Chapter 20 So, I can only kill them! ! !


Extremely dangerous! !

It was the first time that Wang Teng II was a human being when someone held a gun to his head.

Between life and death, there is a big horror!

Although he was born again once, he has not really experienced death. That time he was completely asleep and then awoke.

It is totally incomparable with the situation at this time.

The muzzle of the black hole was like a big mouth opened by a terrifying behemoth. After the big mouth is the Hell of the Forest, waiting to swallow him in one mouthful.

fear! Horrified!

For an instant, Wang Teng’s whole body stiffened, and his soul couldn’t help shaking.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, even if he has practiced martial arts in his life, he has never encountered such a battle.

And at such a close distance, he clearly saw the silver lines on the pistol gun body.

Force Rune!

Therefore, this is a rune firearm, which is a fatal threat to high-level warriors and even warriors!

Even if he reached a speed of 100 meters for 2 seconds, and his body skills were subtle, he did not dare to move with the rune gun against his head.

“Damn it!”

Wang Teng cursed secretly in his heart, and then decisively counseled!


Without any hesitation, just talk about it.

“Don’t shoot, I will cooperate!”

Wang Teng said quickly, fearing that the other party was upset, and shot him down.

No way!

It’s terrible, I can’t help but shiver!

“Honestly, don’t want to play tricks, otherwise it will let you taste the taste of guns.”

Scarface pushed Wang Teng a bit, and said in a nasty voice.

Wang Teng was forced to join their escape team.

He secretly observed that there were five people in this group, and each of them was wearing a rune gun. Judging from their breath, they were at least an intermediate warrior.

When Wang Teng glanced over the three of them, he couldn’t help but pause.

They all carried a big bag, stuffed inside, and from the gap where the zipper was not tightened, a lot of banknotes could be vaguely seen.

“Isn’t this group… robbed the bank?”

“I remember that there is indeed a bank not far ahead…”

Suddenly, Wang Teng felt that things seemed a bit uncomfortable, and he seemed to be involved in a very troublesome matter.

“So, they just passed by and I accidentally became a hostage?”

Wang Teng was a bit speechless.

He feels very innocent and very unlucky!

Back home, unexpectedly ran into a robber!

It doesn’t matter if you run into it. Why don’t so many people take him hostage?

Isn’t this bullying?

Little did he know that Scarface was just watching him drive a supercar, and the rich second-generation weight was heavier than ordinary people, so he was taken hostage.

Under the captivity of a group of robbers, Wang Teng turned into a small alley, and then ran around in the small alley again. I don’t know how long he ran.

He pretended to have kidney deficiency, and was panting without running two steps.

“What’s the matter, this rich second-generation sleeping woman sleeps too much, it seems like this.”

One of the robbers didn’t know whether it was envy or jealousy. Seeing that Wang Teng was not pleasing to his eyes, he cursed with disdain.

“Otherwise, just do it with him, and it will get in the way.” Another robber in a hat said fiercely.

Foggy grass!

When Wang Teng heard this, he was shocked.

This person is too cruel, isn’t it just running slower? Want to kill at every turn, do you want to be so cruel?

“Don’t, don’t kill me, I can run, and I will definitely be able to keep up with you.” Wang Teng said in a panic.

“Forget it, I’m all brought here. It’s not two steps away. It’s fine when I get in the car.” said the leading robber.

Several people ran for nearly ten minutes. Although Wang Teng looked half-tired, he still kept up with them.

On the side of an old street, a white van was parked.

A robber opened the door of the car and stuffed Wang Teng in. The van started with a roar.

The van was racing through the city.

Suddenly, the sound of a police car whistling came from behind the car.

“Grass, the police are catching up!” The robber slapped the steering wheel and stepped heavily on the accelerator. The van suddenly rushed out.

“Listen to the van in front, pull the car to the side immediately, and pull the car to the side immediately…”

“Sand sculptures!”

The robber who was driving put his hand out of the car and raised his middle finger to the rear.

“Go to the right and go up the viaduct!” The robber said calmly.

The robber immediately turned the steering wheel while driving.

The front of the car turned sharply, the rear of the car swayed for a certain distance, and a long trace was drawn on the ground, and then it moved quickly to the right.

The police car behind rushed far forward, and then hurriedly stopped the car and turned the front of the car to chase the van.

Police cars and vans are chasing me on the main road.

Many vehicles collided, causing traffic jams, and the road rage driver poked his head out and shouted.

“Listen to the van in front, if you don’t stop, we will shoot!”

The robbers were all on the ears.


What followed was a gunshot, but it was shot into the sky. There were so many people in the city that the police did not dare to shoot indiscriminately.

This shot is entirely for shock!

But the robbers are not good, the more frightened, the more fierce they are.

