Chapter 166 I seem to smell the scent of the trench (3 is the leader of the simple uncle)

It has only been more than a month since the martial arts test, and the new students have basically stayed in their original state. Intermediate martial arts and even advanced martial arts, and even if enrolled nationwide, there are not many extreme martial arts, let alone. Musha.

Some students with profound backgrounds may have tried to break through the martial artist, but such people are only a minority, and all universities in the country together, it will not exceed the number of ten fingers.

For students from ordinary family backgrounds, it is even more impossible to become a martial artist without the force technique.

They can only wait until the beginning of school, then accumulate credits, exchange the Force technique from the school, and then try to break through the martial artist.

So when they heard that Wang Teng was already a warrior, all the people present were very shocked.

“Student Wang Teng, how did you do it? I heard that it is very difficult to break through the martial artist.” The thin boy Hou Pingliang asked in astonishment.

“It’s just good luck.” Wang Teng smiled faintly.

The senior’s name was Zhu Tao, and he shook his head and said: “This is not the word luck that can be summed up in a word, let alone luck is also a kind of strength.”

“But how did you see Xue Lin?” Hou Liangping asked in confusion.

“Feeling!” The heroic girl Lin Xue raised her chin slightly and spit out two words.

“…Feeling” Hou Liangping was a little dazed, it turned out to be based on feeling.

“…” Wang Teng was also a little speechless, was he actually seen through by a girl by feeling?

“Learn about a woman’s sixth sense.” Lin Xue hummed lightly.

“Hahaha…” Lin Xue’s parents couldn’t help laughing.

“You said, how many new martial artists can we have in our school this year?” Lin Xue asked.

“It’s too much to be able to have one or two. In previous years, sometimes there was not even one. After all, it is not so easy to break through the martial artist.” Zhu Tao said.

“Many people actually choose to come to school to make a breakthrough again, because there are the best instructors here who can give the most correct guidance in practice, so that they can avoid many detours. Anyway, it will not be too short of time.” Hou Pingliang’s father said Suddenly he said.

“Uncle is right. The school’s tutor has taught too many students, basically when will they be able to break through, or what kind of exercises to choose, the success rate is higher, etc… They are all clear.” Zhu Tao said.

“That’s why we squeezed our heads and let our children go to top universities.” Lin Xue’s parents said with emotion.

Next, several people’s attitude towards Wang Teng changed faintly, and they would involuntarily ask his views when they talked.

Unconsciously treat Wang Teng as a person of the same class.

Although he is a student, his identity as a warrior cannot be ignored.

Zhu Tao took Wang Teng and a few people around the school, and will introduce what buildings they encounter along the way, so that they can have a preliminary understanding of the school.

In fact, there are still many places that have not been visited. The entire martial arts area occupies a very large area and time is limited. Zhu Tao only introduced a few major buildings.

Ten minutes later, he took Wang Teng and a few people to the dormitory area.

“The three-story building in front is the’residence management office.’ Your information has been entered. You can ask the staff inside which dormitory to assign, as long as you show the admission notice.” Zhu Tao said.

Then Wang Teng walked into the’Suguan Office’, where there were a lot of new students and more than a dozen staff members.

The staff is checking registration for freshmen and assigning dormitory keys.

“Go over there, it’s almost done over there.” Zhu Tao pointed to a workbench. The staff over there was handing the key to a freshman, and the handover was obviously completed.

Seeing a few people from Wang Teng coming, the staff said: “Please show me the admission notice.”

Both Wang Teng and Hou Pingliang allowed the girls to let Lin Xue go first.

She immediately handed over the admission notice. The staff member checked on the computer, then found a key from the drawer, handed it to Lin Xue along with the admission notice, and said:

“Dormitory No. 23, Ding District, a quadruple room.”

Lin Xue quickly received the admission notice and the key, and said “thank you”.

Wang Teng was a little dazed, feeling that the distribution of the dormitory seemed a little different from that of ordinary universities in the past.

“No. 23 in Ding District, the ranking is very high!” Zhu Tao said with some surprise: “When I first entered school, it was No. 97 in Ding District!”

“Senior, what do you say about No. 23 in Ding District?” Wang Teng asked.

At the same time, Hou Liangping was paying attention to their conversation, and at the same time, he took out the admission notice and asked the staff to inquire.

Zhu Tao took the time to explain: “The dormitory in our martial arts professional area is divided into four areas, namely A, B, C, D and D. D. D is generally a residential area for new students. There are a total of No. 300. Each room is a quadruple room, which can accommodate 1,000. Two hundred people!”

“In Zone C, only 1 star warrior-level warriors can move in, and when they come to warriors, they are all single rooms. There is also room No. 300 in total in Zone C, which can accommodate 300 people.”

“Room 200 in District B is a single room, but the facilities are much better than those in Districts Bing and Ding. You need 2 stars and 3 star warriors to move in.”

