Chapter 338 Dragon Nest


Wang Teng and others stepped off the plane and really set foot on this piece of land belonging to the capital of China.

It’s no different to feel…

Wang Teng looked curiously, forget it, now at the airport, what can be the difference.

“Go!” Han Zhu greeted.

It turned out that Peng Yuanshan and others had already headed outside the airport, and Wang Teng quickly followed.

“Someone is coming to pick us up.” Wang Teng’s eyes were sharp, and he saw a sign held high among the crowd, which read the four characters “Yellow Navy Academy”.

Everyone came closer and found that the people picking up the plane were several young figures, dressed in uniform, with the words First Academy on their chests.

In addition, there is a middle-aged man.

“Are these teachers and classmates from Huang Haijun Academy?” the middle-aged man in the lead asked.

“It’s us.” Peng Yuanshan nodded.

“Welcome to Xiadu, I am a tutor from the First Academy, my surname is Chen. This time I am responsible for receiving you. The car is ready. Then I will take you to your residence.” The middle-aged man said.

The reception by the students and tutors of the First Academy in person shows that they attach great importance to the Yellow Naval Academy.

When Wang Teng applied for the university entrance examination, he met a tutor from the first university. He was very arrogant and his eyes were above the top. However, in front of Peng Yuanshan, this tutor was extremely humble and did not dare to be sloppy.

This must be the benefit of identity and strength, Wang Teng secretly sighed.

Peng Yuanshan nodded and let the other party lead the way.

The vehicle was ready to pick them up outside. The instructor surnamed Chen took them into the car. After the car opened, he said, “You are the Peng General Hospital of the Yellow Navy Academy, right?”

“Do you know me?” Peng Yuanshan raised his eyes, a little surprised.

“I have seen you in a war in another world. The demeanor of the General Hospital of Peng has not diminished back then.” The instructor surnamed Chen was more respectful and said with a smile.

When the instructor surnamed Chen talked with Peng Yuanshan and others, the students from the first college were secretly looking at Wang Teng, Han Zhu and others.

Wang Teng didn’t care. He listened to the conversations of Peng Yuanshan and others, but his eyes looked out of the window and looked at the busy traffic in Xia Du. It didn’t make any sense.

He had been to Xiadu in the previous life, but he felt completely different from this moment.

There are lush vegetation on both sides of the street, magnificent buildings, and people coming and going around.

Before long, the car came to a halt slowly.

When Wang Teng and others got out of the car, they saw a huge strange building standing not far in front.

The building in front of me looked like a huge nest made of steel. A giant dragon coiled around the building, as if roaring from the sky, with amazing aura.

And the whole building is more than this dragon.

With the martial artist’s eyesight, even at a certain distance, he can see that the building is completely entwined by the dragons of the East, which is extremely peculiar.

Surrounded by lakes and trees, the environment is extremely beautiful.

“This is…Dragon’s Nest!” Han Zhu and the others said as they looked at the distant buildings, with a deep shock on their faces.

“Dragon, Dragon Nest!” Wang Teng was a little dazed, always feeling that some strange things had mixed in, a little contrary to harmony.

There were similar buildings in the previous life, but the style was the same, the overall structure of the building has changed, and the name is naturally specious.

The nest is a nest, but it is a dragon’s nest!

It sounds awesome!

Wang Teng was ashamed and shook his head, no longer thinking about these messy things.

“School Wang Teng, what’s wrong with you?” Wan Baiqiu couldn’t help asking when he saw him like this.

“Oh, it’s okay.” Wang Teng smiled and shook his head.

“It’s spectacular. The Dragon Nest, which was built with countless manpower and material resources, will be held there the day after tomorrow. This shows that the country attaches great importance to martial arts.” The instructor surnamed Chen laughed.

Everyone stopped for a moment, and the instructor surnamed Chen said: “Everyone, please come with me. I will take you to arrange a place to live.”

Then under his leadership, Wang Teng and others walked into a hospitality hotel behind him.

This hotel is officially owned and specially set up for contestants from all over the world who come to participate in the Budo Contest.

Of course, ordinary people can’t live in this hotel. Only key schools and some officially recognized big powers are eligible to stay. Other contestants can only find accommodation on their own.

But farther away, there are also many private hotels, which can meet the accommodation problems of many contestants.

Of course, first-come, first-lived, and hotel rooms are also limited. If you come too late, you can only admit that you are unlucky and rent a room in a further hotel.

In addition, you have to squeeze the subway!

Don’t know if it’s crazy?

The tutor surnamed Chen arranged a place for everyone at Huang Haijun Academy and left.

“You can stroll around in the past two days, but don’t cause troubles casually. The water in Xiadu is very deep. Maybe you encounter a sweeping lady on the road who is a powerful warrior.”

“Of course, we, Huanghai, don’t cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble. If we encounter something that cannot be solved, as long as you are reasonable, the school will naturally help you.”

“Han Zhu, look at them.”

After Peng Yuanshan confessed a few words, he left with the deans Tong Hu, not knowing what they were going to do next.

“Everyone, go back to the room to clean up, and come out to have lunch together later.” Han Zhu said.

Everyone had no objection, and went back to the room to clean up.

“The treatment is really not bad.” Wang Teng walked into his room and looked at the decoration and arrangement inside, really surprised.

You can’t see it at all outside!

The exterior is low-key, but the interior is luxurious!

Bedrooms, living rooms, recreation halls, toilets… everything!

No wonder Wang Teng lamented the good treatment.

Each of them is a single room. The room is spacious and comfortable. There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in front of the bed. When you open the curtain, you can see the “Dragon’s Nest”. The view is not too good.

Wang Teng strolled around and got acquainted.

When it was time for lunch, he went out to have dinner with Han Zhu and others in the hotel restaurant.

Everything in the hotel is free, and there is no need to pay for meals. A few people came to the restaurant and found that there were already many people here.

Many of them are young people, and they can’t be underestimated.

When they saw the arrival of Wang Teng and others, their eyes scanned one after another, with scrutiny and inquiry.

Wang Teng and the others didn’t care, glanced around, found an empty place, and then went to pick up vegetables.

The restaurant adopts a self-service style, with a variety of different foods, even some of them are spiritual foods, and each person can receive one, limited supply.

Wang Teng took some meat, fruits and vegetables, and sat down and chatted with Han Zhu and others while eating.

“Old Han, these people are all here to participate in the martial arts competition?” Wang Teng asked.

“Well, it should be.” Han Zhu didn’t care about Wang Teng’s name either. He glanced around, his face was a bit solemn, and he nodded.

“It seems that some of you have fought.” Wang Teng said hehe, to be honest, the strength of these people was a little bit beyond his expectations.

“It’s a tough battle.”

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