Chapter 301

Yangcheng College.

Wang Teng came here with Su Lingxuan. In front of him was a group of magnificent buildings. There was a bluestone stele in front of which was engraved with the four large black characters of Yangcheng College. It was simple and vicissitudes of life, and obviously had a very long history.

The gate of the college is open, you can come in and out at will, and there is an endless stream of people who come to admire the demeanor of the college every day.

Yangcheng College is also known as the cradle of nurturing geniuses. From here, I don’t know how many geniuses have walked out. All the children of Yangcheng’s family will be sent here to study, so its influence is absolutely beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

No one dares to come to the college to make trouble, so the college does not take special precautions.

Wang Teng saw students coming in and out of the college around him. The younger one was twelve or thirteen years old, and the older one was no more than twenty-five years old. It was full of vigor.

“How many years is your college?” Wang Teng and Su Lingxuan walked into the college gate, looked at the quite old buildings inside, and asked curiously.

“More than three thousand years.” Su Lingxuan said proudly.

“More than three thousand years!” Wang Teng was shocked. This history is really long enough, and it can be preserved to this day. I must have experienced a lot in the process.

“It’s hard to imagine, this academy has existed almost since the establishment of Yangcheng, and other big cities also have their own academies.” Su Lingxuan said.

“It can be seen that your empire attaches great importance to talents, no wonder it can stand for thousands of years.” Wang Teng said.

“Yes, our empire attaches great importance to talents, and even set up several heavyweight lists for this. The younger generation has a list of talents, and lists talented people under 30. There is also a list of warriors. Able to enter the list, ranking by combat power, are all powerful and powerful, and alchemists, blacksmiths, and rune masters also have corresponding lists. For example, our rune masters have a list of runes, and all rune masters are proud to be on the list, ranking top The tenth are all legends above the master level, and even the top of the list is the only master-level rune master in the empire!” Su Lingxuan said with a look of yearning.

Wang Teng smiled and asked, “Do you have any students from Yangcheng College on the list of talents?”

“Naturally, our Yangcheng Academy is also ranked very high in the entire empire, and there are more than a dozen people on the list of talents.” Su Lingxuan raised her slender neck like a proud white swan.

“What is the highest ranking?” Wang Teng asked again.

“The tenth talent list is the Dongfang Yu Dongfang senior sister of our college!” Su Lingxuan’s face showed a trace of admiration.

“It’s only tenth!” Wang Teng thought he would be ranked higher, but he didn’t expect it to be just squeezed into the top ten.

“Yes?” Su Lingxuan looked at him in shock as if to hear something extremely absurd.

“What a big tone!”

At this time, a slightly unpleasant voice rang.

Wang Teng turned his head and looked, only to see a few figures standing not far from the left, just passing by them, Xu Ye heard Wang Teng’s words and couldn’t help stopping, and it was the leader who had just spoken. Twenty-year-old youth.

“Student Su, this person is your friend.” The young man walked over with a few people and said to Su Lingxuan.

“Senior Xia Shan, he is my friend. He is usually unobtrusive, but he is not bad-hearted. Don’t be familiar with him.” Su Lingxuan said hastily.

“Hehe, even Dongfang Senior Sister doesn’t pay attention to it, your friend is really ignorant.” Xia Shan laughed mockingly.

“Did I talk to you just now?” Wang Teng suddenly laughed and asked.

“What if it doesn’t?” Xia Shan frowned.

“What would you say without you?” Wang Teng looked contemptuous, and turned to Su Lingxuan and asked, “The students at Yangcheng College are just that kind of nurturing?”

Su Lingxuan secretly said that it was going to be bad, and she felt a headache. Sure enough, something was going to happen with this guy, her premonition was not wrong.

“The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp!” Xia Shan’s face sank, and her heart was annoyed: “Yangcheng College is where you can be arrogant?”

“Based on your words, I’m going to ask the dean of your Yangcheng College teacher to comment.” Wang Teng sneered.

“You insulted the best students in our academy. As a member of the academy, I will never allow ignorant people like you to talk nonsense.” Xia Shan’s expression changed slightly and said.