“The last area in District A is room 100, where the top 100 warriors in the school live, and the strength is at least 3 stars or more. The facilities there are the best among all the accommodation areas, and the accommodations are basically seniors. Senior elder sister, very few juniors and juniors can live in.”

“In addition, the entire dormitory area is mixed gender…”

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, do you live in a mixed gender? This is a benefit he didn’t enjoy in his previous life!

Zhu Tao said amusedly: “Don’t think about being crooked. Mixed male and female living means living together in the dormitory area, like a quadruple room. It is still four girls living together. It is impossible to assign a boy to go in.”

“Ahem, senior, you think too much, how can I be such an honest person,” Wang Tengyi said righteously.

Everyone squinted at him immediately, meaning inexplicable and profound, but the meaning is beyond words…

Zhu Tao continued: “On the side of martial arts majors, everything that doesn’t talk about qualifications depends on strength to speak.

So there is no distinction between freshman and senior three or four here.

As long as you are strong enough, you can live in the top-ranked dormitories, and you can even challenge the top 100 students. As long as you can win, you can replace the other party.

And even senior elder sisters, if they are not strong enough, they will be squeezed behind, without any exception.

In a sense, this kind of residency is also a symbol of honor. The closer you live, the stronger your strength. ”

“Is the strong respected? Really very martial arts!” Wang Teng nodded.

“You live in Room 18 in Ding District.” At this time, the voice of the staff came again.

Hou Pingliang’s dormitory has been allocated, No. 18, Ding District, a little bit ahead of Lin Xue.

Unexpectedly, Hou Pingliang was thin and small, and actually stronger than Lin Xue, Wang Teng was a little surprised.

But think about it, Hou Pingliang’s father is not a simple stuff, and the children he cultivated will naturally not be weak.

However, Lin Xue glanced at Hou Pingliang, and seemed a little unconvinced.

It was Wang Teng’s turn. After the same procedure, the staff looked up in shock and said, “Wang Teng, room No. 1 in District C!”

“What, I heard that right?” Zhu Tao exclaimed.

“Yes, it’s No. 1 in District C!” The staff member glanced at the computer again and said affirmatively.

“I rely on, Wang Teng’s younger brother, you are very popular. It is not uncommon for freshmen to live in District C as soon as they enter the school, but it is the first time to live directly in No. 1. There has never been such a thing before.” Zhu Tao couldn’t keep calm, and said in surprise.

“Uh…is there such an exaggeration?” Wang Teng wondered.

“You don’t understand, the No. 1 room in each district has a special meaning, and it almost represents the strongest in that group. You are a freshman, and you stand in that position as soon as you enroll, and you will definitely become the target of public criticism.” Zhu Tao Said with a solemn expression.

“Could someone still come to trouble me?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“There will be 80%, you… do it yourself.” Zhu Tao patted Wang Teng on the shoulder, with a sorrowful expression.

“(⊙o⊙)…” Wang Teng said with no panic, and he groaned for a moment: “If it’s a big deal, I’ll harden the steel so that they understand that I am eligible to live in this room No. 1.”

“Your heart is really big. There are many senior 1-star warriors in Zone C, with rich practical experience. How can you be their opponent as a rookie-level freshman?” Zhu Tao rolled his eyes.

“Hehe, if I tell you, Xiaoye, I’m already a 3-star warrior-level warrior, I’m afraid I won’t scare you to death.” Hehe in Wang Teng’s heart, he didn’t say anything.

Lin Xue and Hou Pingliang couldn’t help but glance at each other, feeling a deep sense of frustration. Fortunately, they are still in District D. Wang Teng has already gone to District C. It is still Room 1. The gap is a bit far away.

After exiting the’Suguan Office’ building, Wang Teng followed Zhu Tao to the right and walked through a forest along the cobblestone path. The student accommodation area completely appeared in front of them.

“This… is our dormitory??”

Both Hou Liangping and Lin Xue were dumbfounded. Before they came, their parents told them that the school accommodation conditions were very good, but they didn’t say that they were so good. It was completely different from what they thought.

Sure enough, poverty limits our imagination!

Wang Teng was also stunned and looked at Zhu Tao.

“Yes, this is our dormitory area.” Zhu Tao nodded and smiled: “How about it, isn’t it a bit too good?”

“A bit unexpected.” Wang Teng said.

It is not the usual high-rise dormitory buildings, but rows of exquisite wooden houses, only two or three stories high, and the surrounding scenery is pleasant, just like a high-end residential area.

“Is our school so rich?” Lin Xue asked dumbfounded.

Her parents are only non-combat warriors, and although the salary is higher than that of ordinary staff, they are not as rich as actual warriors, so the environment in front of them really shocked her.

“I don’t know about other schools, but our Huanghai is not short of this amount of money.” Zhu Tao said with a rich wealth.

“Tsk, I seem to smell the moat, it’s really intoxicating.”

Wang Teng closed his eyes and felt it, then smashed his mouth.

“…” Zhu Tao couldn’t laugh or cry.

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