Chapter 345

Dragon Nest!

The nation’s eye-catching National No. 1 Budo Contest is in full swing, and major media, live broadcast platforms, etc. are broadcasting live.

People’s followers are somewhat different.

Some people pay more attention to Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang who are popular contenders for the championship.

Some people are more concerned about Luo Cheng, Han Zhu and other military school students. For many people, joining the army is a kind of sentiment. Perhaps among these students, there will be one or two generals in the future. No one can say.

At that time, they can brag to others, and they have witnessed the rise of XX with their own eyes…

Some people pay more attention to the contestants of those sects. Many people are curious about the sects for the first time and want to see what kind of background they have.

Ji Xiuming, Ren Qingcang and others are the favorites for the championship, but before the results come out, all situations can happen, maybe there is a dark horse and an upset?

And who can be sure that this dark horse will not appear in each sect?

After all, those sects are entering the WTO for the first time, and if they want to make an impact, they must come up with something.

For example, if a genius disciple wins a good place in the competition, the sect they belong to will naturally become famous.

There are also many people who follow Wang Teng here, there are other contestants, and there are also some big-time figures.

His opponent was a senior at Kinlin University named Fei Ning.

On the second floor of the auditorium, the Dean of the Budo Academy of Kinrin University was sitting at the moment, and smiled at Peng Yuanshan: “Old Peng, your little fellow Huang Hai ran into Feining from our school.

“That’s not necessarily true.” Peng Yuanshan looked at the situation in the field, his expression extremely indifferent.

“Fei Ning ranks seventh in our school. I don’t need to say anything about this combat power. Do you think Wang Teng can have a chance? It’s fine if he meets martial arts students from other ordinary schools, but we are Jinlin’s. You should be very clear about the strength, even if it is only seventh, it is enough to crush the first place of ordinary schools.” Yan Kangdao, Dean of the School of Budo at Kinrin University.

“I remember that you Jinlin wanted to recruit Wang Teng specially?” Peng Yuanshan did not answer, but asked instead.

Yan Kang’s eyes flashed and he smiled: “It is true, but it is a pity that he chose your Huanghai in the end. If it is in our Jinlin, he might get more attention.”

“Let’s wait and see.” Peng Yuanshan didn’t say much, he said directly.

In the audience, Li Xiumei said with some concern: “That Feining seems to be quite strong, can our son beat him?”

“Let’s trust him.” Wang Shengguo was also a little nervous, but still smiled and comforted.

On the other side, Lin Chuhan and others are also paying attention to Wang Teng’s game. After all, it was the first game. They didn’t understand Wang Teng’s strength at all and seemed very nervous.

“The opponent is from Jinlin University. The students of prestigious schools are not comparable to ordinary students.” Xu Wantong said.

“It should be okay.” Lin Chuhan said nervously.

“I hope so, otherwise he will be lost. Now so many people are paying attention. If he is eliminated as soon as he played, it would be a big joke.” Xu Wantong smiled bitterly.

“Don’t say frustrating words, let’s cheer for Little Brother Wang Teng.” Tian Xiaoxiao was optimistic, and made a horn with both hands as she spoke, and shouted: “Brother Wang Teng, come on!”

It doesn’t matter if Wang Teng can hear it.

The surrounding audience was taken aback, turning their heads and seeing that when they saw it was a little girl, they couldn’t help showing a kind of smile.

Although the time at this time is 2009, because the historical process has turned a big turn, many things have been ahead of the original era.

For example, live broadcast, originally time and space, live broadcast started in 15 years, but this life has already been very popular.

There is even a martial arts anchor, who specializes in live broadcast of martial arts matches, which can be regarded as a product of the times.

Many of these martial arts anchors are extremely well-known big anchors with huge traffic.

There are a lot of live streamers on the live broadcast of the game, but those big anchors are generally the hottest contestants of the live broadcast championship, and they rarely pay attention to the marginal contestants.

However, there was a well-known anchor Jianzou Fangfeng who directly broadcasted Wang Teng’s situation.

At the beginning of the game, the anchor said to the camera: “Good morning, my friends, I am your most handsome martial arts anchor-White Ginseng!”

“Presumably many friends are not unfamiliar with the name Wang Teng. Today, the participants will not pay attention to any contestants, and only broadcast the situation of Wang Teng’s competition…”

As soon as General White Ginseng finished speaking, the live broadcast room broke out.

“No, we have to look at Ji Xiuming, and we have to look at Ren Qingcang…”

“Lao Bai, don’t make mistakes. It’s the right time to broadcast Ji Xiuming and the others. Although Wang Teng is not low, he doesn’t follow too many people. If you broadcast his game, the traffic will not run away.”

“Yeah, we still want to watch Ji Xiuming’s game more.”

