Chapter 418 Why are these female dark species so foul?

After some hesitation, hesitation, and hesitation, Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan still left.

Soldiers, take the task first!

Wang Teng is more confident than them to complete this task.

So they have no reason to stop him!

Watching the two leave, Wang Teng heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan are not weak in strength, they really can’t help much in this task. If they insist on staying, they may add to the chaos.

Now that the two of them were finally persuaded by him and left the camp, then he could let go of his hands and feet.

For this task, Wang Teng was really sure.

And not long ago, there was a flash of inspiration in his heart, and he had a detailed and thorough plan.

A wicked smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth.

In the next moment, the muscles of his whole body began to squirm, and the whole person slowly changed, and finally became the appearance of the dark blood of the blood race that he had beaten into a pig’s head.

Of course, it’s not what it looks like after becoming a pig’s head.

Wang Teng used the force of the ice system to form a piece of ice, and then observed his appearance, a smile of satisfaction appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This [transformation] skill really did not disappoint him.

Regardless of height, body shape, and appearance, the same as the original body, the similarity is as high as 99.99999999999%

Wait, what else feels weird?

Wang Teng couldn’t help frowning, and even took out the corpse of the blood clan and compared it carefully before he suddenly slapped his forehead.


There is a pair of bat wings in the blood family, but he didn’t even change the bat wings.

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, the muscles on his back began to squirm and extend outward, finally forming a pair of bat wings.

A few incited lightly, it felt like the real thing.

Fortunately, the transformation talent is abnormal enough, otherwise there is really no way to do this.

Each of these dark species is strangely shaped, and even changes are so difficult to change, it is simply inhuman.

Wang Teng murmured in his heart, and then his eyes fell on his clothes again.

Now it’s just a costume of the dark species.

After a while, Wang Teng walked out of the corner, and he was already dressed in blood costumes. He secretly rejoiced that when he killed the blood, he didn’t make it too bloody, otherwise he soiled his clothes and he couldn’t wash it. Wash and wear it again.

Wang Teng swaggered towards the dormitory area of ​​the kinsmen.

The best way to hide is to break yourself into the enemy.

Now Wang Teng doesn’t say anything, who can tell that he is a human being?

Wang Teng did not continue to explore, but came to the dormitory area, preparing to stop for a while like other blood races.

But when he saw the situation here, he was in trouble.

The kinsmen all sleep upside down.

What to do with Nima’s brain congestion? ?

For the first time, Wang Teng felt that his detailed and thoughtful plan had made a slight omission.

Forget it!

People, there are always times when you don’t think about it well.

This little omission is completely negligible.

Wang Teng gritted his teeth into the darkness, and then appeared on the ceiling without noticing the rest of the darkness.

Hanging upside down, closed his eyes.

Now he is a big bat with no emotions!

However, he did not really fall asleep, but opened his eyes from time to time, observing the movements of the three 7-star warrior-level dark species with his spiritual vision talent.

As long as there are no suspicious fluctuations in the Force near them, he will stay here and just stay here.

Time passed slowly, from day to night.

As night fell, it gradually came time for the dark species to go out and eat.

During this period, Wang Teng found no abnormalities.

After the three blood race dark species went out to eat, they soon returned to the stationing point No. 56. Wang Teng did not follow him, and he believed that Niu Li and others would not do nothing.

At this time they returned, and it was the turn of the lower dark species to go out to eat.

In the room, a head of blood-kind dark species woke up, with bloodthirsty rays glowing in its scarlet eyes, and its wings spread out, really like a group of bats, flying towards the outside with black pressure.

Wang Teng was mixed in the bat group…oh no, mixed in the blood group, inciting the wings as decorations, in fact, he was flying with the 7-star warrior-level air defense ability.

The other blood races didn’t notice any abnormality at all.

At this moment, a voice rang in his ears: “Rupert, you seem a little weird today?”

Wang Teng’s heart stunned!

Rupert is exactly the name of the blood family he is playing at this time. He had the prototype of this plan before, so when torturing the other party with confusing skills, he also set out a lot of information about the other party’s identity by the way.

At this moment, he heard someone calling himself, and he was panicked.

Had he been discovered?

There is another loophole in his plan?

This is unscientific, he hides so well, why did these blood races find him? ?

Don’t panic!

No matter how bad you are, just get rid of them all!

Various thoughts flashed through Wang Teng’s mind, and then he turned his head to look around the voice…

I’m going, it’s so big!

At first sight is a pair of huge indescribable things.

Ahem, now is not the time to observe these insignificant things!

Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the speaker’s face, his eyes were bright and blue, he was very beautiful, and he also revealed a strange sense of charm.

How come these female dark species are so foul?

An idea suddenly emerged from the bottom of Wang Teng’s heart.

With a sharp turn in his mind, memories of the people around Rupert appeared, and among them there was the message of this female dark species.

Looks right!

Phyllis and Rupert have been pursuing each other, and Phyllis thinks that Rupert is a bit interesting, but she hates some of Rupert’s personality, so she has not broken through the last level of relationship.

No wonder the other person will come to ask!

Wang Teng quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seemed that this female Dark Seed did not see through his identity, but felt that Rupert was a little abnormal.

After all, usually, once Rupert wakes up, he will pester Phyllis, which is a real stubbornness.

And this is what Phyllis has always been unhappy about.

It’s a pity that Rupert didn’t know this.

As an outsider, Wang Teng would never know.

At this time, Wang Teng had a headache. He was actually involved in two dark dog-blood love. Is it swollen now?

Waiting online, very anxious!

Wang Teng didn’t think of a way to deal with it for a while, so he looked at Felice with doubts and didn’t speak.

Felice frowned and said coldly: “When you have nothing to say, you are constipated?”

“…” Wang Teng couldn’t help but mourn for Rupert.

Such a venomous mother of darkness, chasing it for at least six or seven years and still reluctant to let it go, is really embarrassing.

Probably a guy who has no love for women, right?

Otherwise, why hang to a tree.

poor guy.

In an instant, after the silence was over, Wang Teng’s brain flashed, and he hurriedly said to Phyllis: “I had a dream during the day…”

Phyllis furrowed her brows deeper, and this guy was always so ignorant and angered in her heart.

“As for what dreams you have, you don’t need to know.”

In fact, it’s just that Wang Teng can’t make it up. He is serious and has no flaws, and said indifferently: “You only need to know that I am no longer the Rupert before. I decided to change myself, so you may never again. I can’t see the guy who is pestering you.”

“…” Phyllis.

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