Chapter 441 Use a city to bury the Dark Seed! (Thanks for the peak without trace~)

Standing in the crowd, Li Rongxue looked at Wang Teng, who was still talking and laughing freely among the commander-level powerhouses, a different kind of light flashed in his eyes.

This guy is really unexpected!

But I haven’t seen him for a while, he still looks the same, but there is no change.

Wang Teng was talking with King Yang, and suddenly he caught a strange look from the corner of his eye, and his heart trembled.

What about Emma’s affectionate eyes? ?

He doesn’t seem to do anything to Li Rongxue, right?

This girl is so annoying all of a sudden…

Various thoughts came out of Wang Teng’s mind, but on the surface it was an expression of “I didn’t see anything”, avoiding Li Rongxue’s gaze.

The rune masters who were arguing over there seemed to have finally noticed the arrival of Goring. They walked around and shouted: “Master Goring, you are here just right. We have chosen a few formations, but there is no conclusion, you Which one should I choose after all?”

“These old guys!” Goring shook his head and said to Wang Teng: “Let’s go, let’s go over and take a look.”

Wang Teng nodded and followed Goring to greet him.

“When is this, you guys are still arguing here, no sense.” Goring frowned as soon as he came up.

“It’s all to blame for them, they don’t agree with the water curtain sky array I chose!” a fat old man said angrily.

“Fart, the water curtain Tianhua array only covers a wider area, but the power is not strong, how can it be a fatal blow to the dark species.” Another short old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and sparse hair stared.

Wang Teng glanced at him, his ears were thin, his face was densely wrinkled, his nose was slightly longer, and his chin was a bit pointed. He should be an elder of the goblin clan.

It’s just a lot of age, this temper seems to be very grumpy!

“Kay, don’t just talk about Lao Cha, your Golden Light Lock Array has unique advantages in terms of trapping people, but its power is also average, not as good as my Gale Red Flame Array.” Another Rune Master said.

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Goring hurriedly said: “Okay! Alright! Everyone, our time is really running out. It’s better to sit down and discuss it, and stop having meaningless arguments.”

These rune masters are actually not ignorant of the importance, precisely because of the tight time, the more eager they are, the more eager they are, the more they are caught in a quarrel.

In addition, Goring was the longest and had extremely high rune attainments, and he had even touched the threshold of a grandmaster.

Therefore, as soon as he spoke, everyone also borrowed the donkey from the slope, and finally stopped the endless arguing.

When Yin Tongfang and others saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

“Masters, please take a seat.” Yin Tongfang hurriedly stepped forward.

Immediately everyone sat down around the large Star Maple City model in the middle, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious and solemn.

Those young people also followed one after another, standing behind their teachers.

Li Rongxue sat next to King Yang. As the princess, she naturally had this special treatment.

Wang Teng looked around, he was very self-aware, and he guessed that there was no place for him, so he planned to stand behind Goering and observe.

Suddenly Yin Tongfang said, “Wang Teng, just sit next to Master Goering.”

Suddenly the young people looked at him, with scrutiny in their eyes, as well as the envy and jealousy that could not be concealed.


They are all juniors, they are not qualified to sit, why can he sit down?

Of course, they also thought about it in their hearts. In front of a large group of bigwigs, they were actually very sincere, and none of them dared to speak.

Wang Teng didn’t care about these gazes either. Since Yin Tongfang had spoken, he calmly sat down beside Goring.

Wang Teng suddenly became the only junior in the room who could sit with the big brother.

Yin Tongfang projected the complete layout of Xingfeng City in front of everyone, and said: “This time we plan to completely abandon Xingfeng City!”

“Abandon Xingfeng City!” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, feeling extremely surprised.

“So, masters can toss at will, and try to arrange the most powerful rune formation!” Yin Tongfang said with a heavy expression and coldly: “We use a city to bury the invading dark seed!”

Many people present didn’t know the plan yet, and at this time, they took a breath of cold air after hearing the words.

How much determination was made by the Star Martial Continent, it was decided to completely abandon the entire city!

The rune masters all looked solemn, feeling the burden on their shoulders extremely heavy, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly at each other.

After Yin Tongfang finished speaking, he handed the home court to a group of rune masters, and stopped talking.

Those rune masters hesitated to speak, but in the end they all looked at Goring.

The chubby old man Cha Shu said, “Master Goring, you should take the lead.”

“Yeah yeah!”

“You should come…”

Others also drank it.

Goering shook his head and smiled bitterly: “You are wearing a high hat for me!”

“Never mind, time is running out, so the old will not refuse.”

He was extremely decisive, no longer entangled in this matter, and immediately began to get into the topic.

His gaze fell on the layout of Xingfeng City, and he said sternly: “Since General Yin said to toss with us, it is better for us to let go of our hands completely.”

“You mean…” Kay, the goblin rune master asked.

“Have you ever heard of…” Goring looked around and slowly said, “Thousands of Thunder and Death Array!”

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Zha Shu hesitated and said: “It’s the Array of Ten Thousand Thunders, which is known as ‘under the thunder of the gods, everything is dying’?!!!”

“Not bad!” Goring nodded.

“The teacher is too big!” Wang Teng looked at Ge Lin, shocked in his heart: “I didn’t expect that the usually gentle and gentle teacher Ge Lin would have such a reckless time.”

Of course he also knew this ten thousand thunder dying array.

With the power of the rune, supplemented by the pillar of thunder, the nine-day thunder will be led down, and under the majesty of the shining sky, you will all be wiped out cleanly.

At the beginning, Ren Qingcang used the “Thunder Body” technique to induce the force of nature to lower the thunder, and Wang Teng had a deep understanding of the power.

But to be honest, if it was compared with the power of thunder spurred by the Ten Thousand Thundering Netherworld Array, that would be really small.

However, the Wanlei Nirvana Array also has its shortcomings…

Several rune masters glanced at each other and smiled bitterly: “Master Goring, the Ten Thousand Thunders and Annihilation Array is strong, but it is too difficult to arrange. The success rate is not high. After all, we only have one chance.”

This is precisely the shortcoming that Wang Teng thought of.

So, how confident is the teacher?

“Listening to everyone, this Ten Thousand Thunders of Death Array is powerful, but its success rate seems extremely low.” Yin Tongfang asked at this moment.

“Yes, in terms of power, among the arrays that we can arrange with the knowledge of people like us, this Array of Thousands of Thunder and Silence is the number one.” Zha Shu said.

Yin Tongfang’s eyes lit up and asked, “How sure is Master Goring?”

“With everyone’s cooperation, I’m only 60% sure at best,” Goring said.

“This…” Yin Tongfang suddenly fell into entanglement.

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