Chapter 417 Blame me, you forced me!

In fact, Wang Teng felt that his appearance was already high enough, and if he became more handsome, he was afraid that other men would have no way to survive.

Wait, something strange seems to have gotten in.

Dark language!

As the bubbles melted in, Wang Teng suddenly felt an extra memory in his head.

This is a language pack!

I just thought about learning dark language, and this broke out. When did the system become so humane?

Wang Teng felt a little weird.

But having said that, this blood race dark species can master human language, which shows that the language talent is good, and it is reasonable to burst a language pack.

It’s always a good thing, lest you hear the dark seed conspiracy later, but don’t know what they are talking about, wouldn’t it be embarrassing.

Wang Teng threw the corpse of the blood race dark species into the space ring, and then took a look at the warehouse in front of him.

Hey, it looks like something!

A pile of cyan ore is placed in the corner of the warehouse!

“This is lapis lazuli!” Wang Teng touched his chin. As a senior forge, he immediately recognized the ore at hand.

Azure ore is a wind type ore. It is naturally the best for casting wind type weapons. It is something that wind type warriors are eager for.

The wind force attribute is a mutation type attribute, and its corresponding ores are rare, so the value is quite high.

This pile of lapis lazuli, by visual inspection, is worth at least 5 billion!

It’s so obedient, five billion!


Wang Teng’s eyes became heart-shaped, and he didn’t expect such unexpected joy.

“The old cow only said that he shouldn’t fight the grass and startle the snake, and he didn’t say that he couldn’t take the sheep!” Wang Teng laughed: “Besides, I stole these celestial blue stones. They probably won’t be able to find it for a while. When they find it, people may just think it’s coming. Thief, it’s so good that you can kill two birds with one stone, how good it is!”

Wang Teng collected the celestial lapis lazuli into the space ring, and when he was about to leave, he saw the dark werewolf species lying on the side.


One point to kill!

Throw the corpse into the space ring to accompany the dark species of the blood race before, and then dispose of it after leaving.

Wang Teng left the warehouse and then continued to explore the area he was responsible for.

Ten minutes later, his eyes flashed, and he got up cautiously.

According to Lingshi, the darkest force in the darkest place was one of the 7-star warrior-level advanced dark-species room.

Wang Teng looked into the room, a little surprised.

A coffin!

Really sleep in the coffin!

Wang Teng looked weird. Among the three 7-star warrior-level advanced dark species, apart from the sheep-headed human monster, the other two, one was the troll clan, and the other was the blood clan.

His eyes swept across the room, as if there was nothing strange except the coffin.

Shaking his head, he walked away cautiously.

The area that Wang Teng was responsible for had been explored, and then he went to the agreed place to meet Kong Li and the two.

In the corner, three sneaky figures gathered together.

“Have you two found any clues?” Wang Teng Chuanyin asked.

Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan looked helpless and shook their heads.

“…” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment. He also wanted to verify with the two of them, but he didn’t expect them to get anything.

“What’s your expression?” Kong Li raised his eyebrows, as if he saw contempt in Wang Teng’s expression.

Yu Wenxuan’s complexion was also a little unattractive, and was despised by a recruit. Where did he put his dignified Major’s face.

“Ahem, let’s talk about the task.” Wang Teng said with a dry cough.

“Are you gaining something?” Kong Li asked with bright eyes.

Yu Wenxuan couldn’t help but look at him, with a hint of disbelief on his face. Is this kid really gaining?

“There are so little gains.” Wang Teng said modestly.

“Say it!” Kong Li gave him a white glance, is it the time to be humble.

Wang Teng smiled, didn’t hide it, and directly told the two of the words that had been drawn from the blood clan.

“The Three Dark Species just came to see someone! Who needs them to work so hard?” Kong Li frowned involuntarily.

“Are there any problems with your intelligence?” Yu Wenxuan questioned.

“Don’t say 100%, there is still 80% certainty.” Old God Wang Teng said.

If it weren’t for some secrets that are not suitable for telling outsiders, he would want to say it was done.

“80%! Are you sure?” The two of them were suddenly shocked. The certainty is already high. Basically, if such a high degree of certainty can be achieved, the military department will invest manpower and material resources to continue the in-depth investigation.

“How did you get this information?” Yu Wenxuan asked again.

Wang Teng knew that the two of them were still a little unbelieving, so he took out the corpse of the blood race Dark Species, and briefly recounted the torture process by the way.


The muscles on Yu Wenxuan’s face twitched crazily a few times, looking at the blood clan Dark Species’s face that was already invisible, and the head that was at least twice as swollen, he couldn’t imagine what it had suffered during his lifetime.

I’m afraid this guy is not a devil!

Kong Li looked at the appearance of the blood clan, then looked at Wang Teng, his eyes turned back and forth between the two, his complexion was as strange as it was.

She secretly decided not to anger Wang Teng in the future.

However, the two of them somewhat believed why Wang Teng was 80% sure.

If Nima is beaten like this, no matter how hard the bones are, he will be recruited.

If they were replaced by them, they would have such a high degree of certainty!

The two took a deep breath, and Kong Li nodded: “Your intelligence is very useful. Now there are two options. One is to retreat temporarily, and the other is to stay and wait for the mysterious man to arrive.”

The three were silent for a while.

For military fighters, the mission is paramount, and sometimes for the mission, they would rather take great risks.

“I’ll stay. Go back and tell Lieutenant Colonel Niu this information.” Yu Wenxuan said.

“Let me stay, my hiding method is better than yours, and the security is higher.” Kong Li hesitated for a moment, and said.

“Your method of concealment is almost the same as mine. It’s not much higher. If I am discovered, you will not be an exception. I will stay. At least if I find something wrong, I am 30% sure to retreat from here.” Yu Wenxuan said. .

“Fart, I will be worse than you, I still have a three-and-a-half percent certainty that I can escape.” Kong Li stopped doing it and retorted.

Seeing the two people getting into a quarrel using sound transmission, Wang Teng rubbed his eyebrows and said, “Um… two, don’t you ask me?”

“You new recruit, roll as far as you can go.” The two men shot him at the same time without looking back.

“I have 100% confidence in the whole body and retreat. Besides, it is not that I attacked you. My method of hiding is several times better than you. The dark species may not be able to find me.” Wang Teng said depressed.

“…” The two were silent.

Then all turned to look at Wang Teng.

“Ten percent grasp the whole body and retreat!” Kong Li looked at Wang Teng, suspiciously.

“So, you people, just can’t understand what Tianjiao is.” Wang Teng shook his head and said helplessly, looking lonely as a master.

“Speaking of people.” Kong Li stared.

“I said you don’t believe it.”

“Are you sure that your hidden method cannot be discovered by the Dark Seed.” Yu Wenxuan asked.

“Of course!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Why do I think you are pretending to be forced?” Kong Li glanced at him, then turned his head and asked: “Yuwen, what do you think?”

“Same feeling!” Yu Wenxuan said blankly.


Blame me, you forced me!

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