Chapter 363: How to play like this?

Huang Haijun Academy VS Xiadu Military Academy!

Almost everyone has this idea, and it’s not just taking the two people’s game as an individual.

All the time, everyone has always compared Huang Haijun Academy with Xiadu Military Academy.

One is in the south and one is in the north!

One south and one north represent a lot of things and are mixed with a lot of things, which cannot be said clearly in one sentence or two sentences.

At the beginning everyone looked forward to the collision of the two military academies.

Now it’s finally going to happen!

However, everyone thought it would be Han Zhu’s battle against Luocheng on behalf of Huang Haijun Academy, but now it is replaced by Wang Teng.

Even so, everyone’s expectations were not reduced at all, and they added this expectation to Wang Teng’s body.

The first round of the top 16 matches has been set, and the other heavyweight contestants have not met together.

Therefore, the match between Wang Teng and Luo Cheng is the most interesting.

“Please come to the front of the top 16 contestants. Your competition venue will be there.” The commentator Zhang Jun’s voice rang.

There are nine arenas in the center of the dragon’s nest, the middle one is surrounded by eight other arenas.

The height of these eight arenas is higher than the others, which is particularly prominent.

The central arena is the highest, showing its unique status, and the finals will be held there.

Today, Wang Teng and others are divided into eight groups and compete in eight arenas.

At this moment, Wang Teng and Han Zhu slowly stood up from their seats in the rest area of ​​the Yellow Navy Academy and walked towards the center of Dragon Nest.

Wang Teng stepped onto the eighth ring according to the arrangement.

On the other end, Luo Cheng leaped lightly, then tapped the ground with his toes, and landed on the ring lightly.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but curled his lips. Luo Cheng looked serious, but in fact he couldn’t get rid of the young man’s temperament…like to pretend!

It’s a pity that being a man is not sincere enough!

Pretend to be forceful, why cover up.

It’s not mellow at all!

I have long been seen through by the witty!

( ̄︶ ̄)

At the same time, the other top 16 contestants also came to their respective arenas, ready to compete.

As the contestants came to the ring, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

It’s on the verge!

The referee was about to announce the start of the game, Luo Cheng suddenly raised his hand: “Hold on!”

“Huh?” The referee couldn’t help looking at Luo Cheng and asked, “Do you have anything you want to say?”

The big screen also gave him a face.

After all, he is the leader of Xiadu Military Academy. In this nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition, he is regarded as the face of Xiadu Military Academy.

Even if Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang are in the limelight, he is also a popular contender for the championship.

What’s more, in the game, no one has been able to force Luo Cheng’s full strength, maybe he has hidden something.

“Just as the game was about to start, we saw Luo Cheng on the eighth ring suddenly raised his hand, what is he going to do?” Zhang Jun’s puzzled voice spread throughout the dragon’s nest.

Everyone also started talking in low voices.

“Does he want to concede defeat?”

“How could it be that I think too much of you.”

“Then what do you say he is going to do?”

“This…how do I know it, just look at it.”

On the arena, Luo Cheng looked at Wang Teng on the opposite side, and said: “I want to apply for…the big ring!”

“Big Arena!”

The scene suddenly fell silent!

The narrator repeated Luo Cheng’s words, then shouted loudly: “Luo Cheng actually wants to apply for the big ring!”

“I’m going, what is the big ring?”

“That’s right, it’s clear.”

Many ordinary people have never heard of the so-called big ring, and at this time they are confused and talk endlessly.

It’s not difficult to understand the three words “big ring”, but they don’t know what is going on here.

“Ahem.” The commentator gave a dry cough and quickly explained: “The so-called big arena is a kind of super-large ring that the contestants apply for when they feel that the current ring is unable to exert their full strength. Generally, only those who are extremely confident in their own strength are applied. Contestants will choose this way, and the strength must be above the 5-star warrior level. We all know that the 5-star warrior level has been free from the shackles of the earth and can fly up to the sky to fight. It seems that Luo Cheng is right next to Wang Teng The competition is very important!”

After hearing the words, everyone suddenly realized.

“That’s it, it looks like the next game will be very exciting.”

“Both of them turned out to be 5-star combat soldiers. In other words, they might go to the sky to fight in the subsequent battles?”

“By the way, Zhao Yuanwu is also a 5-star combat soldier. Why didn’t he choose the big ring in the previous game?”

“Hehe, he probably didn’t put Wang Teng in his eyes at all.”

Zhao Yuanwu was mentioned inexplicably, his face black like the bottom of a pot.

Losing to Wang Teng originally made him extremely angry, and now he has to be uncovered by so many people. Who can stand Nima?

Both Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang couldn’t help but looked to Luo Cheng, slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this guy can play so silently?

“But the big ring can’t be approved casually. Now the leaders who oversee the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country are discussing this matter. Let us wait for a moment.” The commentator said.

On the high platform, various bigwigs were whispering to each other, discussing the matter fiercely. After a few minutes, the conclusion was finally reached.

“Okay, the conclusion has come out.” The commentator said:

“Luo Cheng’s application… passed!”

“Now, please go to the ring to rest first, and wait for the other fourteen contestants to finish before you play your game.”

Wang Teng shook his head.


But still Yiyan stepped off the ring, but didn’t feel much.

What is the so-called big arena, it is not just a competition venue, for him it is not bad at all.

The competition of the other contestants continued as usual. Wang Teng randomly found a place to sit under the ring and watched their game with relish.

In particular, the match between Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang was indeed exciting enough. The two men deserved to be popular championship contenders, and they were really strong.

It is also the top sixteen, but their strength completely crushes other contestants.

It didn’t take long for the two men to end the game first, and they didn’t even show much of their real strength.

Wang Teng was a little disappointed, and then picked up a few attribute bubbles that had fallen from their ring.

【Golden Force*50】

【Earth Force *68】

[Thunder Force *46]

【Fire Force*60】

Among them, the original force of the gold element comes from Ji Xiuming, and the original force of the thunder element comes from Ren Qingcang. The original force attributes of these two people are clear at a glance.

Wang Teng didn’t care, and continued to watch other people’s competitions.

Han Zhu’s opponent was Chao Qihe from Jinlin University. This person was a leader of Jinlin University.

I have to say that Jinlin University is actually not weak. Although the first few people who were abused by Wang Teng were a bit suspicious of their lives, fortunately, Jinlin University did not run into him again.

Finally saved the last bit of face.

This made Yan Kang, the dean of Jinlin University’s School of Martial Arts, breathed a sigh of relief. He had no doubt that the result of Chao Qihe’s encounter with Wang Teng was definitely an indispensable meal.

Thank goodness!

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