Chapter 21 Penta kill~

I’m so honest, so cooperative, so cute…

Why are they killing me?

Wang Teng did not understand!

Mom is right, a handsome and cute rich second generation like him must protect himself outside!

The outside world is too dangerous!

If you are not careful, your life is in danger.

He walked towards the lead robbers step by step, trembling all over…Killing them to death, must kill them, they are all wicked bad guys!


Two steps!

Getting closer, the other hostages cast pitying glances.

Although pitying, there was a trace of rejoicing in his eyes, rejoicing that it was not them who died first.

They are also shivering.

Such a cute boy, that group of robbers will not let go. It is really cruel and boundless. Why hasn’t the police helicopter come?

If you don’t come, they will die behind!

Kill them!

Kill them!

Wang Teng’s mentality collapsed.

He is very nervous now, his palms, back, and forehead are all sweat!

There is no other way except to kill them!

Three steps, four steps… Soon he was less than half a meter away from the lead robber.

“Hurry up! Get out!” the lead robber yelled impatiently.


Close enough!

Can’t wait any longer.

Wang Teng raised his head suddenly, bloodshot in his eyes.

“Why are you forcing me?”


The leading robber felt that Wang Teng was probably frightened, and he was already a bit incoherent.

But the next moment, several robbers and those hostages stared.

Taking the lead in the robbers is like hell!

What did he see?

The hostage who was just like a little sheep just now suddenly turned into an angry and crazy violent bear.

The momentum is different in an instant!


It all seems slow but fast!

The moment Wang Teng raised his head, he did not hesitate at all, his heart was as firm as iron, and he stepped on his feet suddenly.


The tiled floor just shattered, and rubble splashed all around.

The strength under his feet rose, and Wang Teng suddenly pushed out. Wang Teng, like an arrow crossbow shot, instantly culled in front of the leading robber.

Extreme speed, micro-level physical skills, full-scale explosion!

It takes less than a second to cross directly at a distance of less than half a meter.

The lead robber could see but couldn’t keep up.

Wang Tengyun’s fist was like a hammer, holding it high and smashing it down, his fist constantly enlarged in the other’s horrified eyes.


As soon as the second half of his word was spoken, Wang Teng’s full blow had already hit him on the head.


How terrifying is the power of more than a thousand kilograms!

Probably like a big truck running over from the head!


The sound is crisp, and a great watermelon is so broken!



Wang Teng didn’t feel the slightest feeling at this time. His mind was full of death crisis. Now one has been killed, and there are four left!

They have guns, it’s terrible!

Must fight quickly!

So he didn’t stop at all.

He grabbed the lead robber’s body and smashed the scarface robber behind him.

Wang Teng bullied himself up.

At this moment, his head is running at high speed, and the basic combat skills he has mastered seem to be integrated.

Shenfa blends into speed.

Swordsmanship, swordsmanship, integrated into boxing.

Without weapons in his hands, his fists are swords and his legs are swords.

The body of the leading robber hit Scarface and caught him off guard. Wang Teng swept from the left with a kick like a knife.


The sound of broken bones came out clearly!


He flew horizontally, hit the wall, vomiting blood, tilted his head, and lost consciousness.


Pop! Pop! Pop!

The other three robbers looked terrified, but finally reacted and shot Wang Teng one after another.

Bullets poured out under the action of runes, faster and stronger.

call out!

The bullet seemed to tear the air, carrying a piercing and sharp sound, pointing straight to the vitals of Wang Teng’s body.

Head, heart, thighs…

Wang Teng had been prepared for a long time, he got the scar face with one blow, and his body shrank…

A perfect donkey rolling!

Hidden under the workbench.


The bullet hit the wall, directly blasting the wall out of a large hole.

Wang Teng took a look, feeling lingering.

Fortunately, I didn’t rashly resist before!

This kind of power is definitely a blood hole in the body, even the physique of a senior warrior can’t hold it.

The thought just turned.

He immediately grabbed a chair in front of him and threw it out, but he sprang out from the other side.

The three robbers were tense, saw something flying out, and subconsciously fired several shots at it.

“not good!”

But as soon as the gun was fired, they knew something bad!

Wang Teng didn’t give them time to regret, he killed him from the other side, blasted out with a punch, and hit a robber in the temple.

The robber shook his body and fell to the ground with a splash.


Get one again.

Then turned to a robber two meters away from him.

Wang Teng remembered the other person, he was the first person to say that he was going to get rid of himself.

Therefore, he made a heavier shot. He hugged his hands together and hit the hammer as usual, knocking the robber upside down and flying three meters away.


Pop! Pop!

The last robber drove before.

Seeing that Wang Teng was so fierce at this time, several of his comrades had no more than a few tricks under Wang Teng’s hands, and they died and were seriously injured.

Frightened, he couldn’t help but regress, and hurriedly fired a few shots at Wang Teng!

Wang Teng’s figure flashed, and he came to his side and punched, which was the simplest piercing sword in basic swordsmanship.

one move!

Another trick!

The robber fell.


None of the five robbers were spared. From Wang Teng’s sudden uprising to the end of the battle, it took less than a minute!

Those hostages are all stunned!

He opened his mouth wide, but couldn’t make a sound.

The injured middle-aged woman also seemed to have forgotten the pain temporarily and looked at him blankly.

The same hostage, why are you so good! So fierce!

They were trembling together, but you killed the robbers. You must be the devil, right?


The five robbers all fell, Wang Teng’s tense spirit relaxed, and he was gasping for breath.


A wave of fatigue surged to the body.

Although this battle lasted only a few tens of seconds, his spirit was tense just under the crisis of life and death, his adrenaline secreted sharply, and his body functions were running at a high speed, which was very exhausting to his mind and body.

“Why are you forcing me?”

Wang Teng muttered to himself, his eyes swept across the room, his face suddenly turned pale.

The horror of the gangsters made his stomach roll, and bursts of stomach acid seemed to gush from his throat.

He hurriedly put aside the beginning, just to meet the eyes of the hostages.

These people were full of horror, and they were also pale, and some even vomited in the corner.

They looked at Wang Teng with weird eyes, not at all looking at a pure high school student…

On the contrary, it is like watching a perverted murderer!

“I said I’m a good person, do you believe it?” Wang Teng asked sincerely.

The several hostages shook their heads subconsciously, but they reacted immediately and nodded desperately.

It’s just that the expression of guilty conscience is not at all convincing…

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