“Which words did you hear that I insulted people?” Wang Teng was speechless. Could this be the legendary dog ​​licking? I don’t know what brain circuit.

“Xiu has to quibble, we have all heard what you said just now, you know in your heart whether this is the case,” Xia Shan said.

“Yes, we’ve all heard it, you are clearly disdainful in your words, and I don’t know who gave you the confidence to underestimate our Dongfang senior sister.”

“I’m afraid of where is the country kid from the country. I don’t see it, and his mouth is full of dung.”

“The world is so big that there are all kinds of people, it’s ridiculous.”

When the students behind Xia Shan heard what he said, they all echoed and condemned Wang Teng, as if he had done something heinous.

“Go, go!” Su Lingxuan pulled Wang Teng and wanted to leave. Although she felt that Wang Teng was a little unconcealed, it was an unintentional mistake, and there was no insult in her words. But these people went online, probably Dongfang. The admirer of the senior sister, who can’t hear anything about her, is so messy, the best way is to stay away.

“No hurry!” Wang Teng gently pulled away from Su Lingxuan’s hand, with a faint expression on her face, and said coldly: “I don’t care what mentality you are from, and you speak out in front of me. You’d better get out of my sight right now. ”

“Let us go?”

“This kid is too arrogant!”

“If you don’t teach him a lesson, I’m afraid I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.”

Everyone looked ugly and started to drink.

“No matter who you are, you must give us an explanation for this matter today.” Xia Shan said with a calm face.

“Oh, why do you have to look for trouble?” Wang Teng sighed and turned his head to Su Lingxuan and asked, “Can you beat someone at Yangcheng College?”

“Yes, it’s okay. As long as both parties are voluntary, there is no problem.” Su Lingxuan whispered: “Or forget it. Xiashan is a 3-star combat soldier, and his strength is not weak. There is no need for a bit of tongue. Start the fight, and it won’t be good if you get injured later.”

Wang Teng didn’t answer the conversation, 3 star warrior level? Is it strong?

“You want to beat me?” Xia Shan smiled: “Everyone, he actually wants to beat me, do you think I should make a move?”

“I didn’t want to beat you.” Wang Teng said.

“Why, what I just said, now I want to regret it?” Xia Shan’s face was joking.

“What are you anxious about, I haven’t finished my sentence yet, I don’t want to beat you, but all of you, so let’s go together, won’t you dare to fight?” Wang Teng looked at him and said lightly.


“Promise him!”

“Today I beat him so that he didn’t even know his parents.”

Wang Teng’s words can be regarded as arousing public outrage, and everyone is anxious, clamoring to teach Wang Teng.

“Since you want to find abuse, then you will be fulfilled!” Xia Shan said coldly, looking extremely plain, and did not put Wang Teng in his eyes at all. He has absolute self-confidence. He is just 20 years old and is already a 3-star warrior. In the entire Yangcheng College, they are considered to be the relatively outstanding group of students.

“Are you ready?” Wang Teng said.

“Go on, beat him!”

The moment Xiashan’s voice fell, Wang Teng’s footsteps had already been taken. He couldn’t bear it. He didn’t need to bear it anymore. For these self-righteous students, he wouldn’t be used to it. Rushed into the crowd.

“This guy…” A strange color flashed in Su Lingxuan’s beautiful eyes. This was the first time she really saw Wang Teng’s hand. Although she hadn’t played against those students yet, it already gave people a very strong feeling. .

Naturally, Xia Shan and others felt the powerful aura on Wang Teng’s body, and their expressions changed. They did not dare to take it lightly, and saw the three of them stepping out, the force surging towards Wang Teng.

“Get out!” Wang Teng blasted out with a punch, and a fierce air wave bombarded the three of them, directly knocking them out.

Bang bang bang!

Three figures fell in all directions and hit the ground. Without even looking at them, Wang Teng continued to rush towards Xiashan.

Xia Shan’s face was solemn, and the earth element force rushed out of his body, making his figure instantly taller. He stepped on his steps with a terrifying momentum, and the ground seemed to tremble, and a pair of ape arms fell towards Wang Teng.



With a muffled sound, a figure flew upside down, spouting a mouthful of blood in the air, his face was extremely pale, it was Xiashan.

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