Chapter 423 Cough cough, is this considered a fellow?

Deep in the mountains, huge lakes are filled with a strong water system force.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and his heart was slightly shocked.

Looking around, there are many large and small attribute bubbles floating on the surface of the lake, some are disappearing, and some are just generated.

He has never encountered a place that can automatically generate so many attribute bubbles, which shows how strong the original force of the lake is.

The last time I was in the Poison Pond in the Yongye Mountains, I didn’t encounter this situation.

This lake is definitely not simple!

In order not to attract the attention of the mysterious person, Wang Teng did not rush to absorb the attribute bubbles.

Although watching the attribute bubbles disappear continuously, he is very painful, but fortunately, they will still be generated.

He tried his best to keep his gaze away from those attribute bubbles, but instead focused on the mysterious person.

The other party’s purpose is obviously here, but I don’t know what he is here for?

Under Wang Teng’s spiritual vision, the opponent’s Wood Elemental Force was unobstructed, and the attributes of the Force did not match, so it was impossible for him to come here to practice.

Sure enough, the mysterious man completely ignored the strong water system around the lake. He looked at the edge of the lake as if he was thinking about something or looking for something.

“There can be no mistake, it must be here, only such an environment can give birth to wood wonders like Yuhanshu!”

A hint of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the mysterious person’s face.

In order to improve his strength, he has collected all kinds of wood treasures everywhere in the past few years.

So much so that I have a hard time on weekdays.

Others think that he is noble and clean, never extravagant, nor pursuing luxury. He is completely different from others, and he is really a role model for my generation.

Who knew he was filled with bitter tears.

If he can, he doesn’t want to be like this either!

He also wants good food and good food, and he also wants the beauty to be by his side instead of eating chaffy vegetables every day and sleeplessly alone.

In short, in order to improve his strength these years, he has been really hard pressed.

Otherwise, it will not cooperate with the dark species.

Not long ago, he suddenly received news from Yu Hanshu.

This made him ecstatic.

As an extremely rare wood-type wonder, the Yuhan tree is rumored to be able to help the wood-type warrior break through the rank of warlord.

Although the Dark Seed promised to help him break through the general rank, he still had some scruples about the Dark Seed. If he didn’t need to use them to achieve his own goals, he would not seek skin with the tiger.

Now if he gets the Yuhanshu, he can be promoted to the warlord level in advance, so as to take the initiative.

And many people don’t know that Yuhanshu also has a role against the sky!

When the warrior uses the Jade Cold Tree to break through the warlord level, there will be a certain chance that…water system talent will be born!

The Yuhan tree is not only a strange thing of the wood system, but also a strange thing of the water system!

In the world, strange things are rare, and multi-attribute strange things are treasures among treasures, extremely rare.

If successful, he will be a dual-line warrior!

His qualifications are not top-notch, at most equal to ordinary geniuses.

But if he becomes a dual-line warrior, then he can be called a genius warrior.

After all, the combat power of a dual-line warrior is much stronger than an ordinary warrior. Once he breaks through the warlord level, the combat power is definitely stronger than the ordinary 10-star warrior level.

Only in this way can he stand on his heels and show his ambitions.

So for that Yuhanshu, he couldn’t wait for a moment, and came here secretly while cooperating with the Dark Seed.

After seeing the situation here, although he hadn’t seen Yuhanshu yet, he already felt that he was inseparable from each other.

“It’s actually a Yuhan tree!” Wang Teng was shocked when he heard the mysterious man’s muttering in the dark.

As an alchemist, he is familiar with all the treasures of heaven and earth, and the name of Yuhanshu is naturally familiar to him.

At this moment, his eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of his mouth were a little uncontrollable and frantically raised.

This Yuhan tree belongs to him!

Coolie, work hard!

Wang Teng’s eyes fell on the mysterious man, with encouragement in his eyes, hoping that he would find Yuhan Tree sooner.

But the mysterious man seemed to hesitate and hesitated by the lake.

Needless to think about it, there must be many powerful star beasts around Yuhanshu and other strange things.

If he rushed into the lake, he would be very dangerous.

This lake is not small, and no one knows what kind of terrifying star beasts will hide in it.

“No, this person knows that there is a Yuhan tree here, so he must also know what star beast guards, judging from the cautiousness of his previous behavior, it is impossible to come over and collect treasures unprepared.” Wang Teng’s heart moved. I immediately thought of this.

His eyes narrowed slightly, but fortunately he was not in a hurry, so he hid in the dark to watch the mysterious man move.

By the lake, I saw the mysterious man covering his breath, then took out the star beasts he killed before, stuffed them with something, and then put it away again, sitting by the lake and waiting quietly.

Wang Teng looked strange.

He was sure that what the mysterious person just stuffed into the star beast’s body was definitely something like poison.

This person actually thought of going with him.

Obviously he wanted to poison this mysterious person before, but he didn’t expect that the mysterious person would use the same method to poison the star beast in the lake.

Keke, is this a fellow man?

Wang Teng shook his head quickly, and Nima didn’t act like this man.

The dignified people don’t do it, but they want to throw themselves into the dark side. It’s ashamed to be with you!

It was still early, and it seemed that the mysterious man didn’t plan to do it now. Wang Teng simply sat cross-legged, resting his eyes on the trunk of a big tree.

While waiting, night fell quickly, and the mysterious man finally took action.

And Wang Teng opened his eyes and looked far away.

The mysterious man took out the star beast that had been drugged before and threw it into the lake from all around.

“By the way, so many high-level star beast corpses have been thrown in like this. This person is really willing to pay for it. Even if the powerful star beasts in the lake have wisdom, I am afraid they can’t stop this temptation.” Wang Teng muttered to himself.


Before long, a burst of bubbles rose on the surface of the lake.

With the help of the moonlight cast by the night sky, a huge black shadow can be seen swimming under the lake.

And the swimming direction is exactly where the mysterious man dropped the star beast corpse.

“Took the bait!” Seeing this scene, the mysterious man was immediately overjoyed.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the bodies of some fish, star beasts gradually floated on the surface of the lake. The mysterious man ignored the innocent fishes that had been affected, and stared at the lake.

Half an hour later, the mysterious man took out a chopping knife and slashed at the lake.

The knife directly cut the lake in half, causing great movement and it took a long time for the lake to return to calm.

And the behemoth under the lake did not show up from beginning to end.

The mysterious man couldn’t help it anymore, he couldn’t help laughing, he looked very proud and happy, and then he jumped into the lake.

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