Chapter 403 No strange weapons are allowed in this military exercise.

Wang Teng put the Black Falling Furnace away. Although he wanted to look at it again, he really couldn’t look at it again.

Looking further, he was afraid that he could not help but open the furnace to make alchemy.

He is a high-level alchemist at any rate, and when he gets this alchemy artifact, he is naturally ready to move.

But the time and place were wrong, and there was no herb on him, so I had to wait for the next time.

So here comes the problem.

What is the role of the Black Falling Furnace?

Judging from the operation just now, its function is to condense the power of the flame extremely well and accelerate the alchemy speed.

As mentioned before, the material of the black meteorite furnace comes from a piece of meteorite iron from outside the sky. It fell into the volcano and experienced countless years of calcination, and naturally some strange changes have taken place.

Therefore, the power of condensing flames is the most widely known function, as for the others, only those who have used it will know.

Wang Teng pondered for a while, then took a deep breath, cleared away distracting thoughts, and began to practice.

The next day.

At seven o’clock in the morning, everyone gathered in front of the dormitory.

Lieutenant Colonel Niu Li showed up again, and Nie Jianqiang and other mentors were there.

After the gathering, Niu Li didn’t talk nonsense, and directly took everyone to the military cafeteria for breakfast.

The military canteen is very large, the dining tables are neatly arranged, and the meals are already prepared on the tables. The meals at each table are arranged in a uniform manner and location.

Seeing the situation in the cafeteria, Wang Teng was secretly speechless. He felt that even if he was a severely obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, he would be cured of any problem after being thrown into the army for two months.

When they arrived, a group of soldiers were also entering the canteen, preparing to eat.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Wang Teng gave a light hey, and looked at the two teams that had entered the door.

Han Zhu heard the sound, followed his gaze, and smiled: “They are students of Xingshan Military Academy and Yunfeng Air Force Academy.”

“There are other military schools coming this time?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“What’s weird about this, these two military academies, like us, will enter the Black Sparrow Corps after graduation. I said that you should also understand these things usually.” Wan Baiqiu said.

“Why do you know so much, are you afraid that your head is not full enough?” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“I have served you.” Wan Baiqiu said speechlessly.

“By the way, did they participate in the martial arts competition? I have no impression at all.” Wang Teng wondered.


Han Zhu felt very painful in his head.

“I think you are only staring at the people at Xiadu Military Academy, the first academy.” Wan Baiqiu said in a bad mood.

“Ah, haha?” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing.

The students of Xingshan Military Academy and Yunfeng Air Force Academy also obviously saw Wang Teng and others, and their expressions changed a little, especially when they looked at Wang Teng’s eyes…

That was Xueba who saw Xueba’s eyes!

It’s not that they are really scumbags. There are dozens of military academies across the country, no one is bad.

Only compared with Wang Teng, Han Zhu and others, they felt like a scumbag.

It didn’t take long for people to arrive and start the meal.

For a while, there was only the sound of eating in the cafeteria.

After eating, Niu Li took them to the military exercise field.

The martial arts field is not too close to the accommodation area and the canteen. At the speed of the martial artist, he trot for nearly ten minutes.

In fact, this martial arts field is very similar to the playground of the Yellow Navy Academy. It covers a large area and is divided into many areas.

Niu Li led the crowd through the gate, walked around the periphery for a while, and finally came to an area with an arena and auditorium.

“Perform well, try not to keep your hands, your performance in the martial arts will affect the subsequent arrangements, so you can do it yourself.”

After confessing a few words, Niu Li and Nie Jianqiang and many other school instructors were going to the nearby audience to watch the game.

Suddenly, Nie Jianqiang stopped and turned around and said:

“By the way, no strange weapons are allowed in this military exercise.”

There is no beginning or end to this, Lieutenant Colonel Niu Li is even more confused, looking at Nie Jianqiang suspiciously.

But Han Zhu and the others immediately reacted, their faces were weird, and their eyes fell on Wang Teng.


Wang Teng was a little confused.

“What do you all look at me for? What does it matter to me?”

“Your weapon is the strangest here, don’t you have any points in your heart?” Wan Baiqiu said.

The others nodded in unison.

Wang Teng finally realized what everyone was talking about.


These people actually look down on his bricks?

“Why? That’s also a weapon, and I didn’t foul.” Wang Teng looked at Nie Jianqiang and said unconvinced.

Niu Li was even more puzzled.

What kind of weapon are they talking about?

You can’t make it clear if you play a dumb riddle.

“Why? What are you talking about?” Nie Jianqiang gave him a speechless look, hehe said: “You are not ashamed, I am ashamed, don’t give me a moth, fight well, and let everyone see you. True strength.”

Wang Teng was a little unwilling. These military fighters must have a lot of genius, how can they lose some more spirit and understanding attributes without bricks?

Nie Jianqiang really had a headache seeing him like this.

I really don’t understand what is so persistent about that brick?

Are other weapons not easy to use?

