Chapter 339

hotel restaurant.

Han Zhu and others are actually observing other contestants in secret. Those who can live in this hotel are not ordinary forces, and those contestants who come out of the forces are naturally not simple stuff.

Wang Teng seemed more relaxed, at least until now, he hadn’t found an opponent that he could face squarely.

“Those are students from Tunghai University, right.” Wan Baiqiu’s eyes moved, and he whispered suddenly.

“Are they here too.” Han Zhu and the others turned around and saw a group of heroic figures.

In the East China Sea, Tunghai University and Huanghai Naval Academy can be said to be two big mountains. The two sides have each other’s strengths and weaknesses in all aspects, and they cannot be rigidly compared.

Take the rankings of the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competitions over the years. Their two schools also have highs and lows. You win me once, I win you once, and each other wins or loses.

Being in the same place, facing other provinces, they are naturally consistent with the outside world, but there is fierce competition among them, and no one is convinced.

Wang Teng looked at them curiously.

Han Zhu explained: “The leader is Xiao Yunfan, who is the leader of Tunghai University. Tunghai University must have led the team this time.”

“How strong is this Xiao Yunfan?” Wang Teng asked

“4-star warrior-level peak!” Han Zhu said.

“Well, it’s quite strong!” Wang Teng nodded his head seriously.

“He, you still don’t get too close.” Han Zhu hesitated and said.

When Wang Teng was puzzled, Xiao Yunfan from Donghai University and his party also saw them and turned and walked here.

“Han Zhu, it’s been a long time since I saw you.” Xiao Yunfan, who headed by, said hello with a smile on his handsome face.

“It didn’t take long. I encountered it in another world five days ago. You have a bad memory.” Han Zhu said solemnly.

In fact, he didn’t like Xiao Yunfan very much. This person seemed kind, but in fact he had a deep heart. If he really believed that he could be friends with him, he would be too naive, and he would count the money if he was sold.

“…” The corners of Xiao Yunfan’s mouth twitched, just saying hello. Are you so serious?

“Hehe, you are still the same!”

“You came here to say this?” Han Zhu said.

Xiao Yunfan’s breathing was stagnant, and he took a deep breath, and said with a smile: “I heard that you Huang Hai sent a freshman to participate in the martial arts competition. I’m here to meet the real person and see if there are any three heads and six arms.”

“Then Senior Xiao, you might be disappointed, I am not a monster.” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Xiao Yunfan looked at him with good temperament and high affinity, but as soon as Wang Teng saw his smiling face, he didn’t know why, he wanted to…a punch.

What the hell is this?

It stands to reason that this guy is just as handsome as he is, and he is far behind him, so he won’t ruin his appearance, right?

Could it be…

Thinking of Han Zhu’s reminder just now, does this guy have that kind of hobby, so he smiles so much that people want to hit him so much.


Wang Tengju’s department tightened, and his whole body was shocked. He was too broad and afraid!

“Damn, what’s this kid’s expression?” Xiao Yunfan was depressed. He saw the strong malice in Wang Teng’s expression. He slowed down for a moment, and looked at Wang Teng, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

Is it just the pinnacle of the 2 star warrior class?

He was a little suspicious, but he didn’t take it to heart. At most, he was a 3-star warrior.

So he smiled and said, “Student Wang Teng is really good, and he has this strength in his freshman year. It’s not easy!”

“However, there are countless masters in the martial arts competition. Wang Teng should be careful. Of course, everyone is from Donghai. If you meet some seniors from Donghai University in the competition, we will definitely keep them.”

“You are only a freshman, and you can participate a few more times if you have the opportunity. Now it’s more important to participate. It doesn’t matter whether you rank or not.”

He seemed to believe that Wang Teng could only make soy sauce. As for the ranking, he must not even think about it.

Then he turned his head and said to the fellows: “Everyone recognizes the person, and when you really run into it, don’t make a heavy hand.”

After finishing talking, he nodded at Wang Teng, showing the old-timer caring for Xiao Mengxin’s profound appearance.

With a smile on their faces, the senior elder sisters of Tunghai University nodded one after another, indicating that they would take care of the younger brother.

Wang Teng: “…”

Han Zhu and the others looked weird at once, but they knew Wang Teng’s strength, and most of the people in Tunghai University might be abused miserably.

The muscles on Zhang Fengyu’s face twitched, he and Wang Teng really fought, and he knew his strength very well.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but glanced at Wang Teng and saw that there was a smile on his face, as if he didn’t take Xiao Yunfan’s words to his heart, but for some reason, he always felt that such Wang Teng seemed more terrifying.

These people from Tunghai University are really dead!

“Then thank you seniors and sisters, I would like to ask you to take care of you.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“It’s easy to talk about.” Xiao Yunfan also nodded with a smile.

Then they found an empty table not far away and talked and laughed while eating lunch. The atmosphere was rather relaxed and joyful.

“Don’t take what they say, Xiao Yunfan…” Han Zhu didn’t say anything, but shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I don’t care about the stimulation of words like this.” Wang Teng smiled calmly.

“Yeah.” Seeing that he hadn’t really paid attention to him, Han Zhu stopped saying more.

Wan Baiqiu turned to the subject and said with a smile: “I plan to go shopping in the street this afternoon. Who of you want to be together?”

“Me.” Du Yu said.

“Count me.” Wang Teng said, it is rare to come to Xiadu once, and of course he wants to look around.

“Then everyone, let’s go together.” Han Zhu smiled.

In the end, five or six of them were ready to take to the streets, while the rest were planning to rest in the hotel and adjust their state to wait for the martial arts competition to start.

In the afternoon, Wang Teng and others drove two cars from the hotel and strolled around the street.

The hotel also provides free travel vehicles, which is very convenient.

Everyone is young, Han Zhu and others wear military uniforms when they are in school, but now they all changed to casual clothes.

When they are in the school, or when traveling on behalf of the school, they are all meticulous, rigorous and solemn. At the moment, they are all dressed in fashion, carrying SLR cameras, carrying small backpacks, and becoming trendy men and women…

Wang Teng was dumbfounded!

He looked at Han Zhu, who was wearing a pair of sunglasses and keeping a short head, with the steering wheel in one hand and the car speakers turned on with the other. See it with the same person.

Looking back through the rearview mirror, Senior Sister Wan Baiqiu’s jeans are paired with a white shirt, a short black leather jacket is over the outside, and a high ponytail is tied. Although simple, she is youthful and beautiful, and her charm instantly rises.

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