Chapter 269 What a pity! sad! Sigh!

After Wang Teng and Director Xin handed over the tasks, they returned to school.

In the process of fighting Lei Hui, Wang Teng did not intervene except for the fatal danger, even if Hao Zhengxing and others were injured.

There is no harm in fighting, Wang Teng can guarantee that they will not die, but will not protect them like a nanny.

So after finishing the task, they have to go back to school to recuperate.

Director Xin gave a quick feedback and made up another 200 credits in the afternoon. Wang Teng didn’t struggle, 200 credits were already a lot.

He also answered the question about Lei Hui’s heart.

Lei Hui’s heart is only slightly different from the normal person’s position. It has shifted a little to the right, not because it has acquired any special abilities after becoming a dark species.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because they were all minor injuries, the team led by Wang Teng quickly went back to the task.

Time flies quickly, and it takes more than half a month in a blink of an eye.

I have to say that the students who can enter the Yellow Naval Academy are relatively good.

Hao Zhengxing and others have grown up very quickly. From the beginning of the rookie, to now they can complete some more difficult 1-star warrior-level missions by themselves.

Their mentality has also undergone a lot of changes, becoming more calm, more decisive, and gradually becoming a real warrior.

On this day, Wang Teng and others went back to school to rest, and suddenly heard some bad news.

Something happened to the team!

What happened was a team from War 2 Class. Two students died all of a sudden, and four were seriously injured!

This result is a bit tragic.

Mentors have long said that doing tasks will cause injuries and death.

The students also understand it, but to be honest, they haven’t really seen it before, and some people still disagree.

Therefore, the squad of the War 2 squad expanded after experiencing the first few simple tasks, and chose a more difficult 2-star combat squad.

As a result, some mistakes caused such tragic consequences.

Not to mention the protection of mentors, mentors are not omnipotent. They explained early on that if they are protected from the beginning, the mortality rate will only be higher.

Attitude is very important, everything depends on yourself.

However, this time the tutor did not save the people, which surprised the students.

Several teams encountered danger before and were rescued by the instructor in time.

Maybe it can only be said that they are out of luck.

All in all, they were all prestigious school students who had great years and great prospects, but died like this… What a pity! sad! Sigh!

In the logistics building, everyone is talking about this.

Some teams are ready to choose difficult missions. Hearing that people are dead, they instantly decide to be more serious.

Li Wendong came back after inquiring about some news, feeling a little low, and said: “The two students who died in the next class were a male and a female. Everyone had seen each other and they were familiar with each other. I didn’t expect it would be gone.”

“Do you know the cause of death?” Wang Teng asked.

“It seems to be hunting two star beasts, intelligence shows that there is only one, but in fact there are two. They were accidentally attacked by the other star beast hiding in the dark.” Li Wendong said.

“Star beasts! Some star beasts are more difficult to deal with than human warriors, and they are not low in wisdom, very cunning, and those people are also big-hearted, and they dare to choose this kind of task after only half a month.” Hao Zhengxing said.

“But this also shows one thing. The intelligence of the mission may not be accurate, and unexpected situations are likely to occur.” Yuan Jing analyzed.

“Who said no, which one of the two tasks we did before was unexpected. If there was no captain, we would have become the object of silent mourning for the classmates.” Hao Zhengxing said with lingering fear.

“Forget it, don’t talk about it, let’s be more cautious in choosing tasks later, don’t talk like them.” Li Wendong said.

Two days later.

Inside a mountain on the edge of the East China Sea.

Hao Zhengxing broke the spine of a wolf-like star beast with a stick and ended its life in its wailing sound.

“Star beasts are really hard to deal with!”

Several people were panting heavily, with scars on their bodies, blood was flowing out of several places, and they kept barking their teeth in pain.

Looking at Wang Teng, he was a bit resentful.

As soon as he heard that someone in the school had died in the mouth of a star beast, Wang Teng took them to a mission to hunt down a star beast issued by the Guardian.

Nima, do you want to be so pitted?

Although I knew that Wang Teng was doing them for their good, it was too ruthless. I just said it, and I didn’t even give him time to react.

Wang Teng ignored them and picked up two attribute bubbles dropped by the star beast in front of him.

【Wood Force *20】

【Blank attribute*14】

As the Wood Elemental Force merged into the pronucleus, Wang Teng suddenly shocked all over his body.

Wood 4 Star War Soldier-It’s done! ! !

Wood series: 122000 (4 stars)

Wang Teng grinned and said to Hao Zhengxing: “Go, go back and deal with your injuries, otherwise your blood will soon run out.”

Hao Zhengxing looked down, and there was a pool of blood on the ground. They immediately felt dizzy and screamed: “Ah…I’m going to die, hurry up, go back soon…”

Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly.

Waiting for Wang Teng and others to leave, Liu Feng appeared in shape, frowning and muttering to himself: “Recently, more and more star beasts have appeared in various places of the earth and stars, and traces of the dark species have also appeared more and more frequently. , It’s really eventful…”

After another week, Wang Teng’s team completed three tasks again. The difficulty was not low, and the completion rate was high. In addition, the following tasks were basically based on the seven Hao Zhengxing. Liu Feng was very surprised.

At the beginning, he was not very optimistic about Hao Zhengxing and others. The strength of the others in their team was the worst in the class. Putting on the first team of Wang Teng was purely to balance the strength.

Wang Tengqiang returned to the strong, but the instructors didn’t think he could bring this team up. It would be good for the credits they accumulated to rank in the middle level among all freshman teams.

It’s a pity that the instructors were wrong, and Wang Teng abruptly took the bronze rookie team!

Liu Feng even feels that the strength of Wang Teng’s team can already be ranked in the top three. Of course, Wang Teng must be excluded. If Wang Teng is added, it must undoubtedly be the first.

At night, in a deep alley, the figure in front flees quickly, and three people are chasing behind.

“Don’t run!” shouted one person.

As a result, the more he shouted, the faster the figure in front ran.

But just as the figure passed a fork in the road, a black figure suddenly flashed out of the alley next to it.


With a muffled sound, the fleeing figure was unprepared to be knocked to the ground, and instantly fainted.

“Hey, let you run!” Several people gathered around, revealing their faces in the moonlight. It was Hao Zhengxing and others.

“Speaking of the captain’s method is really easy to use, the warrior at the top of the 1 star warrior rank has been overwhelmed by us?” Hao Zhengxing said incredulously.

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