Chapter 275-Intermediate Rune Master

Yangcheng, Haiyue Restaurant.

The next morning, Wang Teng got up early to go out, and asked the waiter in the restaurant about the location of the Rune Guild.

Walking on the street in the early morning, Wang Teng remembered that when he had inquired about the Rune Guild, the waiter’s reaction was very intriguing. First he showed a look of surprise, and then his attitude became more respectful.

That kind of respect is different from the waiter’s respect to the customer, but comes from a kind of respectful status gap.

Wang Teng couldn’t help feeling a little bit. It seems that the status of the Rune Master on the Xingwu Continent is not low. It is no wonder that the major universities on Earth Star have independently set up a special college to teach this knowledge.

I don’t know what the status of the blacksmith and the alchemist are?

Yangcheng is a big city, even if it is early in the morning, the streets are still bustling with people.

Moreover, Wang Teng also encountered a guard army wearing armor walking by, with mighty aura, the armor colliding with a neat sound, the group of people evaded one after another.

Wang Teng stood by the side of the road and watched them go far, and then continued along the route guided by the waiter, turning a few streets, and finally came to the Rune Guild.

In front of it is a magnificent palace-style building. The four simple fonts on the pale golden plaque exude a touch of brilliance.

The square in front of the Rune Guild is crowded with people, including dwarves, orcs, and pure humans. Many people wear standard robes with a very conspicuous rune mark on the chest.

Wang Teng guessed that these people should be insiders of the Rune Guild.

Then he walked into the gate of the Rune Guild, and he saw a hall where there were not many people, and it seemed a bit empty. Those staff members were quietly doing their own things, and those who walked into the hall did not stay too much. , Disappeared straight to the end of the corridor.

The pillars and walls of the hall are carved with various rune patterns, which are quite strange.

These Wang Teng just swept away, and his gaze was completely attracted by the large number of bubbles floating on the ground.

This Rune Guild is really right!

Sure enough, as he guessed, there are a lot of attribute bubbles that can be picked up.


【Rune knowledge*8】

【Rune Knowledge*6】

[Spirit of Spirit*4]


[Rune knowledge*10]

Pick it up!

Each attribute bubble was drawn by Wang Teng, like a fish swimming into the sea, pouring into his body one after another.

“It actually has the spiritual attributes of the spiritual realm!!!” Wang Teng was surprised.

This is the first time he has picked up the spiritual attributes of the spirit realm. It seems that this rune guild is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

He calculated it, and gained a total of 18 points of Spirit Realm Spirit Attributes and 46 points of Normal Spirit Attributes.

Wang Teng’s mental attributes skyrocketed instantly, and a large number of mental attributes poured into his head, like a storm, circling like a bottomless vortex, and it gradually subsided after a while.

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (71.7100)

The skyrocketing spiritual power has made Wang Teng’s spiritual power also continue to rise, and the power must be even greater!

In addition, there are 156 points of rune knowledge.

This rune knowledge is not the basic rune knowledge he learned in school, but a more in-depth rune knowledge.

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel and thought that there would be an extra item in the [Knowledge] column, but it was not.

The attribute panel has changed, and a new skill column has been added-[Vice Occupation]! !

There are now three professions in this [Deputy Profession] column, namely Rune Master, Blacksmith, and Spirit Chef.

Blacksmith: 1251000 (senior)

Spirit Kitchen: 52000 (Master)

Rune Master: 83500 (Intermediate)

At the same time, Wang Teng also had a few introductions in his mind. These sub-professions are divided into three levels: junior, middle, and high, and then the master level and the grandmaster level…

“Could it be based on the sub-professional ranks of the alien world? Is this the same on Earth Star?” Wang Teng thought in his heart.

He also found that the profession of alchemist did not appear, but was still at the stage of knowledge. Obviously, only knowing the identification of elixir was not considered an alchemist.

Wang Teng understood instantly.

“My runemaster level has reached the intermediate level. I just picked up 156 points of rune knowledge, and I went directly from the elementary to the intermediate level. With the addition of the previous basic rune knowledge, now I have reached the intermediate level of 83 points.” Wang Teng’s mouth revealed. With a faint smile, his plan is now worry-free.

He came here to pass the assessment of the Rune Guild, obtain the qualification certificate of the rune master, and use this as an entry point to integrate into the Star Martial Continent.

Standing in the hall with a Tibetan weapon box on his back, the young Wang Teng looked very eye-catching.

At this time, a young woman wearing a rune guild dress came out from behind a counter, came to Wang Teng and asked with a smile: “This gentleman, it should be the first time you have come to our Rune Guild. , Can I help you?”

“It is indeed the first time here. I want to participate in the rune master assessment to obtain the qualification certificate. I don’t know what your process is like?” Wang Teng nodded.

“Are you a runemaster?” Looking at Wang Teng’s young face, the woman was slightly startled.

“Yeah!” Wang Teng nodded.

“Please follow me.”

The woman was surprised and more respectful. She stretched out her hand and led Wang Teng to the counter, fetched the form and pen, and handed it to Wang Teng.

“Please fill out the form, and we will arrange for you to participate in the assessment.”

Wang Teng filled out the form casually, and the woman took it and scanned it. She was surprised when she saw that the age column above was 18 years old. She exclaimed: “It’s really rare for you to come to test the runemaster at such a young age!”

Then he took the registration form and took Wang Teng along the corridor inside the hall. It didn’t take long before he stopped in front of a gate.

Outside the gate, there are two warriors guarding there.

Wang Teng’s eyes swept over the two of them, and he noticed that the two of them were at least 2-star warrior-level strength, but they were guarding the gate here.

“I will bring someone to participate in the assessment, please let them go.” The woman rushed to the two martial artists.

“Today’s first round of assessment will not start until half an hour later. Don’t walk around after entering, just wait in the position.” One of the warriors glanced at Wang Teng and was secretly surprised. The boy in front of him looked at his age. Da, he couldn’t see through at all, so he spoke very politely.

Seeing Wang Teng nodded to express his understanding, he opened the door and let him go.

The woman was surprised when she saw the attitude of the two warriors, but she didn’t say much, and handed the stamped form to Wang Teng, and said: “You can just hand the form to the examiner during the assessment.”

“Well, thank you!” Wang Teng nodded and entered the door, the light inside was bright, illuminating the entire room.

There were a lot of people in the room at this time, low talk and laughter from time to time, mostly young people in their twenties, but Wang Teng also saw two young people who were similar to him, and they had elders around them. Accompany.

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