Chapter 165 Entrance (2 more seeking subscription and monthly pass)

college town.

Today is September 1, and students and parents can be seen everywhere on the road.

Some students are pulling their suitcases by themselves, and they seem to be familiar with the road. Such students are generally old students.

Others are accompanied by their parents, carrying large bags and dressing up and appearing a bit rustic, and they are just new students entering school.

Huang Haijun Academy.

At the school gate, some parents of students gathered at this moment.

However, compared with ordinary schools, there are not so many people and it does not appear crowded.

In the previous life, military schools generally opened earlier. Many schools were already open on the tenth of August, and some were even more frenzied, and they were due to report in early August.

This kind of “early opening” of the military academy is to teach all freshmen a lesson to tell them that military academies are different!

In this life, the college entrance examination time was postponed to July due to the Wu Kao, so the start of the school is also set to be on September 1st today.

At this moment, Wang Teng was a little bit emotional. In his previous life, he had only taken a Pheasant University exam, and his feelings were very different from what he is now completely unable to compare.

At the freshman registration area, several long tables are put together, with a camouflage-style parasol above the head, and several seniors in military uniforms are welcoming the freshmen underneath.

Seeing Wang Teng stepping forward, a tall and tall young man in military uniform smiled and said, “Is it a freshman, are you here alone?”

“Yes.” Wang Teng answered.

“It’s really rare to report in alone.” The young man was a little surprised, and said, “Show me the admission notice.”

Wang Teng didn’t say much, and handed the admission notice to the other party.

“Wang Teng!”

Seeing the name on the admission notice, the young man couldn’t help calling out.

“What? Wang Teng!”

“Is that Wang Teng?”

A few seniors and elder sisters next to him suddenly looked over and looked at Wang Teng curiously.

“Are you the champion in Donghai’s martial arts exam this year?” the young man asked.

“It’s me.” Wang Teng nodded helplessly, feeling a little headache.

Sure enough, when the young man said the words of the champion in the martial arts exam, the students and parents around him also looked at him.

“Wuhan champion, it’s really amazing!”

“Is he that Wang Teng? I finally saw the real person today.”

“I just listened to him during the summer vacation, and my ears could hear the callus, and my mother always used him to educate me.”

Some are freshmen from other provinces. They don’t know Wang Teng, but they know the weight of the champion in the martial arts exam. The simple feeling is very powerful.

Others are natives of the East China Sea, who have really heard Wang Teng’s name too many times, but today is the first time I saw a real person, and I found it very strange.

“Okay, okay, everyone don’t look around Wang Teng’s younger brother, they all look at him embarrassed.” The young man waved his hand at the others, and then returned the admission notice to Wang Teng and treated him. Smile apologetically.

“Brother, wait a while, wait for a few more martial arts candidates, and I will send you there.”

The martial arts candidates are separated from the literary candidates, and the number of martial arts candidates is obviously smaller than that of the literary candidates. After a while, three freshmen came.

“I’ll leave it to you here. I will send them to the dormitory first.”

“go Go.”

The young man informed the others, waved his hands, and walked towards the school with Wang Teng and others.

Except for Wang Teng, the other two freshmen have their parents following.

One of them looked quite thin, but his father was the only one to accompany him.

The other was a girl, about 1.7 meters tall, and she seemed to be heroic, and her parents were here.

“Uncle should be a soldier, right?” The senior who walked in the front suddenly looked back and asked the thin boy’s father.

“I can see it.” The thin boy’s father didn’t deny it, smiled and nodded.

“Your temperament looks like a senior.” The senior smiled.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Teng also knew that the thin boy’s father was an active soldier in a certain military department, and he was also a warrior.

“It’s no wonder that I felt a faint pressure from him, definitely more than a 3-star warrior level.” Wang Teng secretly said.

He glanced at the other person without a trace, and the other person seemed to be able to sense it, and nodded at him with a smile.

The girl’s parents are also martial artists, and both of them work in the Guardian, and are non-combat fighters.

On the way, they chatted with the thin boy’s father.

Walking on the campus, the senior introduced it to a few people.

“Today’s schools are generally divided into two areas. The road we are walking now is the main road, with the martial arts area on the right and other general areas on the left.”

Wang Tengxiang looked at both sides. It was obvious that there were more people in the general professional area. Looking from a distance, you could see the figures in twos and threes.

In the martial arts area, there are few people in sight, and it seems very quiet.

“Let’s go this way.” The senior took Wang Teng and the others at an intersection ahead, turned right, and then walked inward along the trail.

After about a few minutes, the senior pointed to a huge building and said:

“That building is the actual combat hall of the school. It provides various weapons and various actual combat equipment. Then you can go in for training after you apply for a student card and pay a certain amount of credits.”

“That building is a library, but on the side of our martial arts major, it is called Cangshu Pavilion. It contains thousands of exercises and combat skills. Of course, it also requires credits and is very expensive, but compared to the outside, it is cheap. NS.”

“Gongfa! Combat skills!”

The two freshmen have bright eyes and are admitted to the university’s martial arts major. What are they for?

Isn’t it just for the various resources such as exercises and tactics?

Outside the school, I want to get a force technique or a force combat technique. I don’t know how difficult it is. Every practice or combat technique is expensive, and ordinary people simply can’t afford it.

And you may not be able to meet the one that suits you.

However, in the university, there is a whole collection of original force techniques and combat skills for students to choose, as long as they have credits.

No wonder it is said that college is an important choice in life.

Wang Teng also flashed his eyes and asked, “Senior, how do we get credits?”

“Your instructor will introduce you to this when the time comes, so I won’t go over and do it for you.” The senior said with a smile.

Wang Teng did not ask any more.

“Student Wang Teng, are you already a martial artist?” the heroic girl asked.

“Yes.” Wang Teng admitted directly without concealing it.

The martial arts test scores all marked his realm, and other people may not know it, but those who should know must know it, and there is no point in concealing it.

What’s more, he is now a 3-star warrior, not a 1-star warrior.

“Then you should get credits easier than ordinary freshmen.” The girl said with a hint of surprise and admiration in her eyes.

All of them looked at Wang Teng in shock. Only the thin boy’s father seemed to have seen something long ago, and he still looked plain.

“Student Wang Teng is really good. He is already a martial artist before entering university.” The girl’s father exclaimed.

“I thought that you came in as the champion in the martial arts exam. It’s amazing. I didn’t expect that you are already a martial artist.” The senior smiled bitterly.

Generally speaking, it takes at least two or three months for students with good talents to be promoted to martial artists at university, while those with poor talents may have to wait until the next semester or even longer. Wang Teng has undoubtedly left most of them. Behind.

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