Chapter 364 Sky Showdown

In the ring, the battle between Han Zhu and Chao Qihe lasted for half an hour, and the fighting was more intense because of the same strength.

In the end, Han Zhu won!

Both were injured, but Chao Qihe fell down first.

The one who stands last wins.

On the second floor of the auditorium, a rare smile appeared on Peng Yuanshan’s face, and Huang Haijun was stabilized!

Before Han Zhu defeated Zhao Yuanwu’s hand miserably, he even thought that Huang Hai was about to smash the halberd and sink the sand this time.

Peng Yuanshan was happy, but Yan Kang’s face was completely black.


Avoiding Wang Teng, he still lost to Huang Hai.

Their Jinlin University got on the bumper with Huang Haijun this year, right? ?

Yan Kang felt that his whole person was not well, and there was a sudden sudden pain on his forehead…

The competition on the ring came to an end. Although Zhao Yuanwu was injured, he has recovered a lot in the past two days, and his strength is strong. This game also won.

The voice of the narrator spread throughout the dragon’s nest at this time:

“Okay, the competition of the other contestants is now completely over. Now, please vacate your seats. We are about to form a big ring.”

As the voice fell, the contestants in the Dragon Nest retreated to the outermost periphery under the guidance of the staff.


Suddenly a loud noise came from under the ground of the Dragon Nest.

The ground vibrated, and the gaps between the various arenas rose slowly, finally connecting with the surrounding arenas.

Except for the middle ring, all the other rings are directly connected to form a ring.


Everyone was in an uproar when they saw this scene.

The so-called big ring turned out to be like this!

“Now, two contestants, Wang Teng and Luo Cheng…come on stage!” the commentator said loudly.

The atmosphere was instantly ignited!

Very hot!

Under the arena, Wang Teng saw this fancy operation, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he stepped up, step by step.

He came to the ring almost at the same time as Luo Cheng.

“I know you!” Luo Cheng suddenly said.

“Huh?” Wang Teng looked at him suspiciously.

“My teacher specifically mentioned it to me.” Luo Cheng said with a flash of light in his eyes.

“?” Wang Teng was a little confused, secretly asking who is your teacher? Talking to himself over there made him confused.

“…” Luo Cheng.

The two fell into silence, and the scene was once embarrassing.

Why don’t you play cards for Mao?

Shouldn’t he ask who his teacher is at this time?

Luo Cheng felt so tired. In desperation, he could only say to himself: “My teacher is the commander of the Scarlet Tiger Legion…Xiao Nanfeng!”

“It turned out to be him!” Wang Teng finally remembered, Xiao Nanfeng once said this to Tan Taixuan.

He also noticed before that he might be a contestant of Xiao Nanfeng’s disciple, but he never found him, thinking that the opponent had taken him.

Later, as the game progressed, he was left behind.

Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng was actually Xiao Nanfeng’s apprentice.

The two met in this situation.


The two stared at each other, and suddenly the fire burst out.

Suddenly a figure flew from elsewhere, stepped into the air, suspended above the ring.


“7 Star War Soldier level!”

Looking at the strong man who suddenly appeared above the ring, everyone suddenly exclaimed, this battle has made it a bit big!

Many ordinary people are excited when they see such a powerful existence for the first time. Flying into the sky has always been a big dream of mankind.

Although modern society can use airplanes, there are too many restrictions.

Unlike the martial arts powerhouse, who can break free from the shackles and stand on the sky with his own strength.

Such a posture, who can not envy.

“Your game, I’ll be the referee!” The 7-star warrior-level powerhouse in the sky slowly said: “Are you all ready?”

The two of them didn’t even look at the 7-star warrior-level powerhouse, but just nodded indifferently.

“…It’s really an annoying kid.” The 7-star warrior-level powerhouse had a black line, curled his lips, no nonsense, and directly announced: “Then, the game…began!”



Two auras erupted from the two of them, and they continued to climb… 3 star warrior level, 4 star warrior level, to 5 star warrior level!


In the crisp sound.

The wings of the Force bloomed from behind them.

A pair of gorgeous aqua-blue wings condensed behind Luo Cheng, shaking slowly, and drifting off the ground with his body.

On Wang Teng’s side, a crimson flame rose up, circling around him, and finally turned into a pair of crimson flame wings behind him.

The strong wind blows, and the broken hair flutters!

Incited by the flame wings, he also slowly ascended into the air, staring at Luo Cheng from a distance.

The judge next to him saw this scene and couldn’t help but slapped his lips. He was full of emotion: “What an amazing young generation!”

The audience around him was already in an uproar, their faces were stunning, shocked, yearning and so on, extremely complicated.

On the ring, the two shaking their wings, turned into a pair and rushed towards each other.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of fierce collision suddenly came out.

In the afterimage, the two crossed their fists and faced each other physically, making a huge roar.

Their speed is too fast, constantly changing positions in mid-air, and if the ring is not big enough, they will not be able to use it at all.


Suddenly, a figure fell to the ground.

It’s Luocheng!

He was smashed by Wang Teng’s punch and fell heavily on the ring, making a loud noise.

In the smoke and dust, Luo Cheng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes did not fluctuate, and when he stepped on his feet, he once again turned into a blue light and rushed towards Wang Teng.

A spear suddenly appeared in his hand, blooming a little bit of cold light, and shrouded in the sky.

Wang Teng stood in the sky, his eyes unchanged, and he pointed out at random.


A flame of light shot out from his index finger!

Cang Yan pointed!

Luo Cheng’s complexion changed slightly.

In the next moment, this flame light fell on the tip of his gun with extreme precision.

Luo Cheng only felt the spear in his hand suddenly shook, his arm was numb, and he almost got out of his hand.

“What a strong attack!”

“This is a fingering combat technique!”

Luo Cheng’s face was dignified, his figure flashed, and he retreated to the distance, staring at Wang Teng vigilantly.

“What Wang Teng just displayed should be fingering combat skills. This type of combat skills is extremely rare. I am ashamed to say that I have never seen it a few times. Today is really an eye-opener.” The commentator said loudly.

Wang Teng didn’t use Cang Yan’s finger any more, but took out the magic weapon’Devil Que’, and then beckoned to Luo Cheng.

This game, he wants to win very beautifully! To completely crush Luocheng!

Only in this way can Luo Cheng know that Xiao Nanfeng is inferior to Tan Tai Xuan, and as Tan Tai Xuan’s apprentice, Luo Cheng is no match.

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