Chapter 300 Yangcheng College

Looking at the black snake venom ginseng in Wang Teng’s hand, You Jingfu knew what he was doing this time and don’t even think about it.

Moreover, in the hands of this devil boy, he still doesn’t know what will happen to him?

Thinking of the warriors who had been smashed into the ground when he ran away, he couldn’t help but shiver.

At this moment, You Jingfu looked bitter and gritted his teeth and asked: “How can you let me go?”

“I’m curious, what do you have?” Wang Teng asked with interest.

“I’m all capable of this poison.” You Jingfu replied honestly.

“You are a poison master, it’s no wonder.” Wang Teng suddenly asked, “Then what level of poison master is yours?”

“I have traveled many places over the years, but I have learned a lot, and I have been lucky enough to be a senior poison master.” You Jingfu was quite arrogant when talking about his housekeeping skills, saying it was a fluke. In fact, he felt that he could achieve what he is today. It all depends on talent.

Although Wang Teng felt that he did have some knowledge in his heart, he had an expression of disapproval on his face, and said lightly: “Although he is a little older, it is not bad to be a senior poison master.”

You Jingfu couldn’t help cursing ignorant children secretly, but under the eaves, he had to bow his head, and said, “It’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning.”

“Well, within three days, if you teach me what you have learned throughout your life, I will let you go.” Wang Teng said.

“You are joking. Although poison is not as broad and profound as alchemy and runes, it is not an ordinary path. If you want to learn in three days, how can you do it? Don’t say three days, even if it is three years, it may not be possible to do it. Arrived.” You Jingfu rolled his eyes in his heart, and the young man in front of the secret road really knew nothing about it, and he even boasted such a Haikou.

“You don’t have to worry about it. In three days, teach me everything you have learned. If you don’t learn it, that’s my business and has nothing to do with you.” Wang Teng said.

“I’m serious!” You Jingfu’s eyes lit up. If so, it wouldn’t matter. Even if he had learned everything on his back in three days, the other party might not have learned a little bit of fur.

“You are in my hands, why should I lie to you.” Wang Teng said with a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

“In that case, I can give it a try.” You Jingfu sighed in his heart and nodded.

“Very well, those who know the current affairs are handsome.” Wang Teng said.

The two left the swamp. Along the way, You Jingfu was shocked. He was a senior poison master. He tried all kinds of methods to move in the swamp, but it was still very inconvenient. Look at Wang Teng again. Affected.

He couldn’t help thinking that it was for Li Rongxue’s Poison System Cultivation Technique that the young man in front of him appeared to rescue her, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his heart was clear.

This young man must be a poisonous warrior!

You Jingfu was shocked and envious in his heart. He thought he could not find the Poison System Cultivation Technique for half his life. This boy was only a few years old and he had already obtained the Poison System Cultivation Technique.

And he knew that the young man in front of him not only possessed the Poison Elemental Force, but also a genius warrior of the Ice and Fire elements.

God is so unfair, the opponent’s three elements are talented and talented, but he has been wasted for a long time. He has only been known as a senior poisoner, and in front of the real martial arts powerhouse, he is just an ant that can be pinched to death at will. , You need to be cautious to live to this day.

Just as his thoughts were tumbling, he heard the boy in front of him say: “You should have a talent for poison, right?”

Although it was a question, it seemed very determined.

You Jingfu consciously had nothing to hide, and nodded, “Yes.”

“It’s not easy for you. I found the Poison System Cultivation Technique at such an age, but I stabbed it and took it away. You should hate me very much now.”

There was a young laughter from the front, and You Jingfu only felt cold, and quickly said: “I don’t have the martial arts cultivation base, so I can only use some means to obtain it. I failed to obtain the poison system. It is because I am not strong enough. Besides, compared with you, I am like a cloud and mud, and I would never dare to think about it.”

“Oh, I don’t dare, rather than not,” Wang Tengnao teased.

“…” You Jingfu.

“Okay, it scares you.” Wang Teng waved his hand and said, “The exercise I got from Li Rongxue is called “Moon Devouring Poison Jing”, which is… a low-grade exercise method!”

“Level!!!” You Jingfu breathed quickly, his eyes were red, and he felt as if he had missed tens of billions.

“This poison scripture is not for you.” Wang Teng turned his head and glanced at him, but he didn’t make fun of him because of his gaffe. This is also human nature.

“What am I going to give?” You Jingfu suppressed the shock in his heart, swallowed, and asked.

“Then it depends on you. If the price you pay satisfies me, this technique can naturally be given to you.” Wang Teng said.

You Jingfu’s eyes flashed crazily. After a while, he let out a deep breath and said, “I need to think about it.”

Wang Teng nodded and said, “Tell me your address. I will find you when I take the time. Don’t run around if it’s okay.”

“By the way, my name is Wang Teng!”

“Good!” You Jingfu turned and left.

“College?” Wang Teng returned to the Rune Guild, and met Su Lingxuan who was about to go out, and when he asked, he knew that she was going back to the academy to go to school. He was surprised.

“What’s all the fuss about, don’t your Earth and Stars have similar places, it seems to be called…what is called.” Su Lingxuan frowned, scratched his head, and couldn’t remember it for a while.

She knew that Wang Teng was from Earth Star.

“School!” Wang Teng was full of black lines and couldn’t help but remind him.

“Oh yes, school, don’t you also have a school?” Su Lingxuan said.

“I’m surprised you still go to the college to go to school?” Wang Teng said.

“I’m just studying runes with the teacher, and other things naturally need to go back to the academy to study.” Su Lingxuan said.

“I’ll go take a look with you.” Wang Teng said with a move in his heart.

“What do you want to do?” Su Lingxuan looked wary.

“What are your eyes, I just want to see with you.” Wang Teng said with a black thread.

“Oh, I believe you a ghost.”

Su Lingxuan rolled her eyes and went out, and Wang Teng quickly followed.

Yangcheng College!

The name of the college is also straightforward. It is located in Yangcheng and is called Yangcheng College.

Regardless of ordinary people or nobles, as long as the disciples in the family reach the appropriate age, they can enter Yangcheng College to study.

The knowledge taught in the academy is diverse, including a wide range of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, runes, forging, alchemy, martial arts, and so on.

There are many students in the college, and many of them are talented. There are many top talents in the colleges and universities, and they are very famous outside…

Along the way, Su Lingxuan and Wang Teng introduced the related history and current situation of Yangcheng College…

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