Chapter 29 One-Star War Soldier Grade Warrior

【Chi Yan Jue】

[Elementary Fire Talent]

【Fire Force*2】

【Fire Lin Sword Technique*10】


Five bubbles were all picked up by Wang Teng.

In an instant, his whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Spirit*0.1] Melting into, made Wang Teng’s head clear for a while, very short, and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, his body has undergone indescribable changes.

When I closed my eyes, there was darkness before my eyes.

But now he felt a lot of red and hot tiny particles, they wandered between the sky and the earth, like little elves with life.

Fire Force!

This is the fire force.

After Wang Teng’s body changed, the Fire Elemental Force wandering around seemed to have discovered an amusement park, cheering toward him, and digging into his body from the pores of his body.

But they were not guided, only knowing that they were running rampant in Wang Teng’s body.

Fortunately, an extra memory worked.

【Chi Yan Jue】——The Force Technique!

An illusory figure was cultivated in Wang Teng’s mind, and the veins in his body were manifested, with the spine as the main trunk, extending to the limbs and skeletal bodies, densely all over the body.

The force of the fire system was immediately pulled.

The 2 ignition element force attribute that just picked up is the most honest. At this time, it seems to be a leader, leading a group of small carrot heads, lining up one after another, and moving forward neatly in the veins of Wang Teng’s body.

Eventually they followed the backbone of the spine and merged down into the bottommost node.

Red light!


A burning sensation erupted from the tail of the spine and spread to Wang Teng’s body. The injury he had suffered before quickly healed when the burning sensation passed, until it disappeared.

Finally, a cloud of heat steamed up from his Tian Ling Gai.

Then it slowly dissipated, the red light at the tail node gradually converged, and finally fell silent!

On the other side, there was also a figure holding a war sword, rehearsing in Wang Teng’s mind, the war sword was wrapped with the power of flame, the power was amazing!

【Fire Lin Sword Technique】——The Force Combat Technique! !

When everything disappeared, Wang Teng opened his eyes, restrained his inner joy, and looked at the attribute panel.

At first glance, Wang Teng couldn’t help being stunned.

The properties panel has completely changed.

【Comprehension】: 83

[Spirit]: 12.1

[Talent]: Elementary fire talent (10300)

[The Force]: 6100 fire (one-star warrior level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 1100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, fine body), spear technique (xiaocheng), fire lin sword technique (entry 10100)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 132 (The final interpretation right belongs to the system (●ˇ∀ˇ●))

“This is?”

Wang Teng looked at the completely changed attribute panel, especially the [The Force] column above, his eyes could no longer look away.

“One-star warrior level?”

“I… become a warrior!!”

Wang Teng clenched his fists and took several deep breaths before he barely calmed down.

“So this person is indeed a warrior!”

“And I actually killed a warrior!”

He lowered his head and looked down at the dead warrior body in front of him, not knowing what he was feeling for a while.


Spit out a foul breath.

He suddenly remembered that there was another person on the other side, who had also dropped a few attribute bubbles, and had to be picked up immediately, otherwise he should disappear after time passed.

Fortunately, although the scene just now was a long story, it actually only took a while.

When Wang Teng came to the person again, although the air bubble was a bit illusory, it did not completely disappear.

Pick it up!

[Elementary Ice Talent]

【Ice Force*1】

[Xuanbing Jue]

【Phantom Ice Fist*8】

The four attribute bubbles are one less [spirit] than the previous warrior.

As expected, this person is also a warrior!

As the attribute bubble merged into Wang Teng’s body, a scene similar to before appeared again.

Wang Teng has obtained the [Elementary Ice Element Talent], his body is close to the ice element force, so that the icy particles free from the sky and the earth flood into his body.

The force technique [Xuanbing Jue] began to take effect.

A figure sat cross-legged in Wang Teng’s mind. In reality, Wang Teng also sat cross-legged, following the path of Xuanbing Jue to guide the force of the ice system into the body, traveling all over the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

The cold feeling made his whole body tremble violently.

A thin layer of frost formed on the ground all around.

Wang Teng didn’t notice it, directing the force of the ice system to merge into the node at the tail of his spine.


The influx of the force of the ice system drew the force of the fire system that had just entered into it.

The two are incompatible!

Once you meet, you will inevitably fight for life and death, and it will never be possible to tolerate the existence of the other party.

However, just as the two sides were arguing and they were about to collide in an instant, a mysterious and mysterious force appeared between the two.

Under the action of this force, the ice force and fire force gradually settled down.

The two slowly rotate, and eventually become a circle, maintaining a stable balance.

At the same time, the information that belonged to the magic ice fist was also smoothly integrated into Wang Teng’s memory, another force combat skill get.

After a while, Wang Teng let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

“so close!”

“Ice and fire are incompatible. It almost exploded in my body and scared Daddy to death.”

He had lingering fears, and felt that after returning, he must make up for the relevant knowledge of the martial artist.

Otherwise, if you make any common sense mistakes later, you don’t know how to die.

“Speaking of which, did that power just come from the system boss?”

Wang Teng thought about it a bit, but couldn’t think of other reasons. The biggest possibility could only be that the system boss shot.

After all, he didn’t have any mysterious ring on his body, and he couldn’t count on the grandfather who suddenly ran out to turn the tide.

Then he shouted with tears in his eyes… Liger~

Touched, touched, touched you, me and him!

Wang Teng stood up and patted the dead leaves on his body. He was taken aback when he saw the thin frost on the ground around him.

“The Force, it’s amazing!”

He sighed, looked at the corpse of the warrior in front of him, and thought about it…

Hmm~ Touch a corpse!

After searching the pockets of the other party, there was nothing extra except a mobile phone and a steel peg.

However, the purple-black gloves on his hands caught Wang Teng’s attention.

“good stuff!”

“Take it first, and then go back and study it carefully.”

Then he ran back in front of the fire martial artist before, and flipped through his pockets as well.

A piece of fruit 8.

A Zippo lighter, good stuff, I have it!

There was also a pack of squashed cigarettes, which seemed to be a fellow man, Wang Teng didn’t dislike it, and put it in his pocket.

“Hey, this sword is not bad.”

Wang Teng broke off the opponent’s fingers, looked at this long sword with scarlet runes, and took it unceremoniously.

“Don’t blame it, it’s considered a contribution to the society if you don’t take it with you when you are born!” Wang Teng muttered.

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