Chapter 346: It’s definitely not a bad taste!

On the electronic screen, everyone saw the whole process.

No tricks, no shady, and some just a golden brick!

Wang vacated a brick, and Feining fell down!

It’s that simple!

But why does it feel so unreal? This is really the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country, not a street fight?

Nothing to watch!

It’s too sloppy!

Shouldn’t it be three hundred rounds, and then one of the sides falls to the ground, and finally the winner is determined?

How do people look like this.

Everyone looked at the slabs on the ground with weird faces and some dumbfounding.

The narrator Zhang Jun and Su Xiao glanced at each other, the muscles on their faces twitched a little, and then they said: “Ahem, this game is really… unprecedented!”

Rao accumulated the vocabulary of the narrator. At this time, he couldn’t help but pause for two seconds before he found an idiom to describe it.

Everyone shook their heads with laughter, isn’t this unprecedented?

General Bai Ginseng was extremely excited at this time, and shouted into the live broadcast room: “Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Wang Teng won. There is no suspense to win. He has won unprecedentedly. I know Wang Teng is going to explode. Now you guys. It’s time to believe it, you can’t go wrong with the anchor…”

The audience in the live broadcast room saw a rather interesting game, and had forgotten the unhappiness before. At this time, the barrage floated by, and the atmosphere was quite joyful.

“Hahaha, I think you are lucky, and you have found a revelation.”

“Sand Sculpture anchor Shit Luck!”

“This game is a bit shorter, but it seems quite interesting.”

“Let me go, there are people who use slabs as weapons. No wonder even the commentator says it’s unprecedented. This Wang Teng is really a bit overcast!”

“It’s a real hammer, the old silver is better than one!”

“It’s a real hammer, the old silver is better than one!”

“It’s a real hammer, the old silver is better than one!”

The essence of human beings is the repeater!

It was all the same barrage in an instant, rolling endlessly, completely refreshing the screen!

White ginseng will see this result, and my heart will be happy.

Although he also thinks that Wang Teng seems to be a bit insidious, but who cares about this, anyway, today he broke out!

It’s not in vain that he took such a big risk to broadcast Wang Teng’s game.


Suddenly, several rockets rose into the air in the live broadcast room.

“Mobei Broadswordsman presents the anchor with 10 bursts of super rockets!-I like this brick!”

“Wang Teng is giving the anchor 10 super rockets!-Wang Teng is so handsome! Bing Bing Ying~”

Among the countless barrage, an unusually eye-catching banner appeared in the upper right corner of the comment area!


“Mobei Swordsman!”

“Well, weird!”

“Local tyrant!”

“Doesn’t knives always like big knives? How come they’re making bricks!”

“Everyone, look at it quickly, and found a strange stranger, we quietly approached and grabbed her…”

Both Mobei Dadaoke and Qidiguai are well-known local tyrants on the live broadcast platform. There are millions of gifts each month, and many people know them.

Unexpectedly, the live broadcast of Wang Teng’s match would even blow up the two bigwigs.

The joining of the two local tyrants made the live broadcast room of General White Ginseng even more lively.

The white ginseng will smile with a crooked mouth. I didn’t expect the effect to be so good. The super rocket here is one thousand yuan, and the two people add up to 20,000. According to the division, he can get 10,000.

And this is just the beginning. Today is only the first game. As long as Wang Teng continues to explode in the following games, his live broadcast room will definitely become more popular!

Bai Ginseng has made up his mind to follow Wang Teng closely, this is a cash cow, and he must not be allowed to run away.

On the arena, Wang Teng picked up the bricks that fell on the ground and turned to look at the referee: “I won, right?”

“Oh, yes, you won!” The referee reacted and announced the result.

Wang Teng glanced at Fei Ning who was in a coma, and two attribute bubbles fell beside him.



“This attribute is very common.” Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubble, shook his head in disappointment, and walked off the ring.

He had picked up too many attributes in the alien world before, and now he is a little bit down on these common attributes.

This doesn’t work, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, how can it be disgusting.

this is not right!

Wang Teng immediately reflected on himself.

Everyone saw him like this, but they thought he shook his head because Feining was too weak, and their eyes were full of pity when they looked at Feining.

This poor baby!

Today, Wang Teng was knocked down by a brick, and he was completely famous!

It’s just that Fei Ning himself won’t like being so famous, so I don’t know if he will go crazy after waking up?

On the second floor of the auditorium, Yan Kang, Dean of Jinlin University’s Martial Arts College, had a bit of embarrassment on his face. He had just vowed that Wang Teng was definitely not Fei Ning’s opponent.

The result was that Fei Ning couldn’t even catch a blow from Wang Teng.

The contrast between the front and back was too great, and his old face suddenly became uncontrollable.

Especially the deans and principals of the various schools present were watching, their eyes seemed very strange, as if they were smiling.

Everyone is watching his jokes!

Fei Ning, this brat, still want to graduate?

“Lao Yan, how are we trained in our school?” Peng Yuanshan said with a smile.

