Chapter 422 What a great free coolie!

Wang Teng’s sudden departure made Niu Li extremely angry.

At the same time, it is a headache. As Nie Jianqiang said, this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

“Wang Teng shouldn’t have gone far, we looked around and chased him back.” Kong Li said.

As a senior, she naturally didn’t want to look at the arrogant of her alma mater who had finally appeared, and just fell here.

Niu Li pondered for a moment and nodded: “With half an hour as the limit, if there is still no result after half an hour, you don’t have to look for it anymore. You must return here to gather. You should understand that you must bring back that information. ”


Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan nodded at the same time, then did not say much, and each looked around for Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was originally going to tell them the location of the secret road, but Niu Li and others were not optimistic about his interception plan, so that he hadn’t had time to tell the direction of the secret road.

Therefore, Kong Li and the others can only fumble around to find them. If they are lucky, they may be able to catch up.

After half an hour, the three returned to the original location.

Kong Li looked ugly, and said angrily: “Is that kid rushing to die, running so fast!”

“Well, I will suffer from the fate of the foreign monarch. That kid is a thorn. Although I expected some moths to come out of him, I just didn’t expect to come so quickly.” Niu Li shook his head and sighed.

“After all, it is his own choice, life and death are fateful, fortune or misfortune is for himself.” Yu Wenxuan said coldly.

“Fuck off!” Kong Li gave him a fierce look.

“Okay, okay, don’t quarrel. Anyway, that kid is very good, maybe something will happen.” Niu Li said: “Now we can stay here and there is nothing we can do, so hurry back and return.”

Kong Li was born in the army after all, so naturally knowing that Niu Li was talking about the most correct choice, gritted his teeth and said: “Well, can I survive? It depends on his own good fortune.”

Wang Teng didn’t know what happened over there.

In his expectation, even if Niu Li and others found out that he was missing, they would choose to go back for the mission.

In this way, although his behavior violated the order, it would not affect the transmission of intelligence.

It turned out that Niu Li and others would stop and look for him.

But Wang Teng didn’t have time to think about it. At this moment, he was chasing the mysterious man along the secret road.

After a delay, the mysterious man has left a little far away, even beyond the scope of his spiritual vision.

Fortunately, Wang Teng remembered the direction of the secret road and chased it all the way along the secret road, and finally saw the Force Light Group represented by the mysterious man.


Otherwise, he would definitely return without success, and that would be a shame!

Wang Teng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed, his speed suddenly increased, and he decided to rush to ambush in front of the opponent first.

In any case, that mysterious man is a 9-star warrior-level warrior. He must not be underestimated. He must be careful. If he can be surprised, it is best to kill him by surprise, otherwise I am afraid that it will take some effort.

A mountain range appeared in front of him. Seeing the moving direction of the mysterious man, he was heading straight towards the mountain range.

Not surprisingly, the secret road exit is in the mountains.

The length of this secret path was beyond Wang Teng’s expectations.

Digging such a long secret road is really hard work for those dark seeds.

Wang Teng was temporarily unable to determine the exact location of the exit, so he could only keep an eye on the moving direction of the mysterious person.

Ten minutes later, he appeared in a valley.

The spiritual vision was turned on, and his eyes swept across the valley, and finally found an anomaly.

The secret road exit is in a cave, but it is covered by a clever rune formation that ordinary people can’t find.

But Wang Teng, as a senior rune master, coupled with a strong spirit, naturally couldn’t help him.

Wang Teng hid his figure and stepped into the cave.

The next moment, he couldn’t help but frowned.

There are actually two dark force light groups in this cave, probably around the 3-star warrior level.

Wang Teng sighed helplessly and miscalculated. Unexpectedly, there are still two guards in the dark here.

He had to give up his plan to intercept and kill the mysterious person here. To kill the mysterious person, he must first kill the two dark species.

But at this moment the mysterious man is very close, and time is too late.

If he ventured to kill two Dark Species, Wang Teng was not 100% sure that he would not be discovered. In case of a startling snake, the possibility of leaving the opponent would be reduced by one point, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Moreover, Wang Teng wanted to capture the mysterious person alive and pry out some useful information from the opponent.

If his thoughts were known to Niu Li and others, he might have to say that he was overwhelmed and whimsical.

“It’s not easy to catch alive!”

Wang Teng touched his chin to really let him kill the mysterious person. He was at least 80% sure, but if he wanted to catch it alive, I am afraid that only 50% would be left.

He looked at his attribute panel, swept across various abilities, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

“Wait, I seem to have a brilliant idea.” The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched, and a weird smile appeared.

He quietly withdrew from the entrance of the cave, hiding himself, and waiting outside.

After a while, a figure wrapped in a black robe came out from the entrance of the cave. He even wore a mask on his face, making it impossible to see his face.

“Hey, really cautious!” Wang Teng curled his lips in the dark.

