Chapter 404 is really too miserable!

Song Wanjiang’s voice was not loud, but it was clear to everyone’s ears.

The advantage of the warrior is here, even the speaker is saved.

The recruits below immediately listened carefully.

Song Wanjiang quickly talked about the rules and mode of the military exercise.

To put it simply, this military exercise is conducted in a free challenge mode, and each recruit has to play, and the show time is only five minutes.

The opponents are the veterans across the ring.

“I’ve said everything that should be said, now we will perform martial arts.”

“Let’s start with the recruits of the Yunfeng Air Force Academy.”

Song Wanjiang sat down after speaking.

At the Yunfeng Air Force Academy, the faces of all the recruits changed, but they unexpectedly played first!

This martial arts performance is the first time everyone has experience, so I naturally hope to see other people’s competitions first.

Whoever goes first will suffer.

But this can’t help them.

In the auditorium, a leading instructor of the Yunfeng Air Force Academy stood up, stepped on his feet, and jumped down from the auditorium, landed on the side of the Yunfeng Air Force Academy, and arranged the order of the battle.

On the opposite side of the ring, the veterans sat down neatly and cross-legged, looking not irritable or impatient, and waited silently.

On the side of Huang Haijun Academy, Wang Teng saw this scene, did not speak, but sat down cross-legged. Not only that, he also winked at Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu, and asked them to sit too.

The two of them hesitated, and at the same time they were extremely speechless.

This guy is really casual!

The military department often pays attention to order and prohibition, although it is more lenient to the military.

But at this time there are so many big guys on the scene, they didn’t say to sit down, who would dare to sit down?

Thus formed a very conspicuous scene.

On the recruit’s side, everyone was standing, but Wang Teng sat on the ground alone.

“This kid is interesting.” Song Wanjiang smiled in the audience.

“In him, I don’t see the awe of the military order. Is he really trained by the military academy?” the young male officer frowned.

“This guy is a bit…special.” Nie Jianqiang’s face turned dark. Although it was just a trivial matter, Wang Teng’s deeds were really embarrassing for him.

Before the competition started, Wang Teng had a moth.

It’s no wonder that when the Central People’s Court handed over Wang Teng to him, it gave him a voice transmission.

This kid is really hard to take!

At this time, he was a little grateful that he told Wang Teng not to use the bricks, otherwise he didn’t know what jokes would be made.

Song Wanjiang glanced at Nie Jianqiang and said with a smile: “It’s okay, as a warrior, many things cannot be done according to the routine. In general, it is necessary to obey military orders, but this small matter does not need to be so strict.”

As his voice spread, he rushed to the people below: “Those who haven’t competed, sit down.”

The people who were still standing still stupidly sat down immediately.

“It makes you nervous,” Wang Teng said silently.

Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu rolled their eyes at him.

OK, you bull!

Not long after, a recruit from the Yunfeng Air Force Academy stood up, stepped on his feet, landed on the ring, and said: “Yunfeng Air Force Academy Ke Hua, 4 star warrior level, please advise!”

“The first one is 4-star warrior level!” Han Zhu was surprised.

“After all, there are so many big guys on the scene, so I have to play beautifully in the first game.” Wan Baiqiu said thoughtfully.

Wang Teng didn’t say a word. Hearing what Han Zhu said, the strongest member of the Yunfeng Air Force Academy might be the 4-star warrior level.

But it’s not surprising to think about it, even in the Yellow Sea, Han Zhu is only one person who has reached the 5-star warrior level.

One person stood up on the veteran’s side. He was a dark-faced young man. He was only in his early twenties, a little underfoot, and fell on the ring. He smiled and said, “Shen Kai, 3-star warrior level!”

“3 star warrior level!”

Ke Hua’s complexion changed. Among the veterans, it turned out to be a 3-star warrior.

Is this looking down on him?

You must know that their seniors have done a lot of tasks, and in terms of experience, he consciously is not much worse than the military warriors.

But I didn’t expect to be underestimated by the other party.

Everyone at the Yunfeng Air Force School looked ugly, with 3 star warriors and 4 star warriors, these veterans look down on people too much!

The recruits from the Huanghai and Xingshan military academies were surprised to see this scene.

“They are trying to disarm us!” Han Zhu looked serious and whispered.

“Interestingly, these veterans are not afraid of capsize in the gutter.” Wang Teng smiled.

On the ring, Shen Kai took out the sword, pointed it diagonally at the ground, and said, “Go ahead, you only have five minutes.”

“Damn it, don’t look down on people!”

Ke Hua was furious, holding a war sword, a green force of light appeared on his body, and he rushed towards the opponent in an instant.

As soon as he shot, he used his full strength, the sword danced, turned into dozens of green sword lights, and enveloped Shen Kai.


The force broke out, and the power was amazing.

Shen Kai’s expression remained unchanged, and the next moment, he slammed into the sword light.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Among them, three sword lights fell on him.

Ke Hua looked happy and stepped forward, ready to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

At this moment, the sharp sword was placed on his neck without warning.

“you lose!”

A sword mark appeared on Shen Kai’s dark face, and blood was flowing down, but his face was calm and he spoke lightly.

“How… how is it possible?” Ke Hua’s eyes widened, and the whole person was in a downtime.

He lost!

Lost to a 3-star warrior.

And it was so simple and so thorough!

He was shaking inside and couldn’t accept it.

Not only him, but everyone else was shocked.

Are the veterans so strong?

It was just one move, and Ke Hua was defeated. Even the big move was too late. It was a terrible loss.

“It deserves to have come down from the battlefield. That Shen Kai was extremely precise in timing. He won the victory at the least cost and in the most labor-saving way. Look at him, but his arms and face have been scratched three times. It’s just a skin injury, it’s nothing at all.” Wang Teng shook his head and said, “If it is on the battlefield, Ke Hua will be killed with just one cut.”

“I’m afraid this is the gap between us and the battlefield veterans.” Han Zhu smiled bitterly.

In the past, he was extremely confident in his actual combat experience, but now he is shaken, the gap seems a bit big!

“On the battlefield, they are always between life and death, so their experience can be said to be sharpened from the edge of death. We are still far away.” Wan Baiqiu sighed.

“This is what Teacher Nie said is stronger and more experienced?” Han Zhu said speechlessly.

“Hehe, that bad old man is very bad!” Wang Teng sneered.

Han Zhu, Wan Baiqiu: “…”

At the end of the battle, less than a minute, the two sides ended and replaced others to continue the battle.

There were nearly a hundred people in the Yunqi Air Force Academy, but all of them were compared, but it took a little more than an hour.

The worst thing is that the Yunfeng Air Force Academy… is completely defeated!

Nothing is spared!

Some were defeated by leapfrogging, and some were defeated by martial artists of the same level, but none of them won. It was really too miserable.

The instructor of the Yunqi Air Force Academy looked dark as a mouth pot.

Nima was shaved, too cruel!

He couldn’t help but want to swear!

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