Chapter 460: It’s Only Three Seconds!

As the body of the 9-Star War Soldier-class Dark Seed Fergus smashed to the ground, making a dull sound, everyone came back to their senses.

“How can this be??”

Many people can’t help but murmur unconsciously.

A 7-star warrior-level soldier killed a 9-star warrior-level dark-species powerhouse. I’m afraid this is not a dream!

Everyone felt unbelievable. Some even rubbed their eyes and saw that the whole body was scorched and cut in half on the ground, the dark-species powerhouse Fergus who couldn’t be stunned…

Reality reminds them again that all this is true!

“This guy is too abnormal!” Kong Li swallowed, feeling that Wang Teng once again refreshed her cognition.

This elementary school boy is terribly cruel!

Even if she knew that Wang Teng was always unexpected, but she couldn’t think that he could kill the 9-star warrior-level dark-species powerhouse!

It’s impossible to think about it!

Yu Wenxuan’s heart was shaken, and at this moment, he truly understood the gap between him and Wang Teng.

He was called a genius by many people in the military department, but compared with that guy, his genius name is really ridiculous.

On the other end, the pretty face behind Xie Xueyan’s mask was full of shock and shock. She opened her mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.

What kind of evildoer is this guy? ? !

Everyone looked at the young figure holding a strange giant weapon in the sky, surrounded by flames, and all kinds of words that could not be expressed appeared in their hearts.




Many people seem to see a rising strong!

They have no doubt that if this Tianjiao goes on smoothly, he will definitely be a warlord-level powerhouse.

Wang Teng, a warlord!

Just to get Fergus to kill Wang Teng, the blood dark species who came out to entangle the human powerhouse was shocked and felt like he was going crazy.

Fergus was actually killed by a 7-star warrior-level young man, it was a waste!

It was furious in its heart, but couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng over there, with a strong cold and murderous intent.

In any case, this young human being is indeed too amazing to stay!

“Dare to get distracted when fighting with me!”

Suddenly, a loud drink burst into its ears.

“not good!”

The dark complexion of the blood race changed drastically, and he was indeed shocked, so that in such a battle of life and death, there was a brief distraction.

But it was this moment that decided the outcome.

The human warrior slashed, and the blood race dark species couldn’t dodge it.

But it is not a good stubble, and there was a cruel look in his eyes, and he didn’t even dodge, and ran into the attack of the human warrior.

At the same time, the short thorn blade in his hand shot like lightning, piercing the human warrior’s throat.

Life for life!

The human warrior’s complexion changed slightly, and in the end he turned his body and escaped the attack of the Dark Seed, and the blow that would have killed the Dark Seed also deviated from the original trajectory and slashed on the arm of the Dark Seed. .


The Dark Seed let out a painful roar, one of its arms was severed, blood sprayed, and it flew into the air.

But it still gritted its teeth and withdrew and exploded.

“Humanity, I have written down the revenge of the broken arm, and it will be returned in the future!”

With a voice of hatred and resentment spit out from its mouth, its eyes stared at the human warrior coldly.

“Want to go!” Naturally, the human warrior wouldn’t let it go easily, and pursued it closely.

“You can’t keep me!”

The Blood Race Dark Seed rushed straight to the space vortex in the sky, the human warrior chased it for a while, and finally had to stop.

He looked at the space vortex with extreme fear.

There have been human powerhouses who tried to get close to the space vortex, and the results were self-evident, and their fate was extremely miserable.

The closer you are, the more dangerous it is, and unpredictable consequences will occur.

Therefore, he could only watch the blood race dark species flying higher and higher, his face was extremely ugly, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

“Hahaha, I said, you can’t keep me!” The blood race dark species laughed wildly, very proud!


However, at this moment, its body shook, and its laughter stopped abruptly.

“Hey, who owns that headless body?”

It felt its eyes churning, and then saw a body without a head.

“Sorry, he can’t keep you, I can keep it!”

“In addition, I’m more careful and can take revenge, usually not overnight!”

Just before its consciousness plunged into darkness, two plain words came from its ears.

The rampant smile on the face of the blood clan powerhouse was too late to stop, and a trace of astonishment appeared in his eyes: “It’s him… how is it possible!”

Then he was completely plunged into darkness!

Everyone once again stared at Wang Teng in the sky in a daze, and then looked at where he stood just now, where an afterimage left by Wang Teng was slowly dissipating.

“Ok, so fast!”

The human powerhouse looked dumbfounded and shocked.

This Wang Teng not only killed the Goathead Demon Dark-species powerhouse who went to kill him, but also helped him kill this blood-based powerhouse!

Double kill!

This guy is terrible!

Moreover, this Wang Teng is really a defect that must be reported. This blood race dark species is regarded as an accomplice, so he completely wiped it out without leaving any future troubles.

Even if it is dangerous if it is close to the space vortex, he will definitely make a move.

How many people can do this decisively?

This 9-star warrior-level human warrior felt that he was convinced, and he was not as good as Wang Teng.

“Get out of there, it’s dangerous!” But when he thought of the unpredictable danger in the space vortex, the human warrior immediately reminded him.

As soon as the voice fell, a chuckle rang.

“Unexpectedly, I saw such a wonderful scene as soon as I arrived!”

“Humanity, there is a rare genius!”

Hearing this voice, the human warrior’s complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: “Run!”

In fact, he didn’t need to remind him, Wang Teng’s heart was already ringing, and he had to stay away even if he didn’t even think about it.

But the next moment, his body stopped.

The whole person seemed to be fixed in place by an invisible force, unable to move at all, Wang Teng’s eyes were shocked.

This is definitely an action by a general-level powerhouse!

Does MMP need to be like this?

Don’t you just kill two 9-star warrior-level dark species? As for sending such a terrifying existence to take action?

The invincible aura that was finally brewing, before he had time to expand in his heart, was about to be suppressed.

This is really strong, but three seconds, bastard!

Wang Teng wanted to cry without tears. He felt that he might have a bit of a point. He would have known that he would not retaliate, and revenge or something would not affect him overnight.

Suddenly, he felt his face being swept by a hand, and then a soft body seemed to hug him from behind, and someone exhaled in his ears…

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