Chapter 268 Special Combat Skill: Dark Wind Bullet!

“Because you are too weak.”

When Wang Teng saw Lei Hui’s stubborn look, he mercifully told him the answer.

“Eh, it’s not right, why are you still alive?” He asked in surprise again.

“Go to hell!”

Lei Hui obviously didn’t want to answer, he roared, his body sank, and his claw-shaped hands grabbed Wang Teng’s head.

Wang Teng threw a fist to meet Lei Hui’s claws.


The huge force knocked it into flight.

Lei Hui felt his claws hit a piece of extremely hard metal, and couldn’t break Wang Teng’s defense at all.

Astonished in his heart, he rolled in the air, pedaling his feet on the wall next to him, and fleeing directly into the distance.

For so long, the reason why he has not been caught is because he ran away whenever he had the opportunity, like a timid mouse, only hiding in the gloomy stinking ditch.

Lei Hui, who was transformed into a werewolf, was extremely fast, touching the ground with all four claws, and walking on the wall as if he were flat on the ground.

But this time he met Wang Teng.

Hurry up!

Wang Teng’s speed skyrocketed instantly, and he rushed towards Lei Hui quickly.


Lei Hui heard the wind behind him and looked back, his expression suddenly changed.

The force of the wind system lingered on the two claws, forming claw blades, and swung far towards Wang Teng.


The wind blade rubs the air.

Wang Teng flickered slightly, avoiding the attack of the wind blade.

Lei Hui kept swinging, using the wind blade, trying to slow down Wang Teng.

However, although Wang Teng was dodging, his speed did not slow down at all, even faster and faster.

The distance between the two gradually shortened.

“Don’t do unnecessary struggles, you can’t run away.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Lei Hui said nothing. When Wang Teng approached him, he suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth to spray a ball of blue-black light.

The two were very close, and Wang Teng didn’t expect Lei Hui to spout an attack from his mouth, his heart jumped.

The corner of Lei Hui’s mouth was grinning.


The blue-black light ball was as fast as lightning, and it landed directly on Wang Teng’s body, then exploded, and the blue-black light flooded it.

“Being hit by me will undoubtedly die!”

Lei Hui was a little proud.

This was his last killer, and he only used it at the critical moment, just to make such unexpected contributions at this moment.

But when the light dissipated, he was surprised to find that Wang Teng was not injured at all, and a layer of earth-yellow force covered Wang Teng’s body.

“This is… a defensive combat technique!!” Lei Hui exclaimed in disbelief.

How could this be?

Lei Hui was almost autistic.

Why are his attacks restrained? Where is the freak that popped up in front of this young man?

Wang Teng was unscathed, taking advantage of Lei Hui’s daze, he rushed forward.

Just as Lei Hui wanted to avoid it, Wang Teng had already rushed past him. At the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the sky was spinning in front of him.

“Hey, who owns that shaggy body? How ugly!”

This thought popped up in Lei Hui’s mind, and then he lost consciousness and plunged into darkness.

At this moment, he has completely returned to the embrace of darkness!

The huge body crashed to the ground.

Wang Teng stepped forward and confirmed that he was completely dead, before he breathed a sigh of relief: “Finally, he is killed. This guy can really run.”

After Lei Hui died, several attribute bubbles floated up.

Pick it up!

【The Force of Wind *36】

【Intermediate Wind Talent*5】

【Dark Wind Bullet*1】

【Dark Force*8】

Wang Teng was slightly taken aback!

This Lei Hui actually exploded a lot of good things.

Needless to say, the force of the wind system and the force of darkness, these two types of forces are now at the 3-star warrior level, and there is still a long way to go before the breakthrough.

Then there is the mid-level wind system talent.

Wang Teng originally possessed the mid-level wind element talent, and he added 5 points of the mid-level wind element talent. Although there was no qualitative change, it also made him more sensitive to the force of the wind element between heaven and earth.

Intermediate wind system talent: 11500

Finally, there is a special combat technique-Dark Wind Bullet!

This combat technique was the last tactic used by Lei Hui just now.

good stuff!

Wang Teng stroked his chin, and the corners of his mouth gradually showed Old Yinbi’s smile.

At this time, Hao Zhengxing and others gathered together, looking at Lei Hui’s body on the ground, a little curious and a little afraid.

This dog is so chic!

What kind of determination does Lei Hui have to tolerate becoming such a monster?

They don’t understand.

“What the hell is this?” Hao Zhengxing couldn’t help asking.

Yuan Jing and others also looked at Wang Teng, hoping to get some answers from him.

“Darkness!” Wang Teng explained.

Since they have already met, there is nothing to hide. Besides, they will also need to know in the future. It makes no difference if they know it sooner or later.

“If you meet alone, you can run as far as possible, the result of hard steel will die out of all likelihood.” Wang Teng said.

Several people nodded hurriedly. They saw that they couldn’t even pierce the heart. They had to chop off their heads. It was obvious that this thing was not easy to kill.

They don’t have the strength of Wang Teng, and they certainly can’t do his ease.

“But it’s very strange. I’ve encountered another dark species before, and it will die if it pierces the heart. Isn’t this werewolf dark species different?” Wang Teng frowned.

“Could it be that his heart is weird.” Yuan Jing said.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, without saying anything, he took out the phone to inform the Nancheng District Police Station to come and pull the corpse.

People from the police station had been standing by nearby and rushed over immediately after receiving the notice.

Director Xin came to the scene in person and was shocked when he saw Lei Hui’s body: “Dark clock!!”

Wang Teng is not surprising, some high-level people must still be aware of the existence of the Dark Seed.

“What the hell is going on?” Director Xin asked.

“As you can see, Lei Hui transformed himself into a dark seed.” Wang Teng said.

“This bastard is so crazy, doesn’t he know what this means?” Director Xin said bitterly.

“Director Xin, the difficulty of this task is super, should we mention our bonus credits?” Wang Teng said.

“Yes, I will increase the reward to a corresponding level when I go back.” Director Xin nodded happily and smiled: “A few are really young and promising. They can kill the Dark Seed at such an age, and they will definitely have a bright future in the future.”

Hao Zhengxing and the others looked a little weird. They found out that Wang Teng’s vision for the task is no one. There will be accidents, and the rewards will be increased. I don’t know whether to say good or bad.

If ordinary students encounter this situation, let alone completing the task, whether they can save their lives is a problem.

“By the way, this Lei Hui is a little weird. I pierced his heart and didn’t kill him. Does Director Xin know the reason?” Wang Teng asked.

“There’s still such a thing?” Director Xin was startled, and said in deep thought: “This dark corpse our police station has no right to deal with it. It will definitely be handed over to the military department at that time. I will tell them about this situation and wait for the results of the autopsy. Come out, I will notify you.”

“Okay, then trouble!” Wang Teng said: “In addition, I always feel that Lei Hui returned to the East China Sea to be a plot, and how he obtained the method of transforming the Dark Seed is also worthy of further investigation. Director Xin should also mention it with the military. carry.”

“Well, don’t worry, we are more cautious than anyone in the dark species.” Director Xin said.

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