This kid genius returns to genius, that is, his brain circuit is almost turned into the sky.

Could it be that the more genius, the more different the ideas from ordinary people.

Looking at Han Zhu and others, it was quite normal. It seemed that they were not genius enough.

That’s right!

But when I thought that today’s martial arts performance would have to rely on Wang Teng to fight for face, he said in a soft tone, “You like to use bricks in other places. I will not stop you. For example, on the battlefield, there are so many enemies. Don’t use it, after all, the warriors who are fighting with you today are all your own, and some may still be your seniors.”

“Banzhu?” Niu Li keenly caught the word, and suddenly a question mark in his head.

What the hell?

The dignified martial artist, the top student of the Yellow Sea, actually used slabs as weapons.

Are you sure you are right?

But seeing everyone’s unpleasant expressions, he had to accept it, and then looked at Wang Teng with weird eyes.

This kid…

Wang Teng hesitated and nodded: “Well, I won’t use it this time, but you can’t stop me in the future.”

Originally, he didn’t want to agree, but Nie Jianqiang’s words moved him. Thinking about it is his own, it’s better to save them some face.

In addition, there are so many enemies on the battlefield, it is indeed enough for him to harvest a wave, and it is not bad.

Nie Jianqiang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Wang Teng would be stubborn to the end. Fortunately, this kid still saved him face.

He didn’t say anything, and Niuli and the others walked into the auditorium.

At this moment, there are already many military warriors sitting in the audience on both sides, scanning the people below with their eyes, whispering, and whispering about something.

There are many soldiers around, all of them are waiting with interest for the exercise to begin.

After all, these are not ordinary recruits. They are all talented warriors from the military academy. The next martial arts battle is absolutely rare and exciting.

Among them, there may be one or two leaders in the military and proper figures in the future.

Therefore, many soldiers who are not on a mission and who happen to be free will choose to take a look.

People from Xingshan Military Academy and Yunfeng Air Force Academy also came. They were not far away, lined up in two square formations. They didn’t speak, but they glanced at the people of Huang Haijun Academy from time to time.

Wang Teng didn’t pay much attention to them. At this moment, he looked at the group of people on the opposite side of the ring.

They only looked like more than fifty people, and the number of students was much smaller than that of the three military academies, but their faintly formed momentum was far better than that of the three military academies.

Their expressions were very casual, looking at the recruits of the three military academies, there seemed to be a trace of…joking in their eyes!

In the middle of the auditorium, headed by a man in his thirties wearing a military uniform with a majestic complexion, the military emblem on his shoulder was a red star.

Represents his identity and is a brigadier general!

This person was named Song Wanjiang, and he was one of the several deputy commanders under the commander of the Black Sparrow Legion.

Around and behind him, there were more than a dozen military officers sitting at least at school level.

The most conspicuous among them are two young officers, one man and one woman.

They seem to be only in their twenties, much younger than the others, but the military emblem on their shoulders is a dazzling silver star, representing the rank of the two of them as…major!

You must know that strength alone is not enough for the promotion of military rank. Sufficient military merit must be accumulated.

With the ranks of these two men, it shows that they have made a lot of military merits on the battlefield.

Obtaining such achievements at a young age can be described as a bright future.

Niu Li and Nie Jianqiang were sitting on the left hand side of Song Wanjiang.

The leading instructors of Xingshan Military Academy and Yunfeng Air Force Academy are also among them.

Song Wanjiang looked at the young figures below and smiled: “It’s really young. I don’t know if there will be one or two more outstanding recruits in this term.”

A face flashed in Niu Li’s mind, and Nie Jianqiang’s advice to Wang Teng just appeared in his mind, and he said with a weird expression: “Maybe there will be.”

“Oh?” Song Wanjiang was a little surprised.

“Does Lieutenant Colonel Niu have a fancy?” The young male officer next to Song Wanjiang flashed his eyes and asked with a chuckle.

“Look at the performance.” Niu Li glanced at the other person and didn’t say much.

“I think Lieutenant Colonel Niu brought our younger brother and sister from Huang Haijun Academy. Could it be that Lieutenant Colonel Niu is among them?” The young female officer also smiled at this time.

“Kong Li, haven’t you cared much about your alma mater lately.” Nie Jianqiang suddenly laughed.

“Teacher Nie, I just came back from a task and I haven’t even been back in the New Year. Where can I pay attention?” Kong Li said with a bit of grievance.

“Haha, soldiers, it’s inevitable, but since you haven’t learned about it, then you really have to take a good look.” Nie Jianqiang said mysteriously.

Kong Li flashed his eyes and said with a smile: “Since Teacher Nie has said so, it seems that Huang Hai really has some outstanding characters this year.”

The young male officer couldn’t help showing a look of interest.

“I look forward to Huang Hai’s performance!” Song Wanjiang smiled.

“Presumably I won’t let you down.” Nie Jianqiang said confidently.

“Okay, time is almost here, let’s get ready to start.” Song Wanjiang stood up, his voice spread slowly.

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