Scarface used the gun directly at Wang Teng, leaned out of the car, and shouted: “Dare to shoot, I will destroy him first!”

Wang Teng felt like a rag doll.

Weak and helpless!

The van was galloping on the viaduct, and the wind blew his hair, making him feel a mess.

“Who did I provoke me?”

Wang Teng asked the sky silently.

Sure enough, the police car behind him did not dare to shoot again, and Scarface pulled Wang Teng back into the car.

I saw that he proudly said to the other robbers: “Look, here is the benefit of taking hostages.”

“Good job!”

The robbers took the lead and praised.

Wang Teng rolled his eyes, and said inwardly, “You are such a clever ghost!”

It’s a pity that they are too happy!

More than a dozen police cars chased and intercepted all the way. The robbers underestimated the police’s determination. The robbers were so cunning that they were eventually blocked in front of an office building.

“Damn, isn’t it just taking some money to spend? As for chasing so closely?”

“Shut up all to me!” The leading robber shouted with a cold face.

They had to get off the car, carry Wang Teng, and retreat to the office building.

“You are already surrounded, you are already surrounded, quickly disarm and surrender…” The police horn kept coming out of voices.

The robber ignored it and rushed directly into the office building.

It was already time for get off work, and most people had already left work, and there was not a single figure in the hall.

Several robbers went up to the third floor and might want to occupy the commanding heights.

On the third floor is a clothing design company. There are several professional men and women who are still working overtime, including more women.

Several robbers kicked the door open and rushed in.


A robber fired a shot.

The screams of several female white-collar workers to their lips turned into horrified screams.

The leading robber pulled the trigger at a middle-aged woman, and the other party was shot in the thigh and screamed.

This middle-aged woman seems to have a high position in the company.

Before the robbers rushed in, she was berating her subordinates, but in a blink of an eye, it became so miserable.

Seeing the blood, the other female white-collar workers screamed again.

“Shut up, whoever yells again, Lao Tzu killed her directly!” The leading robber shouted coldly.

The white-collar workers covered their mouths one after another, for fear that they would make a little noise and be killed by the robbers as a birdie.

The middle-aged woman who was shot also tried her best to suppress the painful grunt in her throat.

There was cold sweat on her forehead.

Wang Teng frowned when he saw it. These robbers were really vicious and they didn’t put human life in their eyes at all. They were crazy.

“Give me to the corner to hold my head and squat down. Who dares to look for trouble, be careful that my gun does not have eyes.”

The robber shook his gun and made everyone squat into the corner.

Wang Teng was not so lucky. He was caught by the window and looked down.

A dozen or twenty police vehicles surrounded the office building, and one by one policemen pointed their guns at the windows of the building.

“Big brother, what should I do?” Scar’s face asked with an ugly expression.

The lead robber didn’t answer, but fired a shot, scaring the policemen below to hide behind the bunker.

“Listen to me. Within an hour, prepare a helicopter for us. If we don’t see the helicopter for more than a minute, we will kill one hostage! If it takes more than two minutes, we will kill two…until the killing is complete!”

Not only did the police hear his words, but also Wang Teng and the other hostages in the building.

The staff of those fashion design companies turned pale with fright.

Wang Teng’s heart also lifted up, his expression ugly.


Five robbers, five rune guns, he was not sure.

It seems that we can only pin our hopes on the police, hoping that they will get the helicopter ready on time.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed quickly.

However, the helicopter did not appear.

The hostages looked desperate.

“It’s going to be more than a minute. If it doesn’t make it, we can only kill one hostage.” The leader yelled at the police car below.

“Don’t be impulsive, the helicopter is already on the way, and it will be there soon.” The person in charge below was anxiously sweating and said loudly with a loudspeaker.

The leading robber didn’t say a word.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that for whatever reason, as long as the time is exceeded, he will kill a person.

One minute, in a blink of an eye!

“Boy, you, come here!” The leading robber pointed at Wang Teng and said.

“Unlucky for you kid!”

Scarface gave a grinning smile, pushing Wang Teng towards the lead robber.

Wang Teng sighed and felt that he must have not read the almanac when he went out today. That’s why he was so unlucky.

He thought he was a hostage honestly, and when the robber’s goal was achieved, he would release himself, but now it seems that he wants to be simple.

“Can’t just wait and die!”

“There is no retreat. They want to kill me, but I don’t want to die. I am still young, and I have finally been born again. How can I die here?”

“Absolutely not!”

“No one can kill me. My new life has just begun. There are still many regrets that need to be made up, and there are still many things that I have not done… In this life, I still have to be filial to my parents. I want to become a martial artist and make them proud. I also want to see what another world is like…”

“I don’t want to die…”

“I don’t want to die, so I can only kill them!!!”

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