Chapter 28

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what happened over there.

Li Rongcheng stood up at this time and said to Zhou Baiyun: “I’ll go and see.”

“Alright! Pay attention to safety.” Zhou Baiyun nodded.

Li Rongcheng smiled and ran into the forest in front of him, his figure immersed in the darkness.

“This Li Rongcheng is a high-level martial artist. In this case, only martial arts practitioners can play a role.” The rich second generation said enviously.

Wang Teng looked at the dark night, hesitated for a moment, and said to Xu Jie: “Don’t run around here, I’ll take a look too.”

“Brother Wang Teng, then you have to be careful.” Bai Wei said slightly worried.

Wang Teng nodded.

He stepped on his foot, and the whole person jumped up suddenly, tapped his toes on the trunk, and fell on the top of the crown of a big tree in twos or twos.

Everyone exclaimed.

They didn’t expect that Wang Teng, who was not amazing, was also a martial artist.

Moreover, this strength is no weaker than Li Rongcheng.

“Sure enough, it’s a senior warrior!”

“Looking at his strength, it seems that he is still above Li Rongcheng.”

A bright light flashed in Zhou Baiyun’s eyes, looking at the figure standing on the top of the tree.

Wang Teng looked far away, recognized the direction, exerted force under his feet, and suddenly exploded fiercely.


His toes were at a point in the canopy, the entire canopy burst open, and the leaves fell from the sky.

And Wang Teng’s figure is like a shot of a crossbow arrow, rushing into the night sky, relying on patches of trees, moving fast in the sky.

A group of rich second-generation officials were dazzled by the second generation. Could this be the strength of senior warriors?

If Li Rongcheng saw this scene, he would definitely denounce Wang Teng again for pretending to be forced.

And the high-end samurai who farts!

This is not martial arts at all, okay?

Which senior warrior has such an exaggerated strength? If every high-ranking warrior violated the rules like him, the city would have been full of warriors flying over the wall.

Li Rongcheng returned shortly after Wang Teng left.

“What’s the discovery?” Zhou Baiyun stepped forward and asked.

Li Rongcheng shook his head: “The sound response should have come from a long distance. I checked all the neighborhoods and found no abnormalities.”


As soon as his voice fell, another loud noise came.

The atmosphere was embarrassing.

Li Rongcheng’s face was a little bit awkward.

Xu Jie and others sneered unabashedly beside him, making him even more annoyed.

“Why are you laughing! Huh? Where’s Wang Teng?” He suddenly found that Wang Teng was missing.

“After you left, Wang Teng also checked.” Zhou Baiyun said.

Li Rongcheng’s expression became even more ugly.

Ma egg!

There is this guy for everything!

“Let’s wait, maybe Wang Teng will bring back some news.” A rich second generation said.

“Alright, then wait.” Zhou Baiyun nodded.

Wang Teng shuttled through the mountains and forests, tapping lightly under his feet, hitting the canopy every time, and then leaping forward.

Ordinary high-level warriors do not have his level of strength.

The crown of the tree is originally a frivolous thing, and it will fall directly when it is strong, and it will not be able to jump if it is not strong enough.

General high-level warriors not only don’t have such power, they also don’t have such strong physical control, so they really can’t do Wang Teng’s pretense.

After a while, Wang Teng stopped, jumped from the tree, and lightly landed on the ground.

“It should be near here!”

Wang Teng glanced in the dark and found some clues.

“Someone was fighting here just now. With such a loud noise, is it a warrior?”

His heart moved slightly, and he was taken aback by his own guess.

“If it is really a warrior, then I’d better not pass it.”

Wang Teng retreated in his heart, but he couldn’t help but hesitate.

“But martial artist fights, will drop attribute bubbles? What if there is something I need?”

He stopped where he was, and in his mind, there was a voice on the right telling him that curiosity killed the cat, and another voice on the left tempting him-begging for wealth and danger!

“Otherwise, I’ll take a look, and if there is something wrong, I will run immediately.”

Wang Teng persuaded himself and fumbled over it cautiously, feeling extremely nervous in his heart.

I walked for another ten meters, surrounded by large fallen trees, the trunks of which were directly shattered, and there was scorched black on them.

There are several pits in the ground.

The edge of the pit was half charred and half covered with icy debris.

“This…” Wang Teng opened his mouth, a little shocked in his heart, is this the power of the martial artist?

He walked a few steps further, his eyes condensed suddenly.


A figure was lying horizontally on the ground, without any breath.

And there are several attribute bubbles floating next to that figure.

A sense of ecstasy just rose in Wang Teng’s heart, and suddenly a sense of horror surged into his heart, completely overwhelming the joy.

For a moment, Wang Teng’s hair went numb, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

There was a tingling sensation somewhere in the back.

He didn’t even think about it, he exploded as fast as he could, and launched his micro-level physical skills.

There was no time to avoid it, so I could only turn sideways slightly…


A sword beam passed through Wang Teng’s side, cut his clothes and pierced his skin.

Blood splattered.

Fortunately, it’s just skin trauma.

But he didn’t dare to relax in the slightest, the danger was like bone gangrene.

Almost at the same time he avoided, he shook his hand, a small rune gun appeared in his hand, and fired several shots in the direction where the sword was pierced.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Wang Teng stopped shooting until all the bullets in the barrel were exhausted.

He dodged behind a tree, panting heavily in his mouth, his heart was still beating wildly, and his heart had lingering palpitations.

“who is it?”

“Who the hell is it?”

“Why are you killing me?”

The woods were extraordinarily quiet, and there was no sound except the rustle of the leaves blowing in the wind.

Wang Teng waited for a while.

He poked his head out slightly and looked in the direction where the sword light pierced from.

A dark shadow leaned against a tree, and there was no movement at all.

Several bubbles are floating.

The dim light from the bubbles made Wang Teng vaguely see that the figure seemed to be dead!

“Did you beat me to death?”

“Isn’t it a warrior?”

Wang Teng was full of doubts, hesitated for a moment, and walked over there.

But when he approached, he found that the other party was indeed dead.

One shot hits the forehead, and several shots are distributed around the internal organs. If this is not dead, it is not a human being.


Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched his waist, full of blood in his hands: “It’s dangerous, I almost died!”

“Is the world of warriors so dangerous? You will kill at every turn.”

Wang Teng was puzzled, looking at the opponent’s unsatisfied face, there was still an incredible and dying fear on it.

“Maybe he never thought he would die in my hands!”

Then Wang Teng’s gaze fell on a few bubbles that fell beside him.

Pick it up!

【Chi Yan Jue】

[Elementary Fire Talent]

【Fire Force*2】

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