The mysterious man looked around, then walked out of the valley, chose a direction, and entered the jungle.

Wang Teng followed secretly.

Half an hour later, the mysterious man had already left very far at this moment, and it was confirmed that there was no one to follow, so he took off his black robe and took off his mask, revealing his true face.

This is a valiant man in his 30s, looks Zhouzheng, with a short head, and looks extremely shrewd and capable.

There is a scar on his forehead, which is extremely conspicuous.

And what was exposed under that black robe was the unique red and black military uniform of the Xingwu Continental Army Department!

Wang Teng has been seen as early as when he was in Yangcheng, so he is no stranger.

When he saw this uniform, a hint of sarcasm could not help but surfaced at the corner of his mouth.

Then came the turbulent killing intent.

“This person should be killed!”

After the mysterious man recovered his true face, his speed surged and he rushed towards a certain direction deep in the mountains.

“He doesn’t plan to leave here?” Wang Teng frowned, and had to follow him silently, waiting for the time to come.

Neither of them flew in the air. There were many powerful star beasts in the mountains, and the flying targets were too big to be easily attacked by star beasts.

On the way, Wang Teng suddenly discovered that this mysterious person seemed to have some purpose, not running around.


Suddenly, a huge star beast with scaly armor rushed out of the jungle, rushed towards the mysterious man, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and wanted to swallow him into his abdomen.


The mysterious man snorted and blasted out a punch, killing this star beast with at least 7 stars on the spot.

He didn’t look closely either, and directly collected the star beast’s corpse into the space ring, and then moved on.

But Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the position of the 7-star star beast that was killed just now.

Although the corpse was taken away, the attribute bubble remained.

【Earth Force *180】

【Wood Force *60】

【Blank attribute*300】

The 7-star star beast naturally has a lot of attribute values.

Wang Teng smiled, unceremoniously took away a few attribute bubbles, and immediately followed the mysterious person’s pace.

Unexpectedly, following each other, there is such a benefit.

Could it be that God sees him too hard, so I’ll give you a tip.

Wang Teng thought extremely narcissistically.

On the next road, powerful star beasts appeared from time to time.

The mysterious man has deliberately avoided, but still unavoidably encounters various star beasts, he can only shoot and kill.

Wang Teng was very happy to pick up attributes behind his ass.

As the mysterious man kept going deep into the mountains, the star beasts he encountered were extremely powerful.

In fact, he has deliberately avoided those star beasts with 8 stars or higher, but the mountain range is so big that he can’t make detours everywhere, so he can only choose to face relatively weak star beasts, which are probably 5 stars. It ranges from grade to 7 stars.

Rao is so, Wang Teng’s harvest is also extremely huge.

The attributes of the Force continue to grow.

The blank attribute also broke new heights.

[Blank attribute]: 4350

At this moment, Wang Teng was hiding in the dark, happily watching the mysterious man and a giant python star beast.

“Fight, fight hard, fight hard, and get more explosive attributes!”

Suddenly, Wang Teng was very glad that he had followed, otherwise there would be so many attributes to pick up, and they would all be for nothing.

He looked at the mysterious man and nodded.

What a great free coolie!

Boom boom boom!

Below, the giant python star beast screamed in pain, and the terrifying body continued to beat and twist on the ground, and then gradually lost its sound.

The mysterious man took a breath, and it was not easy to walk this way.

With his 9-star warrior-level strength, those star beasts would naturally not be able to hurt him, but they were exhausted enough.

But in order to get close to that place, it had to be so.

He collected the body of the python and rushed to the depths of the mountain quickly. Time was running out, so he didn’t dare to delay any longer.

【Fire Force *210】

【Wood Force *120】

【Blank attribute*280】

After Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles, he hurriedly followed.

At night, the bonfire is rising, and the mysterious man is roasting a star beast pig leg in the jungle, the fragrance is diffused, and it is extremely attractive.

However, he was locked in an area with the original force, so that it would not attract the star beast.

Wang Teng was not far away, observing the other side secretly.

Originally, he had prepared to dispense some poison and secretly drug the mysterious man. Now, he really wanted to see what this man had, and he had to go so hard to go to the depths of the mountains.

If you can pick up some more benefits, it is naturally the best.

In the mountains, the night is not peaceful, and the roar of the beast sometimes sounds.

The mysterious man is very vigilant. Once a star beast approaches, he will stay away. It consumes a lot during the day, so he doesn’t want to go to war at night.

Wang Teng had a great resentment. He didn’t know how many times he was awakened this night, and he didn’t let people sleep well. It was just messing up.

The next day, with a pair of panda eyes, he continued to track the mysterious man.

About half a day later, the mysterious man killed various star beasts all the way, and finally came to a lake deep in the mountains.

Wang Teng saw this place from a distance, his eyes condensed suddenly.

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