Chapter 442 This evil obstacle is embarrassing on the outside.

“It’s still a bit low if it’s less than 60%!” Yang Wang frowned, a little hesitant.

Since they have decided to use a city as a bait, it can be seen that the determination is so great that the function of the formation is naturally the most important thing, and there is no room for any mistakes.

In terms of time, everyone has only one chance to arrange the formation.

It’s not that if the Wanlei Nirvana Array has failed, you can calmly change to another array.

If so, they don’t need to struggle.

When Master Kaier and others heard Goring’s words, they were surprised and smiled bitterly: “In fact, relative to the Ten Thousand Thunders and Annihilation Array itself, it is already not low.”

Speaking of them, they couldn’t help but look at Goring, and said with emotion: “As expected of Master Goring, even such a difficult rune formation can achieve such a high success rate.”

“You guys are overwhelmed. I have such a certainty based on the fact that all the masters have made their moves together. I am afraid that the four levels of control will not be possible by relying on the old oneself.” Goering shook his head.

“Is that so!” Yin Tongfang, King Yang and others couldn’t help showing surprise when they heard the admiration of the rune masters.

The rune master and Yang Wang and others stand at different angles, and the results are naturally different.

Kai Er and others are rune masters, and their main focus is on attainments.

As the commander, Yin Tongfang and others only look at the success rate.

“Let me say, since the power of the Ten Thousand Thunders Nether Realm Array is so powerful, it’s better to be desperate and give it a try.” At this time, Tantai Xuan said.

“This…” Yin Tongfang still hesitated.

“Actually, you can prepare with both hands!”

Just as everyone hesitated, a voice slowly sounded.

Everyone immediately looked at Ge Lin…Wang Teng beside him, it was this young man who just made a sound.

Many of the generals in the audience frowned. To be honest, even if King Yang and others praised Wang Teng before, these people are still not very familiar with Wang Teng. Seeing him speak at this time, they subconsciously feel that he is a little bit ignorant. .

After all, on such an important occasion, any speech may affect the final result, which requires caution.

The disciples of those rune masters looked at Wang Teng with stunned faces, muttering in their hearts.

This guy is really courageous!

Dare to speak at this time?

Haven’t you seen the dignified and tense atmosphere of the generals?

But having said that, with such a huge aura and such a terrifying pressure, he could still speak, and he was still indifferent, at least his courage was commendable.

It’s not like they dare not even fart.

No, they just know the current affairs.

Fortunately, there are still many people who are still looking forward to Wang Teng.

Such as Tantai Xuan, such as Goring, such as Yang Wang…

King Yang showed a look of interest and smiled: “Tell me about it.”

“I mean, two formations can be arranged.” Wang Teng looked around, and said flatly: “Thousands of thunder and silence formation is the main one, but outside, you can arrange the’Yimu Melting Fire Formation’ as a supplement! ”

The rune masters didn’t care about it at first, but when they heard Wang Teng’s words, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed a thoughtful look.

King Yang and others didn’t know much about the rune formations, so they could only cast their eyes on the rune masters and wait for them to come to a result.

At this time, a young rune might see that King Yang and others were extremely tolerant towards young people, so he couldn’t help but speak: “No, in my humble opinion, the Ten Thousand Thundering Netherworld Formation is a thunder-attribute formation, and Yimu The melting fire formation is a fire attribute formation. The two are incompatible with each other. How can it be assisted, let alone the difficulty of placing another formation in one formation. Isn’t this turning the cart before the horse.”

When Wang Teng heard the words, he couldn’t help looking at the sound.

I saw a young man wearing Runemaster costume, thin and long, handsome, and with a good temperament, looking at him.

The eyes of the two met, and a trace of triumph flashed in the young man’s eyes.

Wang Teng withdrew his gaze, his heart was amused.

He knew the purpose of this person, nothing more than he wanted to step on him and show his face in front of the rune masters and the generals.

Young people are inevitably eager to win.

It’s just that if he can control his hands that are a little trembling due to emotional tension, the effect may be better.

And his knowledge is obviously not at home, so the refutation is untenable…

Normally, Wang Teng would naturally not watch others step on his head, but this guy’s combat effectiveness was too weak to even provoke him.

Yin Tongfang and the others were taken aback again, and gave them a meaningful look, but they didn’t rush to say anything, and waited for the masters of rune to speak.

Li Rongxue, who was sitting next to King Yang, cast a wry smile at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but shook his head. This aunt is really not too big to watch the show!

When the young runeman saw this scene, a trace of envy and jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to say something again.

“Shut up!” Suddenly, a cold drink sounded.

“Teacher!” The young runeman looked stunned, staring blankly at the old man sitting in front of him.

At this moment, the old man was turning his head, staring at him with an ugly expression.

The young runemaster was suddenly at a loss.

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk indiscriminately!” The old man yelled, and then he said to everyone: “I’m sorry, the old man has no way to teach, I made everyone laugh!”

“It’s okay! It’s okay!”

“Young man, it’s normal to make some mistakes!”

“That’s it, we didn’t do the same when we were young…”

Although the masters of Rune were a little gloating in their hearts, they waved their hands on the surface and hit haha, all of them looked like people who came by.

Seeing the reaction of his teacher and other rune masters at this time, the young rune master knew that he was afraid that he was losing the adult because of the axe of the class, and his face was flushed with embarrassment.

But he had already made a mistake, and if he did something out of the ordinary, I am afraid it would be even more embarrassing.

He couldn’t help but complain that his teacher didn’t save him face at all, and scolded him in front of so many people.

Little did he realize that his teacher had already put this in his pocketbook.

This evil barrier is embarrassing on the outside.

However, the young runeman was still puzzled in his heart. He reflected on the words he had just refuted in his mind several times, and still did not find out what was wrong.

The Ten Thousand Thundering Silence Array and the Yimu Melting Fire Array, one thunder and one fire, have nothing to do with each other, and they cannot blend together. If they are forcibly added together, the difficulty will only be higher.

Why does his teacher and the runemen have that expression?

Is there really any cleverness in the method Wang Teng said, but he hasn’t seen it at all?

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