Chapter 276 It’s good to worship me as a teacher, young man

Seeing someone walking into the room, everyone couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng.

“Here is another one, so young!!”

“Compared with some of the young girls from those aristocratic families.”

“Hey, I don’t know if I can pass the exam. It’s too early to compare him.”

The discussion about Wang Teng suddenly sounded. Wang Teng’s age is obviously a surprising place, but many people are skeptical, and many of the younger examiners come for a walkthrough and can really pass the examination. There have never been a few of them.

Those who can pass the runemaster examination at this age are all talents with very good talents, and at the same time they have a lot of resources to train, and the general people obviously don’t have these conditions with the careful teaching of the runemaster.

Wang Teng ignored everyone’s discussion and walked to a corner to wait.

After that, everyone stopped paying attention to Wang Teng, and the topic of discussion revolved around the children of the family.

From their discussion, Wang Teng also learned that the young people who were about his age and accompanied by elders came from several rune families in Yangcheng.

Among them, the young man with an old man was Liu Xinghui from the Liu family in Yangcheng, and the girl with a middle-aged man on the other side was Su Lingyun, a genius girl from the Su family in Yangcheng.

“I rely on the system, and if these two really pass the assessment, apart from the advantages of the family background, their own talents are definitely not weak.” Wang Teng looked at the two young girls and said in his heart.

Time flies quickly, and the assessment is about to begin, and the assessors of the Rune Guild will arrive one after another.

There are a total of three people, two human races, one is a goblin family with short stature, some pointed mouth monkey cheeks, and wrinkled skin.

“This time it was these three senior rune masters who acted as examiners!” Everyone was shocked.

The three examiners walked directly to their seats and sat down, but they did not announce the start of the examination. Instead, they seemed to be waiting for something, making everyone confused.

After a few minutes, the door to the room was opened again, and an old man with silver-white hair came in. Although he was old, he could vaguely see his handsome face when he was young, and the silver hair was even more exposed. A pair of slightly longer pointed ears.


This old man is an elves!

Wang Teng was showing a look of surprise, and suddenly heard another exclamation from the crowd.


“Guild Leader?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment. The one who can be called the chairman by those present is obviously the chairman of the Yangcheng Rune Guild.

“Why is the president here?”

“Look behind the president, that seems to be Su Lingxuan who was accepted as a disciple by the president!”

“Does the president also want Su Lingxuan to participate in the assessment today?”

“No, Su Lingxuan is only sixteen years old!”

“Being able to be accepted as a disciple by the president shows that Su Lingxuan’s talent is much better than Su Lingyun. If it is her, it may not be impossible.”

Hearing the comments from the crowd, Wang Teng looked weird. The content was a bit maddening. His eyes turned around the two girls involuntarily.

“Su Lingxuan and Su Lingyun, do they all come from the Su family?” Wang Teng was a little suspicious, with similar names. It seemed that the two looked a bit similar.

This is fun!

One has a good talent and was accepted as a personal disciple by the president of the Rune Guild. Although the talent is good, it is obviously not seen.

The same life experience has a different destiny.

Destiny is such a fucking thing!

At this moment, Wang Teng saw a trace of jealousy on Su Lingyun’s face.

After the president of the Rune Guild arrived, he nodded to the three examiners, and then they announced the start of the examination.

A human examiner stood up and said: “The content of the examination is very simple. We have selected ten one-star rune arrays in total. What you have to do is to inscribe at least three rune arrays before they pass the assessment and draw at the same time. The more runes, the higher the score.”

After the emergence of the rune division career, Wang Teng knew that this rune array was divided into 1 to 9 stars, and those who were able to draw at least three 1-star rune arrays were the primary rune masters.

Everyone stood at their respective assessment positions and saw the names of ten 1-star rune formations appearing on the screen on the wall. Some people couldn’t help frowning, while others showed joy, and then they picked up the rune pens on the table and began to inscribe them. Rune circle.

Wang Teng’s eyes swept away, his face remained unchanged, and he immediately began to inscribe.

He is already an Intermediate Rune Master, and of course the 1-star Rune Array will not be bothering him.

Within half an hour, in one go, ten 1-star rune arrays appeared on the metal plate of the examination platform.

Then he raised his hand!

Everyone’s eyes were instantly attracted.

“Have you finished engraving?” the three examiners frowned.

“It’s done!” Wang Teng said flatly.

At this moment, even the president of the Rune Guild glanced at Wang Teng.

“So fast, isn’t this guy here to make trouble?” Everyone was a little unbelievable, wondering.

Liu Xinghui, Su Lingyun, and Su Lingxuan looked at Wang Teng at the same time, and the young man who was as old as them had actually completed the engraving.

The three examiners’ expressions were dark, but they didn’t say much. They looked at each other and walked to Wang Teng’s position. Ten perfect rune formations were printed in their eyes.


The three of them were shocked, and almost at the same time rushed to the assessment platform in front of Wang Teng, carefully observing the rune array on it!

Especially the examiner of the goblin clan, because he was too short, he could only climb up the examination platform with his hands and feet, and lay down on it with a magnifying glass. The picture was really funny.



The three examiners were amazed. They raised their heads and looked at Wang Teng, the strong shock that couldn’t be dissipated.

“No way!” Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

At this time, the president of the Rune Guild came over.

“President, come and take a look, the ten 1-star rune arrays engraved by this little guy are perfect!” The three examiners said quickly.

With such comments from the three examiners, President Goering became more curious. He walked closer and looked at him for a long time. He looked at Wang Teng in amazement. Then he suddenly smiled and said, “Young man, How about worshiping me as a teacher?”

Everyone will fall!

President, you are not playing cards according to common sense!

Su Lingxuan stared at her teacher and Wang Teng in amazement, is she going to have one more senior brother?

The faces of Liu Xinghui and Su Lingyun were a bit bad.

Others are all envy and jealous, but that is the apprentice of the president of the Rune Guild. For such a long time, how many people have wanted to worship him as a teacher without success, and the president only accepted Su Lingxuan as a disciple. Take the initiative to favor a young man you just met, and even want him to be a teacher.

Wang Teng was also slightly taken aback, a little dumbfounded.

“It’s my recklessness. Don’t be too busy to refuse. We’ll talk about it after the assessment.” Goring said, and said to the three assessors: “You rate the results.”

The three examiners nodded, no longer need to discuss, and directly marked full marks on Wang Teng’s form.

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