Chapter 154 All beings are suffering, only self-dealing!

Wang Teng spent a long time talking, and finally let Li Xiumei accept the fact that he made 580 million yuan a month!

Li Xiumei took her cellphone and counted the numbers on it twice, enjoying it.

“Unexpectedly, my mother is still a money fan!”

Wang Teng thought silently aside.

In the afternoon, he did not go out at all and stayed at home to accompany Li Xiumei.

After all, after experiencing that kind of thing, even if Li Xiumei has always been calm, Wang Teng can see that her heart is not as calm as she seems.

Li Xiumei did not say that Wang Teng would naturally not bring it up in person.

The face that my mother doesn’t want?

Yan Qing hobbled on a mountain path. The bleeding had stopped at the severed arm, but his face was extremely pale because of excessive blood loss.

With his broken arm in his left hand, he gritted his teeth and walked up the mountain.

Half an hour later, he stopped…

There is a grave in front of you!

Yan Qing walked up, knelt down suddenly, looked at the tombstone in front of him, and said nothing.

Kneel until the sunset.

He just said in a hoarse voice: “Dad, Mom, you said, am I really wrong?”

“That kid, shouldn’t I shoot her?”

“But I hate it. Why can the evildoer be at ease? And I can only guard your graves, suffering day and night, desperate for life!”

“What’s wrong with me killing them?”

Yan Qing hissed up to the sky, the kind of pain that outsiders probably couldn’t understand.

The next moment, he couldn’t cry.

Kneeling at the tomb, crying like a homeless child.

The Buddha said: All living beings are suffering, and they can only overcome themselves!

Yan Qing at this time, I don’t know if she can realize it…

In the evening, Wang Shengguo returned home after seven o’clock. Li Xiumei didn’t tell him about it at noon, so he still knows nothing.

He walked into the house and saw a small person sitting quietly on the sofa, suddenly looking stunned.

“Doudou?” He was a little uncertain, and hurriedly shouted at Li Xiumei in the kitchen: “Wife, what’s the matter?”

“Be quiet, you scared the child.” Li Xiumei walked out of the kitchen and said angrily.

“Okay, well, I’ll be quiet.” Wang Shengguo immediately lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: “If I remember correctly, that is the daughter of Wang Fugui’s family, why did you come to our house?”

“Wang Fugui’s family… gone!” Li Xiumei sighed.

“No, no more?” Wang Shengguo repeated uncertainly.

What’s the meaning? Why am I a little bit confused? ?

“Yeah!” Li Xiumei nodded, and then told Wang Shengguo what had happened at noon.

“Why didn’t you inform me about such a big matter, and it was so dangerous, how could you rush to it?” After Wang Shengguo heard it, his face changed, and he rebuked with some lingering fears.

“The situation was urgent at the time. If I didn’t show up, that young man would really kill Doudou. How can I bear her for a child like her!” Li Xiumei said.

“You…oh!” Wang Shengguo sighed, and didn’t know what to say about Li Xiumei.

From his perspective, Li Xiumei naturally does not want to take risks.

But from Li Xiumei’s point of view, it’s okay if I didn’t see this incident, and if I didn’t take action after seeing it, it would inevitably leave the seeds of guilt in my heart. If I can’t pass that hurdle, it’s possible that my heart will be uneasy for the rest of my life.

Have a clear conscience!

Simple to say, but too difficult to do!

With so many people present, only Li Xiumei shot.

This is the human heart.

“The world is unpredictable. Wang Fugui has done a lot of charity over the years, but he still can’t escape the disaster.” Wang Shengguo sighed: “Poor Doudou, who has no parents at such a young age, what can I do in the future? ”

“Causal cycle. Some things can be written off without doing charity after all.” Wang Teng walked downstairs at this time and said lightly: “In this matter, I think that young man is not wrong, his parents’ hatred. , Don’t share the sky.”

Wang Shengguo looked at Wang Teng. He had learned from Li Xiumei what Wang Teng had done, and his expression was a bit complicated.

It is both gratifying and emotional.

“Then why do you want to break his arm? You already know that he didn’t really want to kill your mother, but just frightened her. If you break his arm, you have forgotten hatred.” Wang Shengguo looked at him. .

“First, whether he wants to kill my mother or not, since he takes the shot, he has to bear the consequences. Second, this world emphasizes the weak and the strong. I am better than him, so I have the final say.

If it wasn’t for him that he really didn’t want to kill my mother, his life experience would be rather pitiful. At that time, it was not his arm that I had cut off, but his head. “Wang Teng said bluntly and murderously.

Wang Shengguo took a deep look at him and sighed: “You have indeed grown up and have your own way of being in the world. I am very proud of you.”

“Don’t cut people at every turn, it looks like a murderous demon.” Li Xiumei said with a glaring look at Wang Teng.


Why did I become a murderer? ?

But the master of the mother had already spoken, Wang Teng naturally had to admit it, and quickly said: “What you always said is that your son will definitely be a kind person in the future.”

“Don’t give me poor, go wash your hands and prepare to eat.” Li Xiumei left Wang Teng and his son behind and went into the kitchen to serve food.

Soon after the food was on the table, Li Xiumei took the little girl Doudou and placed it on the seat next to Wang Teng.

The little one was sitting in a chair, only his head exceeded the height of the dining table.

The little girl has been quiet since she woke up in the afternoon, crying or making trouble, sitting on the sofa alone, wringing her fingers awkwardly.

“Doudou, are you hungry? Would you like to have a meal with your aunt, uncle, and your brother Wang Teng?” Li Xiumei squatted beside her, coaxing softly.

The little girl nodded obediently, her voice was tender and milky: “Okay!”

“Mom, she is too young to reach, so she has to be elevated,” Wang Teng said.

“I know, this is not just a way.” Li Xiumei was spinning around in the living room, trying to find something to raise Doudou a little bit.

“Auntie, I can eat like this, I can reach it.” Doudou got up, knelt on the chair, and said word by word.

“Oh, how can I do it, my knees hurt.” Li Xiumei said distressedly, and quickly hugged her.

Wang Teng thought for a while, and went upstairs to remove a pile of books from the room and put them on a chair: “Here, this is high enough.”

“Thank you, Brother Wang Teng!” Doudou looked at Wang Teng and whispered.

“Hey, come, let’s eat.” Wang Teng rubbed her head, rubbing her mushroom head a little messy.

It feels really…good!

Several people went to the table for dinner. Li Xiumei sat on Doudou’s left hand and kept picking her vegetables, asking her what she likes to eat and if she would like someone to feed her… But Doudou insisted on eating it by herself, although it seemed a little clumsy, she didn’t take a while. Become a small tabby cat.

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