“Give me back Ji Xiuming, my old lady, don’t look at Wang Teng!”

“Fuck, the anchor, you are dead…”

“Fart, I’m going to watch Wang Teng’s game, and I also squeezed him 100 dollars. Who of you dares to gamble with me.”

Seeing the almost side-to-side situation in the live broadcast room, Bai Geng Jiang suddenly felt a little in his heart. This time he chose to broadcast Wang Teng’s game and made a lot of determination.

He thought very well. If Wang Teng loses the first game, he will immediately switch to live broadcast of other popular contestants. Even if he runs off some traffic, he will be able to come back soon.

But what if Wang Teng exploded?

Then this match is definitely big news, and his live broadcast will also benefit. There are certainly not many people who live broadcast Wang Teng’s match. As the first live broadcast anchor, everyone will definitely recognize him, and there will naturally be a lot of traffic. enter.

That’s why he took the risk and chose to broadcast Wang Teng, but the situation at the moment still made him a little frightened.

As we all know, it is not easy to attract traffic in the anchor business, but it is very easy to do something wrong, and it is common for fans to lose their lives.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it. He can’t slap himself in the face. The live broadcast is still going to be broadcast.

On the ring, as the referee announced the start of the game.

Wang Teng and Fei Ning stood firmly with each other.

Fei Ning was holding a big knife with a flat face, and looked directly at Wang Teng: “I’m curious, why did you come to participate in the No. 1 martial arts competition in the country? You should be very clear about what kind of existence is on the field.”

“Oh, I heard that there are many geniuses, so I will take a look.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“You can’t go on with this kind of mentality,” Fei Ning said.

“Senior Fei Ning, don’t you think you will win?” Wang Teng smiled lightly.

“Otherwise?” Feining raised an eyebrow.

“Then you come and see me off the court yourself.” Wang Teng waved at the opponent.

“You don’t need weapons?” Feining said.

“No need.” Wang Teng said casually.

“You are too arrogant.” Feining’s gaze suddenly condensed, with a trace of irritation on his face, and finally stopped talking nonsense and strode forward.

“Get the sword, you only have one chance.” Wang Teng said indifferently without any fear.

As soon as these words came out, the white ginseng blew up the audience in the live broadcast room.

“This Wang Teng is too crazy.”

“Nima is so arrogant!”

“How do I feel that Wang Teng is a little bit owed.”

“Hey, Wang Teng looks a little more handsome than Ji Xiuming!”

“Upstairs, has your principle been eaten by a dog? I just said that Fanji Xiuming had it.”

“It’s been a long time since I met someone like you who doesn’t know the so-called.” Fei Ning showed a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth. , A soldier who surrendered without fighting.

This is his first game. He knows that his attention is not as good as those in the top rankings, so he wants to win more beautifully, so he enters the eyes of some big consortiums, maybe he can be hired directly after graduation, then It’s perfect.

“What is this guy doing?” Wang Teng was a little puzzled.

Fei Ning seems to have a somewhat unwieldy head, so he can’t get the knife out. Is this going to kill him?

Closer, closer, so close…

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth couldn’t help showing a trace of evil.

I don’t know when, a brick appeared in his hand, and then slammed out.

“I want a sneak attack!” Fei Ning didn’t care about Wang Teng’s move. He was still a little disdainful. What’s the use of a sneak attack like this kind of head-on confrontation?

But the next second, he was taken aback.

Because just for a moment, the flying object has arrived in front of you.

“Can’t escape!” Feining suddenly contracted his pupils, and felt shocked when he realized that his reaction could not keep up with the opponent’s speed.


There was a muffled sound.

The object slammed directly on Feining’s head.

“How can it be so fast!” Fei Ning rolled his eyes and flashed this thought in his heart, and completely lost consciousness and fell down suddenly.


The scene is silent!

Even the commentator was attracted by the situation here and said loudly, “What happened? What just happened? On the 66th ring, the match between Wang Teng and Fei Ning was just a blow, and Fei Ning fell. Now, what happened?”

As the broadcast sound spread, the eyes of the audience were attracted by this side.

The live broadcast room of General White Ginseng was also quiet for a while, and then a large number of barrages drifted crazily.

“What happened to me?”

“Why did Feining fall with just one blow? Isn’t this Feining a straw bag?”

“Just kidding, Kinrin University’s seventh place is at this level?”

“Hahaha, I’ve made a profit of 100 yuan!”

“666, how much did you make for 100 yuan upstairs?”

At this time, the electronic screen of Longchao showed the situation of Wang Teng’s game.

“Let’s play it back slowly and see what happened?”

When the camera is played back, the speed has slowed down a lot. At this time, everyone can see…

A brick was shining with golden brilliance under the sunlight, it was very dazzling, and then it directly hit Fei Ning’s head.

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