“It’s just the first game. I don’t see much. And I’m very surprised. When did your military academy use bricks as weapons?” Yan Kang said unwillingly.

Peng Yuanshan’s mouth twitched, but he still said, “What’s wrong with the bricks? As long as they can kill the enemy, it is a good weapon. Lao Yan, when have you been so pedantic, and what weapons are you restraining students from using?”

“Hehe, that won’t be enough, but this weapon is the first time I’ve seen it. I’m really surprised.” Yan Kang said.

“Wang Teng is good at a lot of things, and Banzhuan is just an appetizer.” Peng Yuanshan said.

Although he made an excuse for Wang Teng, it was too embarrassing to be rigid, and Peng Yuanshan couldn’t help revealing something.

When Yan Kang and several other bigwigs heard the words, they couldn’t help but wonder if Wang Teng still had a hole in his hand?

On the other side, also on the second floor of the auditorium, the main hall of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall main hall Ye Ji Xing laughed leaning forward and backward. It seemed that Wang Teng’s game was very interesting, and he was overwhelmed with joy, without the slightest grace and majesty of a general-level powerhouse.

“Good boy, I didn’t expect that in such a short time, he has improved so much.” Ye Jixing said while smiling.

Lei Zhenting was also somewhat admired by Wang Teng’s performance, but his expression was also a little weird. He believed he was knowledgeable, but he had never seen a warrior who used bricks as weapons.

After hearing Ye Jixing’s words at this time, he couldn’t help but nodded slightly, and said: “According to this shot speed, this kid’s strength is a bit worth seeing.”

“Surprising!” said Wu Lian, the master of the Bailian Martial Arts Hall.

“It’s a pity that it’s a military academy, otherwise I really want to sign him.” Ali’s Ma always shook his head in disappointment.

“This kid!” Li Xiumei was relieved to see Wang Teng win, but at the same time she couldn’t help but feel a little agitated.

“Hahaha, no matter what, just win.” Wang Shengguo didn’t care and smiled happily.

On the other side, Lin Chuhan and Xu Wantong looked at each other, feeling that the result of the game was really confusing.

Lin Chuhan suddenly felt that Wang Teng was inexplicably familiar with this hand, as if he had seen it somewhere.

“That’s right, at that time.” Suddenly, she remembered that the person Wang Teng had used to help her family to collect debts seemed to use this hand. She shook her head with a laugh, “This guy is still addicted to it!”

“Chu Han, I think I need to apologize to him.” Xu Wantong said solemnly.

“Ah, what’s the apology?” Lin Chuhan asked in surprise.

“I have attacked him before, and now I see him so badly, my heart feels a bit cold.” Xu Wantong said with lingering fear.

“Hahaha, see if you dare to smash people casually.” Tian Xiaoxiao laughed gloatingly.

“Well, he will definitely not be so careful.” Lin Chuhan smiled.

“You don’t understand, men are very careful.” Xu Wantong said.

Wang Teng didn’t know what everyone was saying about him, he just didn’t think it was necessary to use other stronger methods, so he made the past bricks and mortar.

Who’s called Fei Ning’s head is not so good, so close, it is difficult for him to win without easy thinking.

As for the evil taste?


He is such a serious person as Wang Teng, who has never had any bad taste.

What’s more, he is so kind. He uses bricks instead of swords and other weapons to completely avoid unnecessary skin and flesh injuries to the other party. He is entirely for the other party’s consideration.

At this moment, Wang Teng has completely ignored the big raised bag on Feining’s head…

With nothing to do, Wang Teng decided to look at other players’ games.

And just at this moment, a picture appeared on the electronic screen, and the voice of the narrator Zhang Jun sounded.

“Following Wang Teng, classmate Ji Xiuming defeated his opponent from Xiadu Military Academy with just one blow!”

“We can see that classmate Ji Xiuming’s swordsmanship is extremely clever, and his sword is as fast as lightning, leaving his opponents unable to parry. Finally, a sword hits his throat. The classmates from Xiadu Military Academy can only admit defeat. Although it was just a blow, it was really wonderful. It is worthy of being the champion Ji Xiuming.

“It’s really wonderful. Ji Xiuming’s swordsmanship is breathtaking. I hope we can see Ji Xiuming’s more powerful swordsmanship in the next game.” Su Xiao said with a smile.

Off the court, Wang Teng saw Ji Xiuming’s performance, his eyes flashed slightly, but after hearing the commentator’s explanation, he couldn’t help but curled his lips: “This guy is pretty nasty. He did it in the first game. It’s awesome.”

A scream of “Ji Xiuming! Ji Xiuming!” suddenly sounded in the audience, and the decibels were more terrifying than dolphins.

Voices came from all over the audience, showing that Ji Xiuming’s female fans were really terrifying.


The jealous eyes of many male contestants were red. For Ji Xiuming, they were almost the same enemy, and decided to compete with him in the following competitions.

As for whether it can be played or not, I no longer consider the range at all…

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