmare Lord.

He looked back and saw Tantai Xuan and the Dark Nightmare Lord slap a hand, he was knocked out, and he couldn’t help but spout a mouthful of blood.

Wang Teng’s expression suddenly changed, isn’t even Tantai Xuan’s opponent of Dark Nightmare Lord?

The strength of the Dark Nightmare Demon instantly increased to several levels in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Teng finally saw the true face of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord. She was a stunning woman wearing a large cloak of black feathers. She looked no different from a human, but had long dark purple slightly curly hair, and her eyes bloomed with pitch black. Ink-like magical light.

Seeing that the prey in her hands had been rescued, she frowned slightly, glanced at Wang Teng, and then took a step forward.

Her goal is Tantai Xuan!

After Tantai Xuan took a palm of the Black Nightmare Lord, she immediately retreated without hesitation, but she underestimated the Black Nightmare Lord’s anger.

The next moment, the Black Nightmare Demon Lord appeared in front of her, once again poked a hand out of the Black Feather Greatcloak, and lightly patted Xuan Tantai.

Tantai Xuan’s complexion changed slightly, but she was not a weak woman. How could a woman whose goal is invincibility of the same rank be easy to be compared to her? Faced with the attack of the Dark Nightmare Lord, her willow eyebrows were upturned, mobilizing the force of the whole body. , Greeted him with